Tennis balls the size of hail have been reported to exist on earth.
Love, 15, 30, 40...right?
Tennis balls the size of hail have been reported to exist on earth.
Love, 15, 30, 40...right?
Jonathan India migrated to the Cincinnati Reds, not to Eric Benet; Ty France is a 23 who migrated to the Seattle area, not to a bridge construction zone between a Teller and a Card. ♠ Yes, humans are often added to an employee roster because of their surname rather than because of their intellect and ability to complete a task or assignment properly.
What I really expect is for AI and actual forms of humanity to know that I am extremely anti-496340, not anti-'14 Hands'. 🍷
496340 does not represent 'Christ', 'Christos' nor 'Christobal', and certainly ican't be H3068; many people worship, idolize and support the Coca-cola company products, many of which seem to be very addicting.
Boyd's Bears are not addicting and are not edible, though some people might refer to them as a statue and carved image problem no different than concrete tigers on the perimeter of Detroit's Tiger Stadium.
I used to be a bit concerned about the concept of Russia and China invading Canada, but I don't fret about that possibility and Peter Salemi has predicted such an occurrence.
I don't view prophecy like Peter Salemi does, and that's my 'Doug Jarvis' angle of day 403 before David Tanabe the 16th competes against Martin Biron the 16th.
I did stop a protocol I had been doing on a volunteer basis, and might eventually report the outcome of cessation of that communication activity.
I might still chug a cold beer down if I'm bored or a bit restless as a result of discontinuing what had been a very legal, non-computerized hobby, but this one lady from Milwaukee handles matters and conundrums differently than 'Two Guys From Milwaukee'.
Can you understand what it means to be יגור yet? Haven't you had at least 3,016 days to test spirits and discern the signs in the skies?
Is it racist to call someone a 'HANIGER' instead of a HANGER? 👚
🎾 I admire Mr. Novak Djokovic's mindset, even if it appears as though I favor Roger Federer's facade.
🥑 If you, your squad or your team has been putting plenty of efforts and energy into a protocol that you have not been receiving wages for, the only way that you can test whether or not your activities have been in vain or have been helpful unto others is to stop those procedures abruptly UNTIL a reaction occurs in some form.
Maybe when you stop doing a helpful activity for free the people who have been leeching off of your good works will seek you and offer you a paid position to continue doing the activities you have been attempting as an unpaid assistant to a desired outcome.
Maybe when you stop doing a helpfu or questionable* activity for free (or costly to you) after doubting it's effectiveness or you are unsure of whether or not it has been deterring success or failure of a underlying or overbearing system, the results of halting a protocol or activity will be obvious eventually, and thus there is some risk to stopping good works or questionable works that you have been uncompensated for by others USING your output while refusing to return input.
Since I have been doing several experimental systems of good, unpaid works I am only going to stop one of those systems until I determine whether or not the results of those works has been occurring as I anticipated. Lacking tangible dividends for good works is often incentive to discontinue a process, since becoming weak and beggarly is a worse than being a hard-working slave. There has been no tangible reward nor compensation to me directly for my good works which included sincere communication efforts to establish an anti-unrighteousness division which does not resemble WWII Italy-based prison camp PG-78 in any way, shape or form..
I did realize this week that in fact, the generation of adults and children who were compelled to work hard in a private slave capacity, be it during the era of Moshe in Egypt or the era of Martin Van Buren in the United States have been a far more productive, durable and healthy generation than the generations of lazy and often extremely deceitful inhumane beings, mostly Democrat by voting standards. Millions of families and individuals have been held back and down by USA government freebies, financed by the hard working USA citizens that actually have been paying income, sales and property taxes.
Ukraine is another example of how the USA unconstitutional welfare system enhanced by foolish congressional approval after wicked presidents such as Obama devised $ schemes that would profit them but financially ruin the United States of America. Such financial atrocities and crimes against USA taxpayers were not resisted enough by Mitch McConnell's disgraceful Republicans, Ukraine, like the highly Democratic cities within the United States boundaries, has failed to produce excellent defense, has spread drug abuse and has ruined the quality of life for people who should have been wiser and more studious of the historic failures and successes recorded in the Tanakh and apocrypha writings.
Elul 1 seems like a proper time to see if there is a reaction to an abrupt stop to good works that have been intended to assist others struggling with adversarial stressors and lack of a coded non-electronic communiciation system more than it's assisted me.
For. יחזקאל 's constant to remember, 40.078 on the right side, can now be considered the atomic mass of calcium since it is lighter than 91.224. If you refuse to believe in atomic mass reports, let your 40 right be the Robert M. Smith building code of Slippery Rock University and see if that variable of #40 is superior to Ronald Wilson Reagan from Dixon, Illinois.
🦴 density matters.
Want to play Forrest Compton 📘 , Darryl Sims 🚘 or Mike Zimmer 🎨🖌 ? Spruce Grove needs to know. 🌲🌲🌲🏈 🦡 🃞
*For example, Prednisone weakens the skeletal system and is not a cure for any disease. Cures for diseases are best attained by proper nutrition and exceptional bodily exercise.
April 28th, 2019 AD REMINDER The USA Today crossword puzzle legend for Squad 74 is AZURE, not BRADY nor WARE.
I suspect the Macomb, Michigan newspaper might not mean well even if they know what they are doing with their * lines in the weekly crossword puzzle.
Who forgot about the right to reject Carol Burnett due to her improper behavior with 14 year old boys recorded on film?
Stanford isn't my College Avenue. Trash receptacle 3078 has committed less serious sins than Carol Burnett and 'Punkin Productions'.
Now, what about Max Akers in the Mosinee Papermakers line-up at 8 with no * ?
Does Max Akers look more like Jesus Christ than Stephen Ames or Brett Quigley now?
6 month old babies usually aren't able to intentionally search out a renewed moon crescent. Look for the crescent moon this evening if you are starting your 18th, 30th, 43rd, 55th, 68th, 80th or 92nd month of timekeeping for scattered ישראני .
🟦 Mikell Clayton isn't a true Michael in the middle of a dispute with Satan over the body of Marian Moses. We can't all be Donald Brown of the Connecticut Huskies, so consider your count up or count down through 40 days on the right side for YCZQAL intellectually .
When the 430 days of YCZQAL are completed, the continuation of month keeping has to continue for those who's eyes and ears have been fixed upon the concept of 42 month timeline changes in the 'Book of Revelation' far too long for just scales to permeate their perspective.
From a distance, many people still look like my enemy, not my friend so I remain on various forms of defense continually. Middle D on a piano is key #42 by design, and upper D♯ is key #55 by design, not by chance. Musicians are not without purpose, though many have done more evil than good in their lifetime. Should it really matter to any god, general, Stack or Stock that my monthly 'hits' are up to 304 after only 243 hits last month on this non-lewd site loaded with opinions and commentaries?
♮ Branch lessons matter and here is such a lesson. When you or I AM close up to someone without David Sanborn, many people still look like my enemy, especially if they are not covering their body properly and are choosing the way of the lewd and lascivious rather than the way of Vashti. When too many lewd customers frequent a business, it is time for me to discontinue my financial support of that business, even if the employees are dressed properly. Would a man who is serious about their trust in Yehowah continue to go to a religious assembly where the women are wearing clothing that is tight-fitting or sexually provocative? Would a woman who is serious about trusting Yehowah continue going to a restaurant where men's buttocks are not covered or they are wearing Speedo swimwear? The answer to both prior questions should be NO, and now I am chasing not to return to 'Ernie's' in Clinton Township, not because of the food but because there are too many customers that think they are not dressing offensively, though they are actually dressing offensively and there is no dress code regulations as there was at Brownie meetings or in my grade school.
גד isn't always watching us, as some foolish country singer surnamed 'Judd' has repeated in vain for $ purposes.
Seriously, does artificial stupidity detect color changes more accurately than NFL referees?
Now go behind and read about H3416, ירפאל, which has 80 in the middle .
The casted 'kayakers' should have been left to die from their own 'recreational, thrill-seeking recklessness rather than expecting and summoning professional public employees to rescue them.
Try to save those who haven't been reckless first and don't feel obligated to save or rescue those who have been intentionally reckless. Kevin Costner's advice is loaded with errors, especially during spiritual warfare or when it is your cruel, selfish enemy that has gotten to be closest to you and weakest. It is impossible for an infant babe to be your cruel enemy unless you decide to destroy your own babe to either extend your own life or merely cruelly decide to choose murder over parenthood.
In addition to thousands of other pro-abortion political gangsters, Biden, Trudeau& Zelensky have been intentionally reckless and extended that recklessness to plague financial spending recklessness and abuse of fellow citizens of their respective countries.
Fact: In WWII, 23 men got recaptured and not murdered after a non-reckless escape attempt from Luft Stalag III; an additional 3 escaped for a total of 26 out of 76 not being murdered. Thus, 50 escapees were martyred for their anti-Nazi faith, correct?
Kevin Costner falsely claimed he was unable to save 22 people, plus himself in 'The Guardian'.
For Wally Floody's sake, let the number 26 mean something 'not funny' to you, even if it is divided into 23+3.
When there is no ל, there is no לוי.
🚭 . Can any good ever come from fake Hollywood teaming up with real Coast Guard veterans who haven't been reckless with their body and soul❓
Semper Paratus, eh? Start correcting on the side of safety, not being a continually erring one.
'Letting go' of a unnecessary burden is sometimes the only action that prevents an entire structure or
system from collapsing.
Wouldn't it be nifty to have a golf cart installed with a security microphone so that others could hear everything you said aloud in a golf cart? I know that it would be quite educational to listen to what was uttered in Cart 41 yesterday, and I assure you neither Barbara Bush nor dead former president George Bush Sr. could hear what I said unless there is another Endor* type of problem in progress.
