Plenty of pressure from above often prevents mobility, and such is today with 9 days remaining on the left side count of YCZQA before the 40 right commences. Let me bring up the prophet Yeremiyahu in conclusion for those who hope for some sort of miraculous 'rapture'.
When Yeremiyahu was brought up from the pit with armpit clothes by angels, he was 'raptured' an protected.
Get realistic and recall historic testimonies.
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
the darkness deepens, יהוה with me abide...
Great is thy faithfulness, Avienue!
Super, natural drones have a life span of about 55 days and only 1 is needed to mate with a queen bee to continue the colony, which is often hidden. Horrific, unnatural 'drones' are wickedness in high places used to artificially view an area and are not in the 'giraffe' category, if you get my anti-WEF drift.
If you see an artificial drone being set up, don't remain in that area since the operator of that nuisance is not only unreliable, but might not even last 55 days as a natural male drone bee does.
When A is for Armada, Y is for 10. What I notice with my corrected vision is far more reliable that what an electronic device, always subject to intentionally devised misconceptions is able to 'deliver' to a viewer.
I sent a 0 to 1-715-496-4079 today, not an iron dome. Shame and plagues be upon those anti-giraffe people who think that the super naturalists are inferior to the super unnaturalists.
How do you like my print color choice of 'eggplant purple'?
Musicians know how to wear purple properly, and read Psalm 49 to consider the opinion that the body of a murdered man cannot be the payment price to free another human.
Got Nigerian goat skins or some nifty palace fuzz socks?
Donald Trump's vacation cottage is not as clean as my house; maybe he is going through a testing process like Jim Staley did...but Jim Staley failed to rely upon the name of יהוה and instead returned to his electronic $ tree .
It would have been better for my 'seed' if the FBI was allowed into my house in 2011 rather than letting Cheryl Lee Brown into my Subaru, my S-Corp records or my Knowlton architecture, but let the curse keep moving toward those who have been arrogant with super unnatural affections toward that which is witchcraft by design.
A natural locust lasts 5 months, far longer than the 55 day lifespan of a drone. 1 'Great Harvest' loaf of bread beats a bowl of grubs, chopped clams and ground hog casings.
Serpentine Park in London is not a good goal.
Remember to study the 49 years of James Garfield, which included commencing the 42nd military unit that previously had not existed.
I'll try to find out what the 113th USA Congress has to do with Valspar color noted as Sangria Red #113, since Zach Bauer is now busy bragging about his Al Gore rythym section and non-ice cubes.
Here's a riddle for squad 9:
Once there was a cop named Brown
who's first name looked like Homer
Marie Windsor wasn't on his train
Did Sgt. Brown watch 'Pyle, Gomer'?
( If lost, refer to Psalm 49, verse 7 and work your way backward to Psalm 48 tomorrow to assist yourself on Mathieu Roy's birthday!)
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