If you have been keeping the feasts of Israel reasonably well, the middle of the Feast of Booths might also bring about day 1290 very near October 11th. Keeping track of days does matter, whether or not you are trying to prove the book of Daniel's prophesy to be correct or whether or are trying to keep an appointment with the person who is keeping you mentally IL.
Here is an interesting combination for table talk of any sort today:
MIX= 1009, and I'm pretty sure that would be the number of days since the year I traveled to Keswick, Ontario for 'Firstfruits', only a few days after I delivered a clean, unleavened mix of food to St. Isadore's Catholic church and to the Shelby, MI police department. without any evidence of a good rate of return onmy investment..... YET. At worst, I fed my enemies better than I was able to feed the City of Milwaukee dispatchers in the late 1980's, since feeding your enemies pork bologna is not 'good works', but letting them pull the pork from their sandwich and eat only the bread IS good works for prisoners who know and are willing to obey the Law of Yehovah better than most USA politicians would even considering doing to be 'saved' from their own cycles of unrighteousness.
DIX = 509, but Ned Yost is 508 according to ESPN assigned numbers.
IL = 49, and the Penn State Nittany Lions tattoo offense can now be called the physically IL Rose Bowl Team of 2017. Did the USC quarterback#14 have a tattoo, or was he merely coached by the Troy Aikman crew?
DD=M to a Roman, but DD=8=C to a 'Hebrew shorthand' math conversion team. Firstfruits in London, Ontario was second only to my Firstfruits time in beautiful Ottawa, Ontario where I was treated kindly by Ottawa police officers and hotel keepers before seeking extended retreat time in Collingwood, Ontario before the 'Elvis' fools regularily dig their anti-D.A.R.E. programs into a society influenced by the wrong 'king' for too long.
MX = 1010, and there is no L in front of tomorrow's possible MX day.
Well, that's it for El Roy and Sparta news, so try to keep track of today's Roman CCLXIX day shift and the DLII Skipper 'Bud' Rotramel Army light raincoats and Heavy Weather musical note systems that are moving around like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in an electronic street scene these days.
Whether or not 'Moshe Ben Amram' is your 'rabbi' or Benjamin Bunny is your rabbit fuzz connection, remember that the ink of a prophet warns people of their offense, but the blood of a martyr does NOT cover the sins of those who rejected the warnings of a truthful prophet. Running insurance policy tables is not the gift of prophesying, so IF day 1290 sets itself into this years Hebrew calendar, you might have lost your last chance to reject mythological systems such as 'Easter Bunnies', 'Santa Tracker' and other cleverly devised tales invented to draw humans away from the Way, the Truth and the Life of a saint enduring until the 'end' of a cycle of testing.
Project 'Dorcas': I will now try to find an inexpensive Catholic attorney willing to help me sue my HOA and then put to shame the 'Judy Garland' forces that are trying to make housing areas look like a Barry Church zones for some very wasteful environmentally UNSOUND reason. The current Catholic church does not impose taxes on its people, so how they use their donations is really not quite as serious as the sin that occurs when imposed fees and taxes are used for purposes which Moshe Ben Amram would never have approved of.
A reminder that ulcers are flesh wounds and that being attacked by cruel beings in spiritual warfare can cause ulcers is a fact of human life. How you legally release your internal stress really does matter during ongoing wars that anti-Zebulun and anti-Judah people have started possibly due to the 'hardness of their Heart' records and lack of studying the Book of Jeremiah.
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