Self-imposed silence is the Hebrew word of this, the 1747th day. For those wise enough to present decent football teams to their home crowds, not moving your team to Super Bowl LI is actually a good plan. There is no doubt that of all the NFL teams, only the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Chicago Bears are ruled by people who might be considered pure in heart rather than running pimp and hooker shows to the immoral majority. Sometimes the pure in heart even give jobs to people who are very different than them for an anti-slavery reason.
It is tough for reams that really are extremely talented to under-perform in order to avoid being part of what has become a disgusting gathering known as the NFL Superbowl. I am quite sure that not going to Superbowl 51 is much wiser than coveting that which does not save the body, spirit or soul.
Good job, Pittsburgh Steelers! Your team and training camp does draw in people of decent moral fiber rather than entertaining the morally despicable, biblically unskilled and unholy Hooter's types like almost every other NFL team has chosen to do. Falcons and Patriots have followed the way of their strumpet lines rather than recognizing the sound of a shofar or a Yom Teruah trumpet. Those heading toward the Superbowl obviously have willfully completely rejected the proper idea of what it means to be 'good as jasper and finer than fools gold' .
Hopefully, even Mario Lemieux would agree with my rare decision to spend a day shift in my life with self-imposed silence, knowing full well that nothing good will go into or come out of this year's NFL Superbowl. On a contrarian note, I was thankful to hear that the nation of Sweden did much to protect Jewish people that exited Denmark as quietly as the Pittsbugh Steelers chose a good way of escape at '17'. What CBS calls 'good' is usually actually part of the apostacy tied to the whore of Babylon, not grafted into the Tree of Life.
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