Thursday, August 4, 2022

Considering 'E-War Anon'

 I am not involved in joining Freemasonry for a reason, yet in order to not be involved I actually have to resist it. It has been reported that Satan resisted Yoshua when he was filthy, not when he was ready for duty after his iniquity was cleansed away.

When the Hebrew letter פ is considered, it is the double. reverse of the English letter G. 

The G is not shaped like a human ear, but the פ is shaped like the outer design of the human ear.

Do not get worried if you are feeling tired and weak though you are not feverish nor nauseous, since that desire for additional rest is often a sign of  the body conducting a cleansing phase.

The stable star Polaris'  is not a factory made vehicle often used as an expensive toy for adults.

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