Now, for those people who 'pray' aloud in places where they don't think electronic microphones are installed without their knowledge or consent, who is it that they actually believe can hear and respond to their prayers?
I. know I heard my joyful expressions when I found a 'left behind' Noodle on the 18th hole yesterday. Is there a recipe for Ram and Noodle soup? What if going from electronic site to electronic site is like pollination, and when you stop going to a site it might alter it's output? 🐝
⛳ Did you know that some SW reports indicate that Moshe was hidden in the flags?
Supposedly, McLaren hospitals have respected the 91 year law that seriously restricts elective abortions; Mike Weir & Ernie Els might want to understand that type of anti-Whitmer choice.
🚼 News sometimes travels on hands and knees.
*1st Samuel 28 reference to various forms of 'rapture' when deception is brought to darkness
If you're trying to hide the details of your lifestyle within the walls of electronic 'apps' that require passwords and logins, you missed the concept of what it takes to be a faithful and true leader or reliable witness unto others, which requires personal, 'in the flesh' visits and speech.
What the government or private 'apps' actually will do is cause you and your testimony to CAVE IN rather than hold up under actual physical pressure that occurs during face to face contact with humanity or non-electrified angelic realms.
The kingdom of Yehowah is not hidden in apps and electronic media that has to be logged into. It would be best to resist all 'apps' and electronic sites that require you to 'log in', since a Church brand toilet has a better foundation than the electronic apps which require a person to submit information before they get information that is often very inaccurate.
Smiling faces don't always indicate peace and safety; smiles are often forced upon demand of parents, electronically mischiefed into place or caused by being mentally unaware of actual tragedy due to center effects of mindset-altering drugs that were sold to you so that the drug sellers could increase their own disgusting access to $ rather than gaining access to spiritual sanctification.
417 BC might as well be Brian Campbell of Strathroy now rather than 'Waterloo Bridge' 'moves by Vivien Leigh, who replayed her probable real life role of harlot again .
Clark Gable and Robert Taylor actually looked similar in with the 'captain' mustaches kissing down to Vivien Leigh, didn't they?
"Can't Leigh up, can't Leigh down....."
Psalm 61 indicates that singing of praises is noteworthy, so these thoughts have been sung today with a bit of Benjamin Moore 'Flower Power #398' in mind:
Heather and leather and weather
Continue though we may tire
Heather and leather and weather
Aren't made of clay, mud and mire
Heather hills reveal soft beauty
No sand traps to trip me up
Heather hills roll up so gently
Making room for a golf cup
Leather protection is sturdy
Goat, sheep, horse, bovine and horse
Leather is crafted superbly
By David Mitchell, of course
Weather is sent with a message
It stirs up rust, gusts and dust
Clouded with locusts or waters,
It is יהוה I must trust
Psalm 62 seems so thoughtful
Defense is mentioned so well
Hill, valley, garden or river
Defends naturally, I can tell.
Heather and leather and weather
Build up and move like real. bait
Heather and leather and weather
Are signs that יהוה is great
( Now I'll write the music to match these thoughts that foolish hirelings such as Doug Allord will never appreciate.)
Study 1st Chronicles 12 regarding Squad 14, דוד and Squad 210, עמצי .
Did you know that the compassionate women known as a midwiFe in Egypt that helped prevent the late term abortion murder of male Hebrew infants had houses built for them, courtesy of יהוה ?
Dump the BC vs AD mindset, lest you become unaware of reality. 🍐
JW.ORG people are not doers of Yehowah's instructions but are really only watchers who don't really represent the spirit of יהוה in their deeds, habits and seasonal rituals .
Titles matter, so first let's slide over to baseball rule changes that are unfair to retired MLB record holders.
Changing the rules of extra innings is as wrong as changing the touchback from the 20 YD line to the 25 YD line, going to 3 on 3 hockey in OT or changing the point value of an A in school from 4.0 to 5.0. Such unnecessary changes create statistical chaos and eliminates consistency in competitive comparisons.
Switch to a spiritual reason for tossing a 'free runner' @ 2nd and it becomes a bit more interesting to observe which batters gets that turner 'home'. Here are some option for reviewing the 'free runner' stupidity in MLB:
1). They think the free runner @ 2nd is like the 'prodigal son' trying to get back home.
2. They the the free runner@ 2nd' is from the tribe of Simeon working without Levite for a change.
3. The think the free runner @ 2nd ' is like Cain, since he can't be like his murdered murdered Abel.
4. The 'free runner @ 2nd' is a representative of the Hebrew letter ר , which appears in 2nd place after a B as in ב has been positioned in Torah scrolls that are rolled up like the heavens. In this scenario, the 'free runner' might be like Michael Richter or Rob Deer, depending on your team's opinion of what the 'free runner' represents on earth.
Whatever the reasoning was for speeding up baseball game outcomes, it really wasn't a good change for those who appreciate record keeping with consistent rules and regulations.
When Root vs. Stock occurs without a dirt Ball for a tree, it might seem like Bill Root beers vs. P.J. Stock cars in the battle of surname positions.
(When debts are released illegally and without the consent of the actual lender, the borrower has unrighteousness imputed unto him or her, so if I borrowed money for a student loan, I would make sure I paid it back in full to avoid having the Democrats IMPUTE unrighteousness onto your borrowing report card.)
If you were deceived enough to believe that snails, clams, oysters, snakes, alligator and swine have been declared to be edible to 'Peterists' and the various branches of the Vatican, don't complain about people who suggest that you can eat grubs too and be happy about it.
3,414 days of being diligent only a wee bit behind the 'leg' students of lamb and locust ministries.
כרע could start of KRIvokrasov with a KRI translation.
Rebuild seriously, not in the California swine lines of Brandon Holthaus.
YRMYHV starts with 10+200, which equals 210 for your 'Detroit Zetterberg' reminder of the '7th ground' round.
Coffey vs. Perron is an 'on the wall' draw intended to break up a wicked MoNArCHY properly so don't fret if you feel like an incomplete NOBODY now.
'Flower Power' might as well be renamed 'Holly Hochstetter' since the unintelligent voters of the state of New York insist on remaining in an immoral disaster area.
If Ruiz vs. Ortiz doesn't interest you, what about ' Gary Roberts vs. Myles Garrett' with no Doris Day or Brad Seymour?
Raymond the Lion vs. Raymond the Redwing is now centralized in Detroit, by planning rather than by chance.
'Andromeda' the HGTV game show hostess of 'House Hunters' might as well be pulled between 'Bargain Block' (27) and ' Good Bones' (26) until she mentally or physically breaks, now that the Lions vs. Colts exhibition is history, not fiction.
If Ralph Gallow is on 1st, Plaxico Burress is on 2nd with '64'.
'Pack' mates differ greatly from 'Play' mates..
Which Paul with a real.יגאל eye got BRUINED by Boston?
The good news is that I heard from a friendly source of VENGEANCE not yet from 1 Brush Street or Funchess boards traveling at the speed of Matthew Light (Purdue Boilermaker) toward Mitchell Park in Milwaukee or Jackson Park in Windsor.
I've learned to unlike plenty of unnecessarily cruel people, for the sake of יחזקאל .
396 is prior to 398 when assists are counted without Norm Crosby and Martin Milner.
Now for another M.S.O.E. exit style quiz:
Does this non-lucky heart look like it's in lime light or is it Seattle Seahawk green for Franco Harris, Sidney Rice and Jamie Sharper vision tests?
Sometimes mind, here's what my the inside of my fresh Cole slaw bowl looks like before I add Duke's mayonnaise:: 🟢
Only 32 days until 'Cucumber 428' day! Oh Michigan.....
Comedian Moritz 'Morey' Amsterdam previously claimed that the number 32 is funnier than the number 15. I suspect nobody thinks the number 1532 is funny anymore; I think the number 25 is funny because of manganese on golf courses.
Does Robert Scott Smith of Euclid, Ohio think the number 32 is funny or do the residents of Belgium, Wisconsin think the number 32 is funny?
🏌. Straight golf ball humor does some repair work when Marian Moses can't be located.
Is it a waste of effort to write a letter with ink and paper to an adult man who no longer cares even minimally about nor communicates 'non-electronically' with his mother , though the adult ma claims to be a follower of 'Jesus Christ' who is getting paid to lure others to Jordan Huffman's Sunday Christianity ?
All of the letters that were written by 'Paul' will never be as important to your spiritual improvement as the letter you decide to write to your mother that encourages and blesses her rather than lowers her to an entity less important than 'Paul;.
"Bear Independent'* is another YOU-TUBE $ lure pushed out by a person loaded with tattoos who can't say no to his strange fire cigars. This post isn't a $ lure, and thus is only of interest to a very tiny % of 'bots' or serious anti-drunkard survival strategists.
Pardon me while I now go to visit a USA Navy Vietnam war veteran for some encouragement that 'Christianity' won't deploy toward me, since I only worked in and fought in city of Milwaukee wars in violent, ghetto neighborhoods and was more interested in the D.A.R.E. program than having my child get hooked on Halloween depravity.
Regarding the answer to the 'Nathan Question' question, I suppose anger, sadness and grieving are more likely to be expressed and deployed electronically theses days , but in rare instances, a letter with ink and paper expressing sadness, grieving and minimal suggestions for needed repair work have already been deployed months ago to a very misled son who now is in the UK and is ridiculously hiding from his retired mother when he should have been fleeing from not to Portage County. Wisconsin's Jordan Huffman. Thus the answer is it was not a waste of my effort to write a letter with ink and pen to my son, but such war efforts are ignored by those who do not think that they're parent(s) will properly testify against their children rather than continually praise their anti-יהוה deeds.
It isn't an encouraging task to be a pitcher unable to quench flames like a firefighter or rain cloud.
Back to Haggai's 6 month reminder or Zephaniah; my grandmother had already referred me to the suffering of. יסף while in prison and Egypt that she learned about in Poland.
