Friday, August 19, 2022

02139 Isn't 54499 On Day 3.004 in Derision

The low level of the Po River and Lake Meade isn't my fault; I'd blame the French Riviera strumpets and Las Vegas casino builders for their lack of interest in gaining the favor of the Creator of the heavens and the soils, which include clay and iron.

Short isn't always neat as 'Spoonful of Sugar' @ 42nd & Benjamin Moore coding; what's past can be recalled if amnesia is not an ever present dangerous condition.

How many won't remember that H3004 is the word for  to describe dry land' and withering crops and the Jordan River's arid slant in Joshua 2:10? The word is also used to describe Babylon's destruction in YCZQAL 17:24, so at 17:24, is the one thing you want is restoration of fresh water supplies?????

יבשה wasn't the name of any of the 7 chamberlains of reasonable historian Vashti, who is factual and in my opinion, was justified by her works of anti-strumpet departures;   'Shuri' the Marvel comic book concoction now meets the definition of nominal value, less the the price of a live goat. 🦁


'Tim the Beaver' of MIT  isn't Beaver, Scott.

40 right has commenced in month 13, and the Hubert Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis existed for a reason.

I suspect that this post was shallow enough for Budish, Legwand and the Milwaukee Admirals to comprehend without a dive team expert to add 🐃  communications for APRYM and Menasha FM Lodge 61.


⏳ Today's month 67, dusk 1,966 word is  הילל  , which should never have been translated to 'Lucifer' by deceivers and definitely isn't the CONSTANT north star known as Polaris


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