I'd like to know which attitude is healthier for a amateur soccer program and maybe Peter Charles Monty could break the 'ty' game:
True Scenario 't': 1 man decided to pick up all the trash left behind by the immature, possibly mentally retarded ,adult soccer players on Sunday afternoon on the north side of Endeavor middle school , specifically the western field position. I verbally said 'what a bunch of pigs to leave all that trash behind' but certainly since I was not involved in that soccer league I was not going to do for free what they should have done for free, namely, put their own trash in the nearby trash receptacles. I'd prefer the entire league get ejected from the public grounds rather than have me work for free for a bunch of unthankful gamers. The 1 man was angry while picking up about 24-36 left behind beverage bottles, but certainly he has the power to eject the immature soccer people LITTERING from the casual league activity.
True Scenario 'y' : On the east field , less than a dozen adults were still playing games while they didn't choose to assist the 1 man who was probably trying to avoid losing soccer field rental privileges. I mentioned to the "Cabrera 24' representatives remaining adults playing rather than working today that there trash left behind on the south side of the goalies net , but they said 'That's not ours; we're not picking it up.'
It's possible that the 'Cabrera 24' team was either too lazy, too unthankful, or too much like Zelenskyy to be helpful to their team's reputation...but possibly it was a combination of all three. They might try to argue that they were afraid of contamination from the bottles, but since they were already having plenty of contact with the people that left their trash behind for some other 'honkie' ( as in 'Daughter or Son Goose' ) to pick up, that argument would be used to try to disguise their lack of a 'clean team' objective.
I mentioned Monty because after watching a 1993 Big Ten Football game against Jim Miller the 16th, I noticed how much healthier the football players looked in 1993 compared to the NFL players today. The 1993 football team looked like stronger and built more like Lincoln Logs compared to the current NFL players being built more like Tinker Toys. That's the best analogy I can use, and Lincoln Logs always produce a superior house than Tinker Toys.
Next, I''l explain in a more intricate manner than Mike Rowe what the actual plague of laziness is going to cause to households, states and churches that allow laziness and lack of discipline to continue.
What would Terrell Fletcher have said about all the trash left behind by the soccer players WHO DON"T CONSIDER THE PURPOSE OF HEAD COVERINGS?
Getting hit in the head is what Goliath chose to do, so I'll refer to soccer as 'Goliath gamers'. I started my day by praying for the spirit of Uriah to motivate me to accomplish intricate works today.
Haggai might be your constant for 38 on the right side is Howell Avenue in Milwaukee isn't constant enough for Colorado vehicle BSW-A26.
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