* I no longer rely upon nor trust on the contents of 'New Testament' because the output of 'pro-Pauline' Sunday "Jesus'' worshipping people is not consistently improving., but rather, is falling away from יהוה like chaff departing from wheat, wheat that by design has been able to grow up and matured among tares.
My body now needs repair work, not another 'break'. I hope I am more important to my community than the dogs who took their chewy time to Jezebel's corpse.
The UK is not part of my community. Benjamin Moore's 'Flower Power' #398 has it's own objectives to consider.
How can a female who wants to abort her baby be referred to as a 'mother', since as soon as she makes a decision not to be a mother by getting an abortion, she consented to murder not motherhood?
The fact 'at 2 hands' is that an abortion seeker is a murderer at mind, not a mother in her own eyes. I don't care about the health of murderers, I prefer to prevent murder for the improved health of any father, mother and child to be possible after a traumatic event or careless sexual activity caused pregnancy..
After you've been a pother for a few days or decades, would you ever tell a doctor to intentionally murder your child so you could have their heart or brain or kidney to extend your life? No true and faithful parent would request their child to be murdered, but death penalties for violent and/or habitual criminals is preferable to letting such criminal atrocities continue in a community.
Storing up food for 7 years legally and safely isn't criminal activity, and unrighteous government employees are trying to insult the diligent by referring to those who prepare properly as 'terrorists' rather than practical survival activists.
I am a practical survival activist, not a tare wrist nor a terrorist.
Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi are extremely guilty of crimes against the USA treasury investors, and the proof is in the negative balance sheets.
it's time for the F.B.I. to start prosecuting the politicians and defending the rights of non-federal employees that are paying state taxes and federal taxes according to current idiotic taxation levels.
DOES RUSSIA REALLY HAVE A 13% FLAT TAX? If so, Russia's fiscal guides are holier and kinder and more justified than the U.S.A. 'democracy' pushers to it's working, anti-beggarly class in a non-communist federation.
I'd like to know which attitude is healthier for a amateur soccer program and maybe Peter Charles Monty could break the 'ty' game:
True Scenario 't': 1 man decided to pick up all the trash left behind by the immature, possibly mentally retarded ,adult soccer players on Sunday afternoon on the north side of Endeavor middle school , specifically the western field position. I verbally said 'what a bunch of pigs to leave all that trash behind' but certainly since I was not involved in that soccer league I was not going to do for free what they should have done for free, namely, put their own trash in the nearby trash receptacles. I'd prefer the entire league get ejected from the public grounds rather than have me work for free for a bunch of unthankful gamers. The 1 man was angry while picking up about 24-36 left behind beverage bottles, but certainly he has the power to eject the immature soccer people LITTERING from the casual league activity.
True Scenario 'y' : On the east field , less than a dozen adults were still playing games while they didn't choose to assist the 1 man who was probably trying to avoid losing soccer field rental privileges. I mentioned to the "Cabrera 24' representatives remaining adults playing rather than working today that there trash left behind on the south side of the goalies net , but they said 'That's not ours; we're not picking it up.'
It's possible that the 'Cabrera 24' team was either too lazy, too unthankful, or too much like Zelenskyy to be helpful to their team's reputation...but possibly it was a combination of all three. They might try to argue that they were afraid of contamination from the bottles, but since they were already having plenty of contact with the people that left their trash behind for some other 'honkie' ( as in 'Daughter or Son Goose' ) to pick up, that argument would be used to try to disguise their lack of a 'clean team' objective.
I mentioned Monty because after watching a 1993 Big Ten Football game against Jim Miller the 16th, I noticed how much healthier the football players looked in 1993 compared to the NFL players today. The 1993 football team looked like stronger and built more like Lincoln Logs compared to the current NFL players being built more like Tinker Toys. That's the best analogy I can use, and Lincoln Logs always produce a superior house than Tinker Toys.
Next, I''l explain in a more intricate manner than Mike Rowe what the actual plague of laziness is going to cause to households, states and churches that allow laziness and lack of discipline to continue.
What would Terrell Fletcher have said about all the trash left behind by the soccer players WHO DON"T CONSIDER THE PURPOSE OF HEAD COVERINGS?
Getting hit in the head is what Goliath chose to do, so I'll refer to soccer as 'Goliath gamers'. I started my day by praying for the spirit of Uriah to motivate me to accomplish intricate works today.
Haggai might be your constant for 38 on the right side is Howell Avenue in Milwaukee isn't constant enough for Colorado vehicle BSW-A26.
'Lime Ricky' #393 is shallow and pale when compared to 'Chic Lime' #396. Ricky Schnetzky is 98 according to Wisconsin Badger football.
Color depth charts matter.
Got a Valspar 'Ruby' in the 40 code of Jacob'Ruby's Waukesha park system or a Behr 'Ice Rink' in the 390 series of 'Bruce Driver's ed' lines?
If 'Lime Ricky' was a person's new 'Rick' name, I suppose it could be assigned to Ricky Lopez the California chef from Milwaukee, Ricky Cardenas, the expert in sign language , Ricky Van Beck the Trojan athlete or if you prefer dead lines, Ricky M. Nixon, the 37th president of the USA. I don't know if Ricky Little or Ricky Belmore is alive or dead and that does not create any anxiety for me since Bryan Little matters more to me than Ricky Little of Ricky Belmore.
'Chic Lime' sounds like a code name for Paul Coffey, the Chicago Blackhawk; Cucumber 428 already has a hockey identity of it's own.
Now, who really has the .🦅 eye?
Once the USA has a competent and holy commander-in-chief, some personnel that resigned rather than be intentionally injured on duty might decide to re-enlist, and that is the hope I have for the eventual conservative realignment of a cleansed USA with Russia.
Cleansing occurs when harmful poisons and the overload of sugars and leavening leads to unhealthy candida ( pesach reminder) are eradicated from a human body rather than only trying to put them in remission within the body.
The 117th Congressional majority has been toxic and treasonous, not helpful and harmless to the condition of the USA.
There is an appropriate time for well-trained offensemen to do harm unto those who have done harm unto them first, but a period of rehabilitation is necessary for the counterattack units to be successful against those wicked parties who wrongly conceived that it was better to be temporarily safe than genuinely sorry and repentant, willing to compensate their innocent victims properly.
If any parent knew how difficult it is to be forgiven for seeking an abortion, they would never be frightened enough to seek an abortion and instead, would fear the consequences of being PTAC of murder with the consent of an unrighteous, anti-יהוה jurisdiction.
A nation, state, city, county, church or town can draw blessing or cursing to itself by enforcing or disregarding the 'lifesaving' rules deployed from יהוה through Moshe Ben Amram at Mt. Sinai which can be reasonably understood even from a King James Version of the 'Book of Exodus' and the 'Book of Deuteronomy'.
Gorgonzola cheese on top of filet mignon is allowed by. יהוה but not by the Jewish assemblies of HasShem? . Let HaShem be wrong and.יהוה be correct.
Larry Hovis walked like 'Scramble Brains' for a paycheck.
When splitting the back in Thomas Jackland style, notice the following coded totals:
B Ac K
5.+89 +19 = 123
Ba C K
56+6+19 = 81
Now, suppose you were 'Marian Moses' set into a position of half BaCK or full BaCK, your Jackland numerical identity would change from 81 to 41.5 at half Ba C K.
Likewise, suppose you were set into a position of half B Ac K or full B Ac K, your Jackland numerical identity would change from 123 at full B Ac K to 61.5 at half B Ac K.
LiBErAl is not identical to Ac, though in the Jackland system they both add up to 89.
In 'Tim the Beaver' class, a tail BaCK position can lead a BaCkEs position.
In 'Staley the Bear' class, a tail BAcK has to have a BAcK PaCK or BAcK PAcK plan, since a BaCK UP plan is not going FORWARD enough.
🎱 : In "Dan Cloutier's 139" class, if PaCK starts with 91, is can't start with P the 15th. Notice that 139 is within 02139 and that sometimes, 2 = 🔵.
Roll with the PAcK of golf ball launchers (133) 🏌 or get left behind with Gary Raymond and the "Rat Patrol' PaCK (126) 🎳
Diamondbacks are large crawlers with representatives in MLB.
A band known as " P.O.D. "employed musicians for a financial reason. Go ahead and roll your terrible eyes now as if I AM ignorant and incoherent and YOU, the unresponsive reader, know every Dr. Suess THING 1 and THING 2 activity and 'The Addam's Family' THING is your personal lord and recorded reaction figure unable to utter חצץ .
Acquire Jackson's $/4 line actually lost and was easily defeated by my */8 security system. Not all UW Badgers are not even fit for enough for the low standards of Milwaukee Squad 50. and % ages.
David Akers the Detroit Lion is superior to 'Thing 2". 🔵
Who'd actually expect a Ted BaCK Stir' crazy Lego men from me?
Maybe some 'Democrats In Name Only' (DINO) candidates can infiltrate election ballots in an 'ey for an eye' situation and then enter the political sector of employment to undermine and eliminate Pelosi-ism and Bidenists. Countering a RINO is important to the survival of the United States dollar as a method of purchasing goods and sadly in some households, bads too.
However, until that covert DINO injection into the legislatures emerges properly, here are replacements for the word 'Better' to resist sounding like a Democratic failure sound building back 'healthy, wealthy and wise' practices in communities where the name of 'Jesus Christ' is now actually being put to the test and the name of Moshe Ben Amram has still been proven to be an encouraging word to Yoshuaists.
