When reasonable risk doesn't go the way you had hoped, conflict of interest can occur. I attended a dinner for Law Enforcement Officers in Port Huron yesterday and purchased 7 raffle tickets. I put 1 into a 32" television basket, 5 into a 'Miller Lite' duffle bag drawing and one into a .22LR Savage rifle drawing. Ticket #296700 landed me the .22LR Savage rifle.
My enemy wants to embarrass me, but my adversary might be interested to see what I do with the 'prize' I really don't WANT, since it is not a very practical gun for self-defense and useless in deer hunting season. I don't eat rabbits, and I know I can do more damage to an intruder with a '243' or a baseball bat. Here is my intelligent course of action after I dod not win the prizes I really could have used:
A) Since I read the anti-Moses mumbo-jumbo contained in Michigan SS28.422, sub (3) (f) is where the 'courts' have failed because they have let liars and felons who hired expensive attorneys get access to firearms easier that a person who has FULLY recovered from spousal abuse or medical malpractice can. I know I am sane, more sane than any person who walks into a movie theatre or buys a violent video game, so I am not going to waste my time or money trying to 'correct' the evidence AGAINST my false accusers in the past or in the present tense situations at hand.
B) Since I do not want hired employees at Dunham's to think in error that I can't obtain a firearm in Michigan, I can first pre-check my status at a local law enforcement agency where they know I am not only trustworthy and LAW-ABIDING, but that I believe there are times to say no to a firearm just as there are times to say to a trophy or a prescription for sedatives. This is a time I will say 'no' to the Savage .22LR firearm, since if I only decide that I need another firearm, it wouldn't be the Savage black model. I know guns, and there are much better choices if I want to add another gun to my historical possesions.
C) I contacted the Michigan state offices and was treated very politely by the woman who answered my questions regarding background checks. She did a bit better than the Boston Bruins combo of 40 and 54 in preventing offense. 4054 is Larry Mizewski's address, and I noitced 40-26 and 40-88 combos were also seen when the '40' was Rask, not a better Mem representative such as Michael Vick or Benjamin Sheets. 4026 and 4088 were the Superamerica stores I survived in WITHOUT guns and even without the knowledge of men like Ehud, Eldad or Medad. Going from C to D is how I will totally avoid being labeled by my neighbors or my enemies as ignorant, insane or COWARDLY.
D) A male USA Marine veteran labeled 'Schemansky' of German descent offered me only $50.00 in USA currency to get the paperwork to obtain Savage rifle for 'one penny', even though he claims he already has a large collection of firearms. Schmansky claimed that he will not go into downtown Detroit without a gun, so he, as a trained Marine, is more cowardly than I am. I do not want a man who trusts in guns rather than in Yehovah, biblical wisdom and Tae Kwon Do methodists to obtain the gun at a reduced price, since it would only cost him $50.01 if I would have made a deal with him. Let Schmansky pay full value for the desires of his gun-toting flesh. Since MY records are not sealed regarding my past and anyone with a sound mind knows I am law-abiding even thugh I have been a victim of many felonies, there is no reason to conceal the identity of the 'Schmansky' that wanted another gun, since he might be as dangerous as Shane David Hendrikson or Gabriel Bedoya at MIND.
E) If Dunham's in Port Huron uses their films for training purposes like Waffle House does, they will get a real lesson in 'how to avoid a heavy burden trap' and tranfer to a 'light burden'. plan after you took a risk that didn't go the way you had hoped. As soon as I find out how Dunham's handles my post-prayer decision NOT to obtain the inferior Savage .22LR firearm, I will add to this post point H and address some very sensitive issues that still will haunt rather than save my enemies and reassure my friends and adversaries that I am one of the best trained saint on the face of the earth who is not afraid to say 'no' to a gun I would never use as a first choice of self-defense.
F) This F6 vs. 28.422 sub 3(f) point equal to COURAGE vs. BEAST comparisons, and I know I have courage. It is a BRUTE BEAST system that orders up and refuses to take down fake evergreen wreaths and unsightly ugly, artificial lights in commonly held non-church areas. In real conflicts, you often don't get a second choice for self-defense options if your first choice FAILS. The non-fiction battles I appearred to have 'lost' were in man-made. corrupted Wisconsin and Michigan venues such as at the Macomb Suburban Ice Arena, ( I will never play for any Macomb team again) divorce courts in Wisconsin,' State vs. Church' conflicts st 1003 S. 31st Street, a household where I was arrested for PRAYING after I was TEMPORARILY physically DAMAGED by prescription asthma drugs that had been legally obtained.
G) Praying in my own house was the original 'deed' that wrongfully might prevent me from ever again being able to buy a decent deer hunting gun, but that does't prevent me from naming who my enemies are and thankfully doesn't prevent me from looking at decent ADULT males to encourage me, protect me or peacefully reject me in perilous times. Thankfully I am not a lesbian or a homosexuality, which is actually a form of INSANITY that the USA Army recruiters Darwinists refuse to accept as Truth.
H) Make sure you double check point 'F', since the name 'Finney' is not a name that represents goodness, holiness and purity. How William James Leslie mishandled a situation was correctly handled by me and the staff at Dunham's in Port Huron. Leslie did not know the current laws, and I looked them up before I decided to test the totally IMPURE Michigan legal system. Leslie did not know that I reject the diea of 'carrying and concealing a firearm' since I know it is NOT the best way to defend myself, although I certainly am not afraid to use a reliable firearm if I have to to defend myself or the life of an INNOCENT party, which clearly eliminates me from ever joining the 'Jehovah's Witnesses', who seem to stop at Psalm 37:3 on a regular basis. Leslie did not raffle off as many guns as the terrible Catholic church in POlonia, Wisconsin and I believe he has learned a valuable lesson. It is not wise to say 'you can sell the gun to whoever you want' in a society where too many 'Shane David Hendrikson' