Monday, January 9, 2017

Green Bay Packers Tie New York Islanders At 38!

The title I wrote is about equal to the beginning of Kellogg's cereal bar codes, but the rest of the contents of this post will only be taken in by the minds of the elect.

Getting an important written message to a tough Russian delegate was much easier than getting a note to George W. Bush when he was in Wausau, Wisconsin wasting way too much time and money to gain power that cannot even save him. True men of Yehovah's elect do not go around surrounded by armed security guards, and they also do not want to be 'hounded' by camera crews and autograph seekers. Chosen people can recognize chosen people as easily as they can choose to deliver a bear in a Milwaukee pizza box. I returned to my first love this weekend, but it may take years before the effects of my actions blossom and bring forth good fruits at a timetable setting that I am not in control of.

Although my body is overwhelmed with sorrow I know the sorrow will pass like it has many times before because I have the proper anti-drug skills to combat sorrow. Sorrow is sometimes the result of doing good when others are platting evil at the same time.  If you,  like me, have been concerned about the upcoming 10 days, are you willing to do any of the following to combat anti-Israelite forces?

10. Go into a business operated by Muslims and ask them if they think Barack Obama is a good guy or a bad guy. If they say he is a bad guy, go to 8. If they say he is a good guy, go to 9.
9. Tell the Muslims that Barack Obama is a bad Muslim, and if he gets destroyed and eaten by the ravens it is his own fault for hating Israelites. If you can loiter around a bit after that comment, go to 7.
8. Tell the Muslim he is wise and tell him you are going to fast until Donald Trump takes office. Ask for advice on how to fast for a long period of time, since most good Muslims do know how to fast better than the typical medical school graduate in the United States. Continue on through the rest of the angelic steps you might want to take instead of drawing back into some Martin Luther King Junior formation like all the other people who haven't decided to believe and obey the commandments of Yehovah.
7.  Remind the possibly peaceful and very confused Muslim that if the fools meeting in France  try to force Israeiites out of Israel, they should not be surprised if Donald Trump forces all Muslims out of the United States and shoves them back to the Middle East so the United States can take in the displaced Israelites in order to secure the United States a better position during the tribulation period.
6. It is fair and just to put fear of failure into an enemy's offensive strategy.  I don't have any idea what it  is like to be a bad or a good Muslim, so some theories of countering anti-Israelite sentiments become speculative.  For instance, if you know someone believes in Allah and not in Yehovah or Abaddon, tell the Muslim that since you want to be one of  the elect of Yehovah, you cannot defile your own reputation by trying to handle or discipline any of Allah's shrimp eating bunch, but let them know you are not opposed to good Muslims  beheading bad Muslims if that is the only way they can obey their own laws and clean up their own lousy  neighborhoods and feed their appetite for typical United Nations anti-Torah behavior without disturbing the peace of the real Bible believers scattered worldwide. If any Muslim business or religious assembly insists that ' Michelle and Barack Obama are good Muslims', do not return to their location ever again since they obviously are trying to deceive you.
5. If you do not have the courage to utilize comment number 6 like a good Chinese serpent might, suggest that the Pittsburgh Steelers might lose intentionally so that they do not have to defile the stainless Steelers uniform division battling  in non-Pittsburgh stadiums against anti-Christ pimp areas like Dallas or New England. Wise fans and wise owners know that a good clean exit strategy after the separation of Luke Smith from Luke the Mirosola horse shoe occurs due to the Alex Smith double Playboy cologne trouble coupled with or without Progressive Insurance mistakes in front of your face.
4. Suggest to others that Barack Obama has probably been eating too many chitlins and pork butts since it is evident has become a habitation of demons.
3. Tell a fair weather friend that illegal aliens in California should see if Arnold's  'Strike Force' computer games can stop the flood waters from evaporating too soon they they can have more water ski parks in California for wealthy gang members that Don Johnson hasn't traded places with yet.
2. Keep in mind that although the elect might be surrounded by natural or unnatural disasters, the same pattern of events occurred when only certain areas were flooded to destroy Egyption armies that didn't properly fear locust forces.
1. Hope and pray that Canada and Russia align with Israel since a holy half shekel is worth far more than a ruble or a elk point quarter.  It is easier to intercept a football or a Titan than it is to intercept a holy half shekel in motion to a handsome  male receiver on the surface of the earth.

........................................... If you did not object to any of the above, keep reading. If you objected to any of my anti-gun strategies, go stare are a New Jersey Dirt Devil until you get bored enough to try to come up with a better plan of sainthood action. My suggestions are more economical and safer than the typical CIA and military crap games that occurred when poorly trained extremely unholy men are plotting against equally evil 'son of Perdition' forces.

Since I know that Barack Obama and John Kerry are not the children of my God, they cannot be disciplined by or saved by my God. I suspect they will have other evil forces keep them busier than a hockey puck for either a very long or a very short period of time.  For every bit of restraint I used when my friend Sergei Krivokrasov was safely in my sight over the past weekend, some other force might have been getting activated in his, my or our behalf.  Controlling emotions is often the only way to survive a conflict of interest in a turbulent 'neutral zone' during an uncommon 25 year reunion of mutually strong and decent spiritual and physical forces..

The gifts I give are much better than the gifts Herb Brooks received, if in fact he received a 'whip' at his unholy 'Christmas' party time in New York  gold rush  games. I certainly wouldn't want anyone on my team wasting money in movie theaters watching 'StarWars' trash when they could have been donating food to their enemies in various arrogant Catholic congregations where the hypocritical attorneys won't 'represent an Israelite trying to combat unnatural light nuisances during the height of the apostacy season developed by unholy men thousands of years ago. If in your most angry moments you drop of canned foods inside the strongholds of your enemy, you can be assured you are under the influence of an excellent holy angelic spirit rather than a violent, greedy and demonic spirit.

'Be angry and sin not' does not  mean 'sit around, do nothing and hope to spared  from the wrath to come by a bowling ball heading your way. Even doves have been known to fight or take flight in order to get their next meal rather than to become the next viper's meal.

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