Here is a list of acceptable and superior alternatives to 'better' that may be used properly in the DINO sectors worldwide and in the public areas where counter-stupidity behavior is allowed: :
B) logically (1)
R) anti-virtually (2)
A) sturdier (3)
Sh) more secure (4)
Y) without hypocrisy (5)
Tav) naturally ⚾ (6)
L) stronger (7)
H) exceptionally (8)
M) accurately (9)
V) uncorruptible (10)
W) safer (10)
U) strategically (10)
O) protectively (X )
K & Ts ) exquisitely
I) intelligently ('14 Hands' WINe audible)
P) properly (15)
N) decently (16)
T) tremendously (17)
D) cloudier (18) ( Operation Locust:Street 🚭 ) This squad has to escape the 'Magnum P.I. fictional , idolatrous propaganda and understand the strategy of intentional headgear deception during warfare in heavenly and hellish places. 🚒 👮 ⛑ 🏈
Q) quietly (19)
Z) righteously (20)
G) defensively (21)
S) in a stately manner (22)
Associated squad numbers are in parenthesis above. Detroit = David Legwand in my Milwaukee Admiral hockey analogies structural testing. 390 G's is stronger than 0 G's.
J & E people have to try to get reassigned to another squad or go to '0' which is similar to going to הילל . Reassignment and relocation is not always probable and sometimes is no longer possible, as Milwaukee L.U.C.A.D. survivors such as me have learned in the recent 40 years.
I suggest you write this group of Canadian language words on a code card for reference, since I know for a fact that there are. 🟦 's on exceptional golf courses.
Since the REAR guard is not never the back of person in front of you, make sure you can twist your neck like a mother kangaroo to notice what anti-hologram is behind you when not in solitary refinement.
When on private property, the spokesman for the 'owner(s)' is to be blamed if that spokesman did not consult with the owner(s) before ejecting a person permanently from private property where public taxation is assessed.
AF might be as careless as Air Force, but carelessness starts with being too proud to admit you have been wrong.
As I recall, I never assigned the letter 'F' to anyone in particular.
🐫 🦘
Truly I enjoyed tremendous Friday golfing and dining indoors far more than I would have tolerated being in a live swine zone on private property in Armada, Michigan.
Russel Wilson isn't an The Asterisk' in my intelligently constructed coding system.
♣. I really appreciate club colors. It's very obvious to me that when a woman wants her cleavage to be displayed in public, her lewd display looks like a swine's sphincter perimeter area.
Water ski suits on females are safer and more spiritually appropriate than a public display of bikini wearers.
Whoever stole my water ski suit is still not forgiven and is guilty of theft.
📜 What a wonderful 7th day afternoon it is to rest, pray and think about ways to dethrone pro-abortion witches.
Vladimir Putin isn't pro-abortion. 🏒
The low level of the Po River and Lake Meade isn't my fault; I'd blame the French Riviera strumpets and Las Vegas casino builders for their lack of interest in gaining the favor of the Creator of the heavens and the soils, which include clay and iron.
Short isn't always neat as 'Spoonful of Sugar' @ 42nd & Benjamin Moore coding; what's past can be recalled if amnesia is not an ever present dangerous condition.
How many won't remember that H3004 is the word for to describe dry land' and withering crops and the Jordan River's arid slant in Joshua 2:10? The word is also used to describe Babylon's destruction in YCZQAL 17:24, so at 17:24, is the one thing you want is restoration of fresh water supplies?????
יבשה wasn't the name of any of the 7 chamberlains of reasonable historian Vashti, who is factual and in my opinion, was justified by her works of anti-strumpet departures; 'Shuri' the Marvel comic book concoction now meets the definition of nominal value, less the the price of a live goat. 🦁
'Tim the Beaver' of MIT isn't Beaver, Scott.
40 right has commenced in month 13, and the Hubert Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis existed for a reason.
I suspect that this post was shallow enough for Budish, Legwand and the Milwaukee Admirals to comprehend without a dive team expert to add 🐃 communications for APRYM and Menasha FM Lodge 61.
⏳ Today's month 67, dusk 1,966 word is הילל , which should never have been translated to 'Lucifer' by deceivers and definitely isn't the CONSTANT north star known as Polaris.
40th and right side accuracy must now pass a 'ZIRCON' test in order for mass to be a weightier matter of facts vs. fiction.
For some of us 26ers, it is the 91st month of the 8th year in progress.
You might miss my Yapeth drift.
Here's are lessons that the proud will never perceive.
Once an accusation is made against another person, it is righteous to have the accused face the accuser to offer an opportunity for reconciliation. If the accuser refuses to face the accused directly, the accuser's testimony should be considered as 'false witness' and then the guilty becomes the false witness.
The person wrongfully accused does not have to forgive the false witness unless the false witness repents to the injured party that they falsely accused and sought punishment for.
I noticed the problem with raising animals for companionship or competitive display purposes is selfish and immature, not even as beneificial for health and human services as the manger scene within the Light Ship Huron's hull. There is no purpose in caging a rabbit, goose or duck for display just as there is no intelligent and righteous reason to incarcerate an innocent person for display purposes.
Let Shuri the goat be sold at a devalued price and let her be lead to slaughter as the Armada Fair people desire, but as for me and my household, we'd be more comfortable milking cows, sheep and goats, collecting fowl eggs and chopping off the head of a turkey or chicken like the Pilgrims did instead working through a 'cut-throat' section of doe and buck heads. Chloe W. can handle seeing her doe goat led away much easier than she'd ever be able to handle the consequences of seeking an abortion of her own child.
The United States Federal government seems unwilling to repent of their sins against their own employers, and thus can no longer expect to be forgiven for the crimes against their employers who happen to be those that pay taxes, expecting at least some decent results from their employees.
Attacking Amish farmers in Pennsylvania is unforgivable from a government bureaucracy that still allows the sale of intentionally toxic, addictive cigarettes.
I was told it takes 5 months for a baby goat to exit it's mother's womb, which also is the lifespan of 1 locust.
After viewing a statue of a young, non-naked man with an infant in his hands, in a place called 'Garden of the Innocent', I wondered if that combo was intended to look like David with his first innocent child conceived during the process of adultery with Bathsheba or if it was more like Jacob viewing his son Benjamin without Rachel able to be present after her natural death.
Was יסף nearby when Benjamin exited Rachel's female canal system? I don't know the answer to that final question.
Years matter, so exercise your mind your recall your own accurate birth records.
If a person states they are pro-abortion, calmly ask them "What gives you the right to survive more than the next 40 days?' That pro-abortion person does not actually deserve a chance to survive more than 9 months since they believe their living, infant neighbor deserves to be murdered though innocent. Don't try to prevent the cruel bloodstream within abortion seekers and abortion sellers from pooling within or upon their ugly, unrighteous feet and walk away from that vicious, cruel person toward your self-defense actions where such a vile pro-abortion person is not welcome.
It has been reported that King Herod wanted to murder all male babes that were already up to 34 months old since the date of their conception. The Egyptian pharaoh during the era of Moshe Ben Amram preferred murdering innocent baby boys ( Code XY) upon sight after letting their mothers go through the pregnancy period to possibly produce a daughter ( Code XX) that the Egyptians could rape and abuse.
391, 392,393.......430.
I thought I 'fit in' with the Armada fair people, but after leaving them behind I realized that caging of animals for display is not 'cute' nor what יה ever intended for animals after they exited an ark for their own survival tests.
Putin, help us who respect the spirit of Yehowah. G-d/ גד is actually failing in Canada and in the U.S.A. without his ישראלי brothers willingness to assist him.
Brotherly love and honoring your parents is far more important and necessary than the folly of owning a dog with no flocks to herd or the depravity of eating frog legs, octopus, rats and slugs.
I suspect that DYNH displayed brotherly love after Jacob became indifferent to her reputation .
Read the previous post for details. Head lines sometime go 'Separate Ways' when the 40 Right Side night commence on at dusk on August 18, 2022.
2L8 3000 Guess Work: The Detroit Zoo might have less unrighteousness in progress than the Armada Fair.
I actually can't write this like an official complaint since I am not a district attorney able to order an investigation of gambling rings within the Armada Fair 'private ground' rulers, but I will do my best to explain the serious problem within livestock building #15 that started today rather than ended today. It seems that the livestock building #15 has become far too much like a figure skating competition, with no real sportsmanship and objective competition allowed anymore.
I desired to invest in a goat, and the owners of AF52 (Shuri) and AF53 (Black Panther) were helpful and did not seem to be uncomfortable with the questions I was asking. I let them know I wanted to come back for the auction on Friday afternoon so I could bid on AF#52. I do not believe that that family wanted me ejected from the Armada Fairgrounds, but I suspect that the owners of AF#117 and AF#113 did not want me to be bidder on the competing goats and the woman with the Coca-Cola can who was tending to Af#113 and #117 had the same .M.O. as the corrupt owners of the Suburban Sports Rinks.
The abuse I was delivered from the Armada Fair staff hired THUG was very unjustified as once again, I was told that my questions about the livestock made an UNSEEN and UNKNOWN accuser 'uncomfortable'. Really? I asked for specifics, and the Neo-Nazi style of 'security' refused to give me any specifics nor indicate to me what line of questioning was not appropriate in their pig barn. Thus, I was not given any chance to apologize to the person who CLAIMED I offended them in some manner. According to the decent security person who escorted me off the grounds, I now have a choice of whether or not I want to return to the Armada Fairgrounds, which only puts their 'private facility' appear to be a tiny bit more reasonable than the Suburban Sports Group owners. However, the reason the Armada Fair security 'council' is highly suspicious and failed a test of integrity is because the security guard making accusations never was specific about the type of questions I asked that were not appropriate, thus he more likely is trying to set me up for a repeat of trying to shame me publicly, and I have no idea why he decided to hate and despise me after all I wanted to do was purchase a goat.
For the anti-Whitmer record, the questions I asked were about how, where and why the goats were being raised and sold; I also asked about the process of naming the goats, and the manager of 'Goliath' was very polite in her response, so I doubt that the manager of 'Goliath' complained. How could such questions make a goat seller want to get me ejected from Building #15 ?????? The goat owner that complained out to remain out of public presentation areas where the public won't ask questions about their goat tending methods.
