Wednesday, January 4, 2017

This Sunday Is 'End of the World' Day?

If the LORD has taught you to number your days, the next Sunday is day 657, and the associated Hebrew word is : Aleph Pey Samech, which means 'end of the world' or the bottom of your feet. The day 657 is only tied into the year I painfully trickled in and out of London, Ontario for the Feast of Firstfruits instead of ruining my reputation going to Las Vegas or Dollywood.  The 'end of the world' word is not the same as the Greek 'tselios' word which focuses on a certain point by long distance vision rather than by actual location of the end of the world, namely your feet.

If you haven't even considered how to make jasper your first foundation when the end of the world topples you or upholds you,  it is because you lack respect for actual Benjamites in history and in prophesy. If you haven't chosen at least one of the Israelite tribes associated with the sealed 144,000 or the foundations mentioned in 'book 66', you probably won't even think this Sunday is the 10th month and the 9th day of the biblical calendar.

After being totally amazed that the best behaved adult male  I had been playing hockey with for months in Port Huron is a 'Jehovah Witness' , I suppose I have some angelic obligation to try and steer his particular St. Clair assembly toward more TORAH compliance and subsequent process of being grafted into the Tree of Life system which emits from the root system of Israel so they turn away from the root of the green bay tree mentioned in Psalm 37.

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