Friday, August 5, 2022

Michigan State University's Tucker Is As Rude As Frank Finney

 When a person desiring $95,000,000.00 for coaching PUBLIC SCHOOL FOOTBALL wears a shirt claiming 'It's all about the ball', don't believe that wide deceiver. To Tucker, it was all about the $ first and anyone who actually competes in football knows that the uprights are more important than the ball.

More games are won by kickers than by highly overpaid coaches such as MSU's 'Tucker the greedy'.

Don't the chains matter to Tucker? What about the people with a 'X' on them?  Doesn''t greedy Tucker know that the referees and moral decency are more important than a ball ?

Hopefully, USPS Unit 9216357 knows it's not 'all about the ball' and we who prefer the USA constitution to a TOY football are not interested in an overload of electronic devices can still communicate by paper letter, with paper checks  with paper currency and with actual non-greedy coaches who understand that public school sports are supposed to be about the exercise, about bodily conditioning and about team hobbies that seldom become a career that demonstrates how greedy or how reasonable you are during contract negotiations.

I', aware of the placement games that occur when people are or are not looking. Placing 'Gatorade' bottles or water bottles in specific areas unattended and left behind means the contents were not worth swallowing AND that the purchaser is too lousy of a citizen to put the unwanted, unsanitary used merchandise in a trash barrel or in a recycling bin after safely emptying the contents.

Lansing does not represent  Tuitt or Schobert when 53 is an issue next to 13 NHL hockey point. In an all or nothing game, Tucker is really a nothing now, unworthy of his salary and certainly not deserving any respect from the taxpayers of Michigan.

When you root for the wrong team, your tree might only produce sour apples rather than 'Hathaway Peach' trees.

Springs the Tampa Bay pitcher vs. Coil the police person might be interesting in Shelby, Michigan this 

weekend, which does include the 9th day of the 5th month according to the yearly cycle that commences in spring rather than on January 1.

Actually, if you need warning action from a whistle, then the tiny ball in the whistle does become extremely essential, even if some woman named Dinah is blowing the whistle to stop Jordy Nelson from claiming he is Brock Nelson or a Rockefeller.


Will there be a day when professional baseball, soccer, tennis, rugby, lacrosse, basketball and football all humbly  merge into ' Various  Odd Ball Toy Land Leagues ?   Ice hockey is played on water, not on land. 

πŸ’. 🧊

Golf is on land and waterways, so it is in a toy ball league of it's  own.

If a pencil without lead could speak, would it utter " I'm proud to be an American #2, now that I proved I'm weak and free to anyone who needs an eraser though I'm broken wood and weak?"

✎  Are any watchers going to try to bet on Landesberg vs.  Bergman or would you rather keep a solid 3 on Odell Beckham, Jr. while he tries to make his way out of California?


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