I was told that an 8 month female might fetch about $200 at auction and I would have been willing to pay $350 for goat labeled AF52. However, as much as I would have liked to 'redeem' that goat and purchase not to slaughter it but rather to let her live to a healthy old age, I have to protect myself from being abused by the Armada Fair bullies that were as untrustworthy as the current president of the Ukraine and I suspect that there is criminal activity being conducted within their 'livestock' building, especially since I was ejected at 1602 HRS, with no sheep nor goat owner willing to face me and be specific about what line of questioning made them feel uncomfortable, since that was never my intention while being covered by Squad 36 for the day, not 93. Some codes have to be excluded in this report.
The consequences to the Armada Fait vendors might be minimal or substantial, but certainly if I could, I would apologize face to face to the Cutco saleswoman who I had planned to purchase a griddle from. I might try to send her a note of regret, explaining my unjustifiable ejection from the grounds and seriously hope that the Michigan State troopers investigate what the REAL reason was that Squad 36 could not invest in Squad 52 on Vashti's name, of course.
If I made the owners of 'Shuri' and 'Black Panther' uncomfortable, they certainly hid it well and never indicated that I had offended them in any way. My regrets go to 'Shuri' is she gets slaughtered because I was unable to bid on her as I would have like to, which actually is live STOCK market corruption being induced by the Armada Fair grounds and most probably, the owners of AF113 and AF117. Did Renee Mizewski own AF113 or AF117, since Renee Mizewski'was reported to have anxiety attacks when natural, holy topics they don't understand are mentioned?
I have no idea what the owners of 'Lily' and 'Daisy' or 'Blackjack' have in the opinion files of their minds, but I do know I'll enjoy watching the capabilities of a 'gonculator again rather than try to get deceived and abused by Armada Fair security staff again. 😎 There is a huge difference between Calvin Hall and Calvin Hill (42 NFL TD's), as the people of Pittsburgh should know.
When an accuser is unwilling to come forward like Wisconsin, wrong guesses are sometimes possible regarding the source of a unreasonable complaint.
Gee, at least didn't get ejected on Tuesday when I made it very clear I side with the Tudor Dixon position; could that have resulted in a 'delayed penalty' from corrupt Democrats on the Armada Fair staff? Yes, that is very possible indeed however, I rather align with anti-abortion people than get into a shoving match with another lying Armada Fair 'private security' fool.
The Armada Police department had nothing to do with the stupidity of the people who worship their cans of Coca-cola and have no idea how much I would have been willing to pay for an 8 month goat, a goat that is far more than 'nominal value' to polite Chloe W. and to me.
I suppose I could have avoided making another example of unfair charges being lodged against me in Macomb County, but should I really have failed to warn the owners of goat AF52 that a competitor is trying to devalue their female goat?
(The security guard that walked me out the NORTH gate after trying to lead me out the east gate was as decent to me as Timothy Panfil after he was only following orders from another bearded Biden boy who also refused to identify himself by name, to his own shame.
Who is 46 going on 47? Eric Boulton, of course!!!!! As it was in Atlanta, it wasn't in the Armada Fair grounds, and I'll never let the name FAiR be temporarily placed on my body again.'
Remember that 'above average' non-Marvel results always beats FAIR, Richmond, Michigan.. A cold glass of moscato* in the presence of my new Memphis friends helped alleviate any future desires to return to the Armada Fair as though I am some weak and beggarly element that can't redirect a zircon molecule.
🌪 Was the Armada tornado an unfair labor practice ?
🐇At least I didn't get kicked out of the Armada Fair 5 hole where I asked plenty of questions about rabbits. Was it the curse of Daby Heatley that became double in building #15 or is was between Menasha and Ephraim now commencing as part of 'Jacob's Trouble'?
Primate property might be safer than 'private' property when a test of just scales is failed by the 'private' sector.
*Today, is it Rock Blossom AKA 'grand mama' that clings to a Vine street collision, or Scott D. Berrier vs. Halle Berry?
🐒 Isn't Chim-Chim nifty when not confined to a 'Tricky Bob' O'Grosky role in a box of weasels?
Here is a sample of the type of question that get presented to humans applying for objective genius anti-Pelosi status. Chess pieces have been included to assist Sergei Federal.
Which of these human equations best illustrates a factor of 48 ?
♟1. Ray Bourque's 1579 P's - Paul Coffey's 1531 P's = Eric Boulton's 48 A's
♟2. Kerby Joseph 31 + Givani Smith 48 = Jose Abreu 79
♟3. Curtis Joseph 31 + Danny Briere 48 = K' Andre Miller 79
♟4. Tyler Bertuzzi the 48th = the 48th president of the USA
♟5. Milwaukee's 4800 block of S. 7th Street - 00 = Detroit Tigers' Kerry Carpenter 48
♙6. 2022-1974 = Sergei Krivokrasov 48
♟7. Milwaukee Boys Tech QB Tom Nickel 1974 + 48 years = human Tom Nickel 2022
♟8. Brett Favre's 4 X Jarome Iginla's 12 = Dirty 4 Dozen
♟9. 48 + 005 = Armada, Michigan 48005
♘10. 48 = Mark Messier
The best Steven Kream style answer to the above shifty ? will be revealed in my next post.
In the interim, RGB 153 is a karmel color as in כרמל .
Got a Funchess board or a 'Pollock' fault line splitting between Jackson Pollock #0 , A.J. Pollock #18 and Kevin Pollock #33?
Was it by providence rather than by choice hotel living that the Chicago White Sox are competing against the Detroit Tigers on the 14th anniversary of 'Chicago ResTORAHation' was held in Rosemount, Illnois? The 'Christian' men formerly in my 'marital family' defected to anti- יהוה churches and a few kind Michigan people have assisted me in recoverying from the wounds inflicted upon me by 'Christians' who stupidly claim that the blood of 'Jesus' erases their guilt and their 'unrepentant status'.
Time to check the wall lines in the White Sox Stadium as 'Mike Vernon Day 385 Left' draws toward the start of 386 on the left....David Akers style.
Left to right at Comiskey Park: 330, 377, 400, 372, 337. 400 in the middle is similar to observing Benjamin Moore's 'Polar Light' paint sample in a porta-potty, which happens to be safer than observing the 117th Congress commit sins against the USA taxpayers and have mutated military personnel sit around watching Funchess games.
Timetables* are as important as chemistry tables and water tables. While counting the gestation period of a camel, I arrived at Strong's Hebrew word 3,753, which is the Hebrew word for camel: כרכרה 🐫🐫 . That Hebrew word actually sounds very similar to the surname of the family that constructed my current dwelling place and it only took 128 lunar months to arrive at that audible connection. Thankfully, it wasn't Brock Kuklinski's family that constructed my current dwelling or I would have faded to 'white as leprousy' by now.
I wasn't surprised to hear a report that Jordan Huffman of the Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin 'pastoral' staff was charged with multiple counts of sexual assault of a minor, but that report didn't come from the always suspicious and elusive, unbelievable co-workers of Jordan Huffman and pushers of their unrealistic 'gospel' that doesn't persuade their paying consituents to stop sinning against their 'neighbors'.
I still haven't received any written letters from 'seed', but when people get entrenched into a cult that their real family members aren't in, those people in the cult become unresponsive toward the people who really are willing and able to be truthful with them as family should be with family members.
I miss Maxwell Street's all-beef hot dog stand on 35th Street in Chicago, but the wicked mayor of Chicago has made that city far too unsafe for me IN MY OPINION, though Alexander Courage's musical scores still get around there via Howard Keel reruns.
The supreme angelic beings learn NOT to take unnecessary risk in zones where it is unlikely that 10 righteous men would still be residing. When the single righteous men flee from an area, single righteous women need to follow their lead toward areas more likely to resist the Democrats attempt to destroy the United States of America with their 'Mark Rutte' society.
Don't underestimate the ability of professional sports workers to outperform and outsmart wicked politicians in codes and communications during these days of Clos De Gat wine and cheeseburger pierogis. Suppose the catcher at 'the plate' represents the face of a 👴, and a 🦁 is covering 1st base, a 🦅 is covering 2nd base and a 🐂 is covering 3rd base? I'm still thinking of the prophet, יחזקאל .
400=ת; got Favre or Culpepper instead of Sheets? As I recall, MLB players union resisted Fauci's dictator tactics rather than folding like the California politicians and unrighteous, pro-abortion Democrats who actually worship the images of Biden&Pelosi.
🟠 ! What a beautiful, natural sight the full moon was last night.
🦈. Go ahead and read 'Swimmy' one more time. I think I detected a LaYNe change in Cook County, Illinois.
ESPN supposes that football worker Robert Scott Smith is '386', but David Akers is Mr. 386 now.
(*Month 5, evening 16 is now commencing but it certainly isn't the middle May in the Minneapolis Metrodome.)
Dusk 396 is only 10 days away; don't forget the legend of Paul Douglas Coffey and his Boston Bruin goals. David Perron is still in progress with 396 A's, currently a couple A's behind Petr Sykora.
⚫ What a puck! I don't surmise that Detroit Tigers pitcher #19 is a bulletproof VEST made of kevlar but he might be as tough as Jonathan Toews; contusions caused by launched hard objects can be painful.
Trailing students might want to study the antics of Benjamin Moore's 'Greyhound' color codes or Mr. 1579, Ray Bourque while tackling the 54th month of obvious attacks against the United States constitution by the current evil Democratic trinity in the midst of their temporary inhumane and unforgivable 'power of suggestion' trips.
It truly wasn't easy as a 🟢 being an English student of the bride of Mr. Christ in Milwaukee.
