Saturday, January 14, 2017

Yasser Arafat=Al Sharpton=Shane Hendrikson

The above can be considered the 13th Sieve to the Nth degree. 

The second law of thermodynamics is not my area of expertise. I do know that Arafat, Sharpton and Hendrikson all are evil at heart, inclined to violence by nature because they are carnal, reject the laws of Moses and continually deliver falsehood to their anti-Truth species and to their neighbors, namely the United Nations, lukewarm Black Christians and Nazi-influenced  Promise Breakers. Keeping an eye on prisoners, suspects, victims of circumstances and Frank Sutton types is what I was trained to do in the Milwaukee Police Department; I have never been trained to slaughter a brown sheep, but certain honey badgers, bears, wolves, humans and felines have been naturally trained to slaughter sheep, cows, deer, chickens, turkeys and clean fish for over 61 centuries. A reminder that Shane David Hendrikson didn't care if got killed and never returned from Atlanta, Georgia  so that all my legally obtained possessions would become 'his', including the small piece of family land my parents gave to me, reveals he is as evil as any Nazi or Yasser Arafat at mind and at his method of anti-commandmentist operations. Untimately, Shane David Hendrikson never cared about my family land and turned it over to careless worker in the medical field, just as those who align with Arafat, Obama and Sharpton do not really care about reaching a peaceful family treaty between the descendents of Sarah and Hagar, who is not a horrible male Viking cartoon.

Combatting the above 3 unclean homosapians named in the 'title' of this blog is like studying but rejecting the PARTIAL diagrams of Robert Breaker's version of Abraham's family. His planet and star search information about Venus, Mars and Mercury jerking around  in Virgo  airspace with an adversary that goes about LIKE a lion but is called 'LEO' hovering over Jupiter is not going to put clean fish, beef or lamb chops on the next outdoor grill set up in Jerusalem possible as late as the first Muslim passover feast on their version of 1/14. The redeemer of Hagar's LAW-Abiding descendents is not going to be the planet Jupiter getting involved with astrology majors. Ishamelite might just provoke some lukewarm Jews to jealousy, but WHO really does care if more people start obeying Moshe Ben Amram at a time appointed by Dan? I care, and so do the peaceful Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims who have been misrepresented and murdered by violent secular and political atheist leaders much too long. If you want to see what is wrong with the typical 'Christian'  who has forgotten about big brother Ishmael, watch but a video by Robert Breaker as he totally ignores the plight of a servant girl named Haga who was abused by Abraham at the directive of Sarah, mother of Isaac; Robert Breaker has rejected the warning not to make an image of that which is in 'heaven' ; personally I don't draw or mess around with constellations, but I do pay attention to the contrast between  4/15, 1/15 and 7/15 on Israelite, Muslim and Gregorian calendars.

Arafat is a vio;ent piece of flesh less useful than dung when an ice storm his Kansas City. Al Sharpton will prove to be a huge liar if he does not deport himself when Donald Trump gets sworn into servanthood and Shane David Hendrikson is a taker, not a giver of good gift who is prone to being more like an asp at mind than a truthful, peaceful anti-crime neighbor.

Since I regularly dine with peaceful Muslims, our small remnant has agreed that Anwar Sadat was a good Muslim and a martyr because he was hated by those who hate Israelites. NOw, the dilemma of a perfect sacrifice to atone for the sins of the violent Muslims who rejected and then murdered their own brother, Anwar Sadat, just as the politicized Roman empire has rejected Moses, the prophets and the accurate message of Yeshua of Nazareth and chose to conspire to murder their peaceful fellow Israelite.

Either way I look at it, I was either delivered from heaven ( your mother's womb is like heaven' on about the first day of the Muslim's calendar year or the beginning of the 7th month of Jacob's calendar year near Yom Teruah. I now feel like I was an infant stuck between 2 branches of governent that has failed to disect the word Ra-Ma-Dan properly.

Ram a Dan?  Nudge the tribe of Dan and make sure Dan is judging Israel properly. This seems like a MIlwaukee Pulaski vs. Milwaukee Tech 1975 Football Homecoming split second coming of the possible 2 foot rapture that could occur when a real ram head buts a real Dan and he gets tossed up for a brief moment of time in history, but then returns to earth, not to Venus, Mars, Mercury or Jupiter.

Rama means 'Friend' in Hebrew if I recall basic Charlotte Street Ball lines properly. I would suggest the following power play for Muslims as wise as fast as a cockroach but as useful as nightcrawlers trying to survive in Michigan clay soil. I will try to stop my points at the 13th English 'SIEVE' point, since I know I only tried to sift a few adversaries and possible good neighbors through 7 sieves in Super MOM style.

