Sunday, August 14, 2022

Human Equations For 48

Here is a sample of the type of question that get presented to humans applying for objective genius anti-Pelosi status.     Chess pieces have been included to assist Sergei Federal.

Which of these human equations best illustrates a factor of 48 ?

♟1. Ray Bourque's 1579 P's  - Paul Coffey's 1531 P's  = Eric Boulton's  48 A's 

♟2. Kerby Joseph 31 + Givani Smith 48 = Jose Abreu 79

♟3. Curtis Joseph 31 + Danny Briere 48 = K' Andre Miller 79

♟4. Tyler Bertuzzi the 48th = the 48th president of the USA

♟5.  Milwaukee's 4800 block of S. 7th Street - 00 = Detroit Tigers' Kerry Carpenter 48

♙6.  2022-1974 = Sergei Krivokrasov 48

♟7.  Milwaukee Boys Tech QB Tom Nickel 1974 + 48 years = human Tom Nickel 2022

♟8. Brett Favre's 4  X  Jarome Iginla's 12 = Dirty 4 Dozen

♟9. 48 + 005 = Armada, Michigan 48005

♘10. 48 = Mark Messier


The best Steven Kream style answer to the above shifty  ?  will be revealed in my next post. 

 In the interim, RGB 153 is a karmel color as in  כרמל  .

Got a Funchess board or a 'Pollock' fault line splitting between  Jackson Pollock #0 , A.J. Pollock #18  and Kevin Pollock #33?


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