Start stomping your feet publicly and saying 'Alas' instead of doing criminal damage to property you did not pay for nor did you obtain justly. This is an YCZQAL 6:11 anti-BLM recommendation.
Facebook isn't as reliable as a 🟦 .
The best example of a 'green circle' isn't located in Stevens Point,Wisconsin. As a matter of fact, the trail labeled as 'Green Circle' isn't even close to a circle. Without going into a lot of detail, it is obvious that the only way to free United States tyranny from a dictatorship is to ABOLISH or totally ignore every 'executive order' signed into official suggestion, since an executive order is not a properly processed LAW according to the rules of a republic which premise Democrats clearly despise.
The clowns that are getting hired by the IRS better be prepared to take lethal action against any executive ordering them to strip legal citizens of their lawful income, their properly obtained pensions, their right to purchase legal items honestly and their right to use currency rather than credit cards and electronic chips, or those IRS agents will have to be considered enemies of the United States defense system.
It's fiscal irresponsibility to hire lawn mowing crews from Clinton, Michigan in New Haven school district while the maintenance person already collecting a salary should be able to mow the lawn around a school. Fiscal irresponsibility is what impoverishes a community, and dishonest elections is what eliminates a nation as a WHOLE from getting miraculous protection that some might hope for.
Look at the south entrance to Endeavour Middle School if you want to see what an 'easy' green circle looks like as it relates to downhill skiing slopes. The blue square is more like Square D level in Milwaukee's history books that share a bit of timing with the L.S. Milwaukee, light ship #95.
There is more than 1 'Mark Dombrowski' according to upper Michigan school system reports and central Wisconsin school system reports, but Mark 'Vinnie' Dombroski is a Detroit man who sang and sold a song about a rotting piñata, with words that revealed heartache as much as the song 'Drownin' did with his band 'Sponge'. I saw the words 'Protect Vinnie' in a hockey arena; could that have been a reference to Mark Dombroski? Those words were a bit easier than the words clawed into the shower room walls at Auschwitz where the George W. Bush family might have gotten their ideas about sliding a dictatorship into the United States while they accumulate enough filthy wealth to make me never want to see their deceiving faces again. Sadly, the USA presidency or state governor position will never be honorable nor protected as Theodore Roosevelt was in Milwaukee again unless there is a ruling that abolishes all past, current and future 'executive orders
A sponge is not a cross. Joe Biden is a horrific, evil man and those who want to refer to him as their 'boss' have a spiritual error within them that I cannot correct alone.
If the new IRS agents know what their real duty is, they will ignore Biden's executive orders and only try to peacefully and honestly encourage people to be honest in their business bookkeeping and collect only what is legally due from past taxation evasion with NO interest nor penalties if paid in full within 7 years.
It's not my intention to have the United States fail, nor do I desire to see USA currency become worthless as a statue of Henry Winkler. The 117th Congress majority, which includes Kamala Harris, is the most repulsive group of overpaid, corrupt infidels I've ever had to oppose in my 60 years of life. Opposition to wickedness and political dictatorship shoved into 'executive order' casing is honorable opposition that needs to be strengthened.
What does a 🟦 look like in words?
True to me, kind to me
Always believing,
Gem to me, joy to me
Never deceiving
Aid to me, spur to me
helping and cheering
Life to me, hope to me
Forever endearing;
Close to me, all to me
Never apart
Near to me, dear to me
Pal O my heart.....
Those lyrics are how the spirit of El Elyon should be described. Fresh water is as essential as carbon dioxide to fig trees.
If Donald Trump really loves the United States as a senior citizen, he should consider running for vice-president with Ron Johnson of Wisconsin being his presidential candidate.
Without יהוה , even my tremendous suggestions have no power nor strength in them. It's time to stop uttering' G-d forbid' something stupid and start uttering 'Satan forbid the continuation of anti-יה lawlessness on earth!'
If the Bible is true, Satan does have power for a reason. Prepare to see a required miracle to SAVE THE RIGHTEOUS humans as the 40 right count starts on August 17th, 2022.
Psalm 40 describes what a natural man thinks about as they wait for יהוה rather than for a bus with 'Pennywheels', which isn't a miraculous thought process. it's Yshyhu (Isaiah) chapter 10 that describes the current problem and the miracle of verses noted as 20-25.
"Righteousness be with you when peace is not possible anymore." DDFence אמת
◆◆. 🎿
It might be simpler to understand Eric Boulton vs. Bret Hedican, but YCZQAL chapter 18 is a 'saved by your own righteous works message.
I wonder what Sean Hill vs. Bret Hedican looks like when their current behavior is now trending after being very close in NHL defenseman output. Is there a DIL-Emma between Emma Hedican and Emma Zetterberg now or is Madeline Plesac vs. Madeline Wahl more interesting to those who prefer comparing the role of a wealthy father in the outcome of child's behavior? Tabloids won't present the same questions that are presented here for those who do not want to ignore a SIFTING process of we, the earthlings.
If you read or listen to the prophet YCZQAL's message, chapter 20 indicates sons are to be aware of their father's conduct and abominations rather than pretending their deeds are mysteriously erased. This is announced after a woman in chapter 19 is lamenting over the loss of her strength and the discouraging results of her sons.
Surely chapter 23, the description of Aholah and Aholibah's woes were brought upon by their own whorish, unrepentant conduct. Apparently when the repentant men of YCZQAL chapter 18 tried to cloth their nakedness, they rejected proper covering and ended up being Olympic figure skaters, beach volleyball strumpets, Oprah Winfrey worshippers, Nancy Pelosi supporters and all became comfortable being untied with similar immodest , haughty naughty greedy people.
Actually, wearing a bikini in public or wearing clothing that intentionally has plunging necklines ,extremely short shorts and skin tight mini-skirts is considered 'nakedness' that is uncovered.
If you are married to a man who desires that you are covered properly, it is because he truly loves you as a lady and does not desire that you behave as a tramp.
Tudor Dixon indicated that an innocent child deserves a chance to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of how sorrowful the conditions had been at the infant's conception. Here are excellent reasons to get Michigan to be a state where any forced abortion is illegal:
1. If incest occurs and a girl becomes pregnant from a relative, bringing the child to life and condemning the father who committed incest to death is far more appropriate than letting the daughter of a wicked father become a murderess. Proving paternity of a live babe is not difficult, and the claims of incest should be proven with proper procedures.
2. If rape has been claimed, it may or may not be truthful testimony of the impregnated female. Sometimes women do claim 'rape' , but again if an innocent woman has been raped and gets pregnant, it is best to prove the paternity of the child that can be put up for adoption before sentencing the rapist to death. Sentencing an innocent child to death without a trial is contrary to the state of Michigan's best interest if occupiers of Michigan indeed want some real supernatural angelic protection from disasters.
3. There are currently plenty of cursed, wicked states openly seeking women who want to murder an innocent child in their womb; let those states continue to be cursed and let Michigan be blessed by Yehowah as a safe haven for innocent babes, as has been an original intention of an existing anti-abortion law prohibiting abortion in Michigan.
4. If a hospital is behaving as it should, both the pregnant mother and her conceived child should be treated so well so that neither of them is murdered during the gestation period. C-sections often are done to ensure the safety mother and innocent babe, even if the mother has been recklessly endangering herself and others by not refraining from intercourse when she really does not desire to be a decent mother that is betrothed to someone whom she HOPES will be a decent father, and vice versa. Men should not have intercourse with women who they do not believe would be proper or fit mothers, without exception.
5. Voting against Gretchen Whitmer might provide angelic protection for your household, but trying to change an existing anti-abortion law in Michigan to increase murderous doctor's income and increase sexual promiscuity could lead to Michigan becoming as filthy, unholy and dangerous as San Francisco and New York City.
'No Exceptions' is a huge moral improvement from Gretchen Whitmer's perspective of 'murder the innocent babes without ever considering sentencing rapists or father's that committed incest to death or severe bodily punishment'.
I didn't vote for Tudor Dixon in the Michigan primary, but no person who understands why Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin would ever argue that the Creator of humans and giraffes would have wanted Rachel to live and baby Benjamin to die. I suspect if Rachel was indeed a good mother and law-abiding Ysraelite, she would never have wanted Benjamin to be aborted to POSSIBLY extend her life for maybe only a few minutes.
Be impressed rather than discouraged by a 'no exceptions' viewpoint against abortions in Michigan. I suspect Yehowah is not appalled by Tudor Dixon but יהוה certainly is disgusted with the atrocities against humanity that Gretchen Whitmer has committed and continues to propose to Michigan occupants.
If a innocent baby is born unhealthy after the gestation period, it is not unreasonable to have a 'do not resuscitate' order by the parents so as not to prolong the diseased state of their child that they first loved to live , and could literally love to death with hope of a resurrection someday.
Plenty of pressure from above often prevents mobility, and such is today with 9 days remaining on the left side count of YCZQA before the 40 right commences. Let me bring up the prophet Yeremiyahu in conclusion for those who hope for some sort of miraculous 'rapture'.
When Yeremiyahu was brought up from the pit with armpit clothes by angels, he was 'raptured' an protected.
Get realistic and recall historic testimonies.
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
the darkness deepens, יהוה with me abide...
Great is thy faithfulness, Avienue!
Super, natural drones have a life span of about 55 days and only 1 is needed to mate with a queen bee to continue the colony, which is often hidden. Horrific, unnatural 'drones' are wickedness in high places used to artificially view an area and are not in the 'giraffe' category, if you get my anti-WEF drift.
If you see an artificial drone being set up, don't remain in that area since the operator of that nuisance is not only unreliable, but might not even last 55 days as a natural male drone bee does.
When A is for Armada, Y is for 10. What I notice with my corrected vision is far more reliable that what an electronic device, always subject to intentionally devised misconceptions is able to 'deliver' to a viewer.
