Saturday, August 20, 2022

It's Best to Eliminate 'Better' From Your Outerwear & Audibles

Maybe some 'Democrats In Name Only' (DINO) candidates can infiltrate election ballots in an 'ey for an eye' situation and then enter the political sector of employment to undermine and eliminate Pelosi-ism and Bidenists. Countering a RINO is important to the survival of the United States dollar as a method of purchasing goods and sadly in some households, bads too. 

However, until  that covert DINO injection into the legislatures emerges properly, here are replacements for the word 'Better' to resist sounding like a Democratic failure sound building back 'healthy, wealthy and wise' practices in communities where the name of 'Jesus Christ' is now actually being put to the test and the name of Moshe Ben Amram has still been proven to be an encouraging word to Yoshuaists.

Here is a list of acceptable and superior alternatives to 'better' that may be used properly in the DINO sectors worldwide and in the public  areas where counter-stupidity behavior is allowed: :

B) logically (1)

R) anti-virtually  (2)

A) sturdier (3)

Sh) more secure (4)

Y) without hypocrisy   (5)

Tav) naturally   ⚾ (6)

L) stronger (7)

H) exceptionally (8)

M) accurately (9) 

V) uncorruptible (10)

W) safer (10)

U) strategically (10)

O) protectively (X )

K & Ts ) exquisitely 

I) intelligently ('14 Hands' WINe audible)

P) properly (15)

N) decently (16)

T) tremendously (17)

D) cloudier (18)  ( Operation Locust:Street 🚭 ) This squad has to escape the 'Magnum P.I. fictional , idolatrous propaganda and understand the strategy of intentional headgear deception during warfare in heavenly and hellish places.  🚒 👮  ⛑ 🏈

Q) quietly (19)

Z) righteously (20)

G) defensively (21)

S)  in a stately manner (22)

Associated squad numbers are in parenthesis above.  Detroit = David Legwand in my Milwaukee Admiral hockey  analogies structural testing. 390 G's is stronger than 0 G's. 

 J & E  people have to try to get reassigned to another squad or go to '0' which is similar to  going to  הילל . Reassignment and relocation is not always probable and sometimes is no longer possible, as Milwaukee L.U.C.A.D. survivors such as me have learned in the recent 40 years.

I suggest you write this group of Canadian language words on a code card for reference, since I know for a fact that there are. 🟦  's on exceptional golf courses.

Since the REAR guard is not never the back of person in front of you, make sure you can twist your neck like a mother kangaroo to notice what anti-hologram is behind you when not in solitary refinement.

When on private property, the spokesman for the 'owner(s)' is to be blamed if that spokesman did not consult with the owner(s) before ejecting a person permanently from private  property where public taxation is assessed.

AF might be as careless as Air Force, but carelessness starts with being too proud to admit you have been wrong.

As I recall, I never assigned the letter 'F' to anyone in particular. 

 🐫  🦘 

Truly I enjoyed tremendous Friday golfing and dining indoors far more than I would have tolerated being in a live swine zone on private property in Armada, Michigan.

Russel Wilson isn't an  The Asterisk'  in my intelligently constructed coding system.

♣.  I really appreciate club colors.  It's very obvious to me that when a woman wants her cleavage to be displayed in public, her lewd display looks like a swine's sphincter perimeter area. 

Water ski suits on females are safer and more spiritually appropriate than a public display of  bikini wearers.  

 Whoever stole my water ski suit is still not forgiven and is guilty of theft.

📜  What a wonderful  7th day afternoon it is to rest, pray and think about ways to dethrone pro-abortion witches.

Vladimir Putin isn't pro-abortion. 🏒

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