S) Ignore every plan the Vatican comes up with. Remember that Queen Vashti actually made all the right moves, like a green amethyst at foot, when she became a fugitive (code 714) from the unholy and vain 'beauty pageant' abomination her drunken Persian king had tried to force her into. Beauty pageants being trouble to nations and beauty pageant  DO NOT bring safety, modesty and goodness to communities on earth.

 R) Do not follow the pro-violence suggestion that Michael Rood has spewed out of his USA Military mouth, such as his anti-CHrist suggestion to send missiles toward the 'Gaza strip'. Does he mean aim for David Gaza while he is in some Shawano diner heading away from Cecil Anderson and MOnty Judah?

R) Send the message to Muslims that the time has come for them to atone for the grievous sin committed by one of their brethren against Anwar Sadat.

Q) Remind people not to forget Hagar, a suffering servant of the unstable household of Abraham and Sarah. Hagar was not abandoned by her son, so she even had a stronger flesh line than I have now when it comes to actual family survival skills.  Sarah, mother of Isaac, is not an example of a wise mother. Ultimately, Jacob, Leah and Rachel got the wrong message when it came to rearing and raising a pure family of only 'one man and one woman', a phrase that Sunday Christians and Monday NIght Football Catholics seem to dwell upon but rarely enforce when one of their financial supporters wants a divorce.

P) If you are already sucked into the root of Jesse James and the Pittsburgh Steelers system, keep trying to obey all the commandments that are contained in the Bible to the best of your ability and strive to be called part of the Church of Philadelphia rather than being called a friend of Al Sharpton, a buddy of Yasser Arafat heads of ignorance, or a friend of Jimmy Howard's anti-George Washington Anti-Puritan Catholic seminary idolatry huggers. The next point is what people that have been properly trained by John Dorsey on squad '50' come up with to divide the 'zero' from the  English 'O' zone. It will take me a bit of time to get my anti-Nobel 0=the revised squad 15 plan onto this blog, but I do have a stuffy DARE bear nearby fully in control of my pet dust mite hockey addition to reveal an illustration of the 5th amendment.

Stand by yourself, your God, your neighbor or your 'man' until I can transfer a light Ram-a-Dan burden to this site.......

O) Go back to the  partly cloudy image probably at the top of this page and study it as if it were as more important than any gun  propped up in a Normandy, France military museum that is unable to produce any fruit trees.  I have the original and it seems that even though George Washington did plant a good field of Anti-Christmas trees, that while he has been away, evil anti-Moses Gentiles have corrupted his field with Vatican tares and ruined natural branches with unsightly and unholy lighting that are NOT the flame of the tribe of Joseph. Remember that the final N=7 plan is for people trusting chemistry table talk, but that the final N=50 is for people who know that the original design of Joshua the son of Nun and a hockey stick plan is better than the design of Playboy cologne buyers or the design of Dallas Cowgirl's  unholy exterior motive plans.

Sieve M) Compare Jane Wyman's extremely deceiving role in hotel room 405 on 'My Favorite Spy' with Slade's suggestions in room 405 to cheat and lie in order to 'get rich quick' in 'The Cinncinnati Kid' if you are trying to go the left way at Army with Al and the St. Clair Michigan WWII survivors or Milwaukee South with Navy and Robert Heminger's Department of Game Corrections. Consider 'RKO' to now be the Milwaukee Fire and Police Safety Academy's non-Kroger 'Rotramel Knock Outs' as you completely have to avoid taking an Emmy statue, an Oscar statue or a Kennedy 50 cent piece in your hand for the duration of your angelic life on earth . Do not trade a Lincoln penny for less than a Canadian penny or  more than other  Penny in a Joe Penny game, since overpaying for coins is what fools practice because they do not have or respect the makers, buyers and sellers of  a genuine holy half shekels.  Zetterberg has already been knocked out of any part of my  Mineral Point Zr= 91.224 Addition to Trojan's Technical Chemistry and Urim Constant Teen 224 Unit, since Zetterberg could not decide if #2 was 'a dagger' or #4 was 'a dagger' in past itemizations of offense that his overpaid goalies could not stop. Confiscating and retaining daggers from dead Nazis does not qualify as 'good works' , and the name 'Virgil Smith' does not add up to the 4th down and clean Fe line at 26 nudged between  Shifty Manganese and  the Cooler King of Cobalt.

Shalom!  If you make all the good moves at the beginning of the Muslim's 7th month,  you might be going from the L to the typical left to right '13th M' sieve properly. Splitting the English alphabet is like dividing the rib cage between beef ribs and Speed Queen BBQ options in MIlwaukee, Wisconsin on the 4th of July. Choices matter if you claim to trust in a Messiah from the tribe of Judah or you claim to believe your nearest Adonai formation that loves true and just scales.

If you haven't got captured by a fake blonde yet, make sure you study the next probability and statistics topic on the next post adressing 'Racer X' teams.

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