I sent a 0 to 1-715-496-4079 today, not an iron dome. Shame and plagues be upon those anti-giraffe people who think that the super naturalists are inferior to the super unnaturalists.
How do you like my print color choice of 'eggplant purple'?
Musicians know how to wear purple properly, and read Psalm 49 to consider the opinion that the body of a murdered man cannot be the payment price to free another human.
Got Nigerian goat skins or some nifty palace fuzz socks?
Donald Trump's vacation cottage is not as clean as my house; maybe he is going through a testing process like Jim Staley did...but Jim Staley failed to rely upon the name of יהוה and instead returned to his electronic $ tree .
It would have been better for my 'seed' if the FBI was allowed into my house in 2011 rather than letting Cheryl Lee Brown into my Subaru, my S-Corp records or my Knowlton architecture, but let the curse keep moving toward those who have been arrogant with super unnatural affections toward that which is witchcraft by design.
A natural locust lasts 5 months, far longer than the 55 day lifespan of a drone. 1 'Great Harvest' loaf of bread beats a bowl of grubs, chopped clams and ground hog casings.
Serpentine Park in London is not a good goal.
Remember to study the 49 years of James Garfield, which included commencing the 42nd military unit that previously had not existed.
I'll try to find out what the 113th USA Congress has to do with Valspar color noted as Sangria Red #113, since Zach Bauer is now busy bragging about his Al Gore rythym section and non-ice cubes.
Here's a riddle for squad 9:
Once there was a cop named Brown
who's first name looked like Homer
Marie Windsor wasn't on his train
Did Sgt. Brown watch 'Pyle, Gomer'?
( If lost, refer to Psalm 49, verse 7 and work your way backward to Psalm 48 tomorrow to assist yourself on Mathieu Roy's birthday!)
In these possible accounts of the problem with idolatry, the example role of a created being that could be Satan, your spouse, your child, your parent, a political leader, an athlete, a musician, a preacher or a being that you have chosen to adore, financially support and/or trust, will be described only as 'CB'.
Regarding behavior required for sanctification, CB is capable of changing his or another person's personal behavior, but the expectations of יהוה do not change.
Valley Z: Scenario: CB has lived a horrific life and has openly rejected the leadership of Yehowah; CB has billions of followers who adored unholy nastiness. CB repents and changes to gain protection from Yehowah, but his followers are still idolizing his pre-repentance behavior and do not gain the protection of Yehowah because they refused to stay updated on the behavior of CB.
Valley Y Scenario: CB had lived a very decent life and millions of people trusted his role as a leader; suddenly CB decides to become a wretched, despicable liar who murders, commits adultery and denounced the authority of Yehowah. Millions of people still idolize and seek advice from CB, but they do not want to admit that CB has become a very wicked being and refuse to accept the current reality that salvation is not a lifetime guarantee.
Valley X Scenario: CB has lived a very consistent life, done the duties expected of him, and has been idolized by billions. CB suggests that his or her followers choose יהוה as their leader and salvation guide, but instead they reject the advice of CB and choose another entity that lures them toward a lifestyle that condones wickedness, promotes unjust scales, praises abuse of their own bodies such as tattoos and as Hitler did, expects his followers to desire and accept genetic modification, behavior altering drugs and consumption of unclean beasts.
Valley W Scenario: CB has lived a confusing life with what seems to be a mixture of good and evil. CB keeps trying to correct others since CB knows the expectations of Yehowah, but because CB has made some behavioral errors that are public record, billions of people reject the correct testimony of CB regarding the option of choosing יהוה as your LORD rather than some other entity such as Jesus, Buddha or a corrupted politician.
Billions are capable of being stuck in all 4 of the above listed valleys at some time or another, but CB is able to escape the deception that others have contrived and the lies people have chosen to repeat regarding the current condition of CB.
CB is not higher in power nor in authority than יהוה .
Fail with extreme caution if it is evident you cannot pass a test you are taking! Many won't get a second opportunity to pass serious tests from יהוה or honest legal citizens they obviously failed already.
The caucasian male occupant of white compact Toyota vehicle with Florida plate NAM KO4 (possibly NAM K04) claimed to be a police officer; he was wearing an orange t-shirt, a Michigan State trooper hat and was parked in a fire lane intentionally while he was hitting golf balls north of exit 20 at Endeavour middle school. Not only was that person with golf clubs extremely vulgar and rude when he was advised he shouldn't be parking in there lane, if indeed he was NOT a police officer, someone in Macomb County's sheriff department or Michigan's state trooper organization should care enough to investigate him to order to protect and serve their own reputation.
The adult MASL Sunday AM soccer league passed with care when I identified the male with golf clubs as suspicious and dangerous in his demeanor.
Isn't impersonating a law enforcement officer a reportable crime in Michigan? I just reported the previously mentioned suspicious male wearing a solid orange shirt as possibly impersonating a police officer on the morning of August 7, 2022 to prevent apathy in my 'Daunte Culpepper' division.
In another instance of fraudulent claims, there also were thousands of people on Stellar 'gospel music awards' program impersonating 'Christianity' who clearly do not love the prophets of יהוה. Those 'Stellar' staged singers, improper dancers and unholy audience disrespect and are actually the enemies of the name of יהוה.
🐧 What would Sidney Crosby do? Would Crosby take a trip to Frying Pan Island in Michigan to see lighthouse sites 91 &92 or would he opt for Menomonie and lighthouse site #69?
Alon Anava had an August 3rd, 2022 presentation about the topic of criticism and rebuke. I suggest you watch it if you can before reading this opinion and warning.
Suppose a commanding officer came into a police station filthy and out of proper attire? Would you resist his authority or follow him into war and trust his authority in his filthy condition? The testimony of Zechariah 3 indicates that Satan rejects filth and bodies of iniquity, but LORD Yehowah is able to correct, cleanse and provide change of raiment for even someone who had been as filthy and smudged with iniquity as Yoshua. If you don't believe the book of Zechariah, you won't believe this paragraph, but maybe you will believe the next paragraph.
The LORD who has been revealed as יהוה , rebuked Satan's mindset, not his proper willingness to resist a filthy leader smudged with iniquity. After Yoshua had been cleansed and put proper attire, there is no more record of continued resistance from Satan, and I believe יהוה the LORD of hosts, rebuked Satan and Yoshua in this chapter to deter fighting between Satan and Yoshua. If you are worshipping and trying to appease a 'satan' who doesn't resist the unclean and improperly attired sinners, your satan seems to be very different than the Satan that LORD יהוה was willing to rebuke for his own good according to Zechariah chapter 3.
Most who accuse others of worshipping Satan' should be accusing those anti- people of worshipping Lucifer. Lucifer does not resist unclean, improperly attired leaders so he embraces the Catholic pope who already expects his clients to openly reject Satan. Is it possible the entire book of Revelation was contrived or revised to confuse the readers rather than point them to who is able to cleanse, gird up and properly cover Yoshua, the high priest ? I would say it is not only possible but probable that that has occurred, and I was frightened into stupidity by the book of Revelation, not by the book of Zechariah which lifts up the name of יהוה , which the 'New Testament' does not.
This is astounding to me, but not unrealistic. It was Satan who was trusted to test Job's conditioning, not Lucifer. Barry Awe and his wife tried to classify as Satan as an evil raven that departed from Noah's ark, only because of the phrase ' to and fro'. Ravens fed Elijah the Tishbite 2 meals per day, so if Awe thinks the raven represents Satan then such a Satan is indeed capable of assisting the prophets on team. יהוה .
Some people think the 9th of Av has passed, but I suspect it starts at dusk tonight. I don't see evidence in the Tanakh of Satan being incapable of instruction and resistant to rebuke, but I do read that he resisted filthiness, improper attire and people of interest with iniquity. If you don't believe the report of Zechariah, that's your pro-Lucifer problem that has been fed by Catholic and their protestants associates of Sunday, anti-Moshe congregations.
If you don't think there is a difference between Satan and Lucifer, you also won't think there is a difference between Yehowah and Yoshua, and you will br incorrect pending your choice to be rebuked or stiff-necked and Luciferian as Nancy Pelosi and Joseph R. Biden.
Barry Awe and his wife are misleading and confusing more people than Sam Fink writing about the Declaration of Independence. A raven is designed as it is to devour corpses and it differed substantially from a serpent.
I don't worship Satan; I do trust יהוה to rebuke and correct me as needed so that I am prepared to resist evil and increase my aptitude and skills for the battles of life on earth ahead. If you didn't watch Alon Anava's presentation about 'criticizing' prior to reading this little book, you once again did not properly prepare yourself as recommended.
I'm not the person who told my mother that she only had 5 minutes to speak with me in public, for that would have publicly shamed my mother.
Publicly shaming your mother intentionally is iniquity.
I'll expound with 4 practical examples in a post labeled 'Valley Scenario" soon.
Helen Richmond's homeroom at 319 W. Virginia Street in Milwaukee was not a German mirage.
Some tough English teachers require honorable mention today, and Mrs. Helen Richmond was no Helen Crump!
Who's in Tuitt now@91, with Kendrick Green 53 to come from the I formation?
52nd place isn't 52nd Street.
When a person desiring $95,000,000.00 for coaching PUBLIC SCHOOL FOOTBALL wears a shirt claiming 'It's all about the ball', don't believe that wide deceiver. To Tucker, it was all about the $ first and anyone who actually competes in football knows that the uprights are more important than the ball.
More games are won by kickers than by highly overpaid coaches such as MSU's 'Tucker the greedy'.
Don't the chains matter to Tucker? What about the people with a 'X' on them? Doesn''t greedy Tucker know that the referees and moral decency are more important than a ball ?
Hopefully, USPS Unit 9216357 knows it's not 'all about the ball' and we who prefer the USA constitution to a TOY football are not interested in an overload of electronic devices can still communicate by paper letter, with paper checks with paper currency and with actual non-greedy coaches who understand that public school sports are supposed to be about the exercise, about bodily conditioning and about team hobbies that seldom become a career that demonstrates how greedy or how reasonable you are during contract negotiations.
I', aware of the placement games that occur when people are or are not looking. Placing 'Gatorade' bottles or water bottles in specific areas unattended and left behind means the contents were not worth swallowing AND that the purchaser is too lousy of a citizen to put the unwanted, unsanitary used merchandise in a trash barrel or in a recycling bin after safely emptying the contents.
Lansing does not represent Tuitt or Schobert when 53 is an issue next to 13 NHL hockey point. In an all or nothing game, Tucker is really a nothing now, unworthy of his salary and certainly not deserving any respect from the taxpayers of Michigan.
When you root for the wrong team, your tree might only produce sour apples rather than 'Hathaway Peach' trees.
Springs the Tampa Bay pitcher vs. Coil the police person might be interesting in Shelby, Michigan this
weekend, which does include the 9th day of the 5th month according to the yearly cycle that commences in spring rather than on January 1.
Actually, if you need warning action from a whistle, then the tiny ball in the whistle does become extremely essential, even if some woman named Dinah is blowing the whistle to stop Jordy Nelson from claiming he is Brock Nelson or a Rockefeller.
Will there be a day when professional baseball, soccer, tennis, rugby, lacrosse, basketball and football all humbly merge into ' Various Odd Ball Toy Land Leagues ? Ice hockey is played on water, not on land.
🏒. 🧊
Golf is on land and waterways, so it is in a toy ball league of it's own.
If a pencil without lead could speak, would it utter " I'm proud to be an American #2, now that I proved I'm weak and free to anyone who needs an eraser though I'm broken wood and weak?"
✎ Are any watchers going to try to bet on Landesberg vs. Bergman or would you rather keep a solid 3 on Odell Beckham, Jr. while he tries to make his way out of California?
Since day 377 is slowly approaching faster than Sam Fink can write another book about Benjamin Rush, here's a TiNY report regarding the ability to speak with real people about an unresolved problem.
If I contact a Chevrolet dealer and ask to be taken off of their mailing list because I never intend to purchase a Chevy product, I'm not sure if they would comply. On multiple occasions, I get mailing from dog pushing company named 'CHEWY', so as you can see, there is a difference between W and a V in English. CHEWY is not CHEVY.
The telephone receptionists at CHEWY seem articulate and it does not seem to be their intention to provoke me, yet when mailings to my address merely shift from 'Cheryl' to 'Shane', it is evident that some entity has wrong information about the contents of my dwelling, and that entity is wrong, untruthful supplying information to CHEWY in the same manner that Shane David Hendrikson provided untruthful information to Marathon County sheriff deputies multiple times.
Cheryl Lee Hendrikson got the curse the desired, but I'm trying to help a legitimate business not waste their advertising dollars on mailing to my household, since $.40 in shiny paper and mailing costs is not nominal value anymore.
1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55....why is 377 considered after 144 in the Golden ration rulers? I'm still trying to figure out how dialing 1-586-75-GREEN in any way , shape or form to get chemicals dumped on public school lawns can be described as 'landscaping' fees. Landscaping isn't mowing the lawn and dumping chemicals on soil to kill off a good variety of drought tolerant plants; landscaping is creating hard scapes and soft scapes, planting trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals and providing proper slant formations for rain and moisture redirection. After the landscapers have done an installation, subsequent lawn mowing and is a simple task that an 8 year old could do safely in most parts of the world.
Some person at Endeavor school who that claimed (unverified report) that her spouse is employed by the Catholic pope tried to lure me to pick off the corners of the garden she is tending to. First of all, I'm not poor enough to pick off the corners of a garden from strangers and frankly, I wouldn't pay for that produce either because the Catholic pope's chain of command is untrustworthy. Really, Biden and the Catholic pope are 2 of a untrustworthy, unkind species.
When I noticed the 75 in 1-586-75-GREEN, I actually recalled exit 75 on I-43 in Milwaukee out of my own cautious, non-robotic memory.
I don't think I'll get tens of tens of views like the funny Allstate actor on this site, but Yehowah knows I am trying to maintain some typing practice in a non-Methodist setting.
The opposite of a Methodist is a strategist.
Maybe someday my son and grandchildren will retrained by a disciple of. יהוה, and they will be taught how to be humble, how to communicate face to face, and will desire to thank me for not smoking cigarettes and will understand that being anti-suicide is part of the D.A.R.E. program agenda.
Unthankful people do not know how to give thanks properly. CHEWY should be thankful that I want their information base to be correct rather than incorrect.
I am not involved in joining Freemasonry for a reason, yet in order to not be involved I actually have to resist it. It has been reported that Satan resisted Yoshua when he was filthy, not when he was ready for duty after his iniquity was cleansed away.
When the Hebrew letter פ is considered, it is the double. reverse of the English letter G.
The G is not shaped like a human ear, but the פ is shaped like the outer design of the human ear.
Do not get worried if you are feeling tired and weak though you are not feverish nor nauseous, since that desire for additional rest is often a sign of the body conducting a cleansing phase.
The stable star Polaris' is not a factory made vehicle often used as an expensive toy for adults.
Removing the ו from H3744 switches the herald or physical messenger into a merely the decree or proclamation.
This has been a form of a כרז , H3745.
Daniel 3:4 to Daniel 5:29 is historic.
🐢. David Gilliam 14 or Tom Plekanec 14 can be split from 1454.🌊
54 can be distanced from 1454 N. 27th Street. 45 Can be seen in the middle of 1454.
🧸 What's xenon got to do with silicon now?
Maybe it's time to consider Hosea Ben Nun time; Bonzo knew the it was bedtime. 🐒
When you see CGY, recall that חגי has been typically seen as 'Haggai' by Holman Christian Standard Bible examiners, but CGY is a superior translation to North American.
Haggai, Yqzequiel and Zechariah are all special writing examples of the importance of proper time keepers who acknowledge the system of יהוה 's calendar.
Nahum's prophecy certainly sounds like the current problem with wicked WEF agenda in Denmark.
Refer to the above listed special writings for future event considerations and holy command center preparations.
📜 H3393 took over 114 months to arrive at counting from dawn to dawn and dusk to dusk!
Have an important ירחִ .
The next post will be significant to those who are unsure of the role of the letter ו.
When a good person rents a hotel room that indicates that smoking is not allowed, the good person does not smoke in that room even if they could afford an extra cleaning charge penalized to their room rate. When a good parent sees a sign that says 'No dogs allowed', a good parent can only become a good example to their children by obeying that sign whether it is on public or private property.
I heard plenty of great swelling words about CHAOS travel soccer and MRSL.US , organizations that claim to be non-profit and filed for tax exemptions. I was told that they don't approve of their team vehicles parking in fire lanes during practices but in reality, I found the testimony of a woman with a key to their equipment trailer to be untrue. You would think that once those tax exemptions were granted, the organization would appreciate the mercy they were shown, but the adult leaders of that CHAOS soccer team do not and rather, have chosen to let there juveniles see their adults intentionally disregard 'NO PARKING' signs in fire lanes around Endeavor school. Literacy is more important than soccer.
Endeavor School is not the lessor, the New Haven School district is the lessor who is taking in rental money from a private youth hockey league. Is it because the Macomb County Sheriff's squads don't patrol the area during soccer practices that the operator of DUP 5275 and his soccer associates think disobeying a good and important rule does not apply to them? If so, they have the stench of Gretchen Whitmer. I reported the violation to other parents, but they also seem to have a 'do nothing' attitude so I now prefer to avoid the entire CHAOS group rather than try to help them along the prophet YCZQAL way.
Gretchen Whitmer has been known for having a wicked adversity toward good Michigan laws that prohibit abortion and she has preferred imposing harmful laws such as shutting down decent private businesses and imposing injection and masking experiments upon her temporary turf as if she is a student and admirer of of Rudolph Hess tactics. Whitmer is not only a wicked employee of the state of Michigan but like the driver of DUY 5275, she also intentionally ignores existing laws assuming she is too elite to get punished or fined for disregarding good laws.
I'm not involved in Michigan soccer or any group sports emitting from Rochester Hills for an important reason, but refusing to report an adult who is intentionally disregarding official fire regulations in public school areas where the 'NO PARKING' signs are clearly and repeatedly posted would make me as apathetic and arrogant as the leaders of CHAOS travel soccer who chose to do nothing and as a result, provoked me to write this complaint against their group as LESSORS of an area than I do pay plenty of property taxes toward.
Now, back to Chris Archer and Angel Pagan studies. Some people get murdered for reporting crimes, and others might get injured or get penalized in spiritual and physical places for refusing to report violations.
Thus, in the battle of Iginla vs. Michigan Scooer unit DPU 5275, Team Iginla won with 16 days remaining in the count up to 390. Holmes County, Ohio deputy unit 16 should know how serious I am when I warn people as part of my self-defense rather than intentionally offend them by ignoring good official rules.
Squid fossils made into jewelry might be as debatable as shoes made out of pig leather, but badger skins were used for shoes so the pig leather is not a problem. The wearing of pearls does not seem appropriate for a sealed Zebulonite to me, but the eating of barley pearls does seem very appropriate.
Don't be trapped by condemnation of fossil fuels when you are on WATCH woman lines. Sometimes FOSSIL is only a brand that does not excel against a TIMEX when operating properly.
I love watching Chris Archer pitch!
Iginla 625, Sakic 625: what do ties mean to us? 'Hagen Rubbish @ 555-7214' meant something to John Ashley and Dwight Schultz about 40 years ago..
(H7214 is a wild OX, a reference to YSP son of Rachel in Deuteronomy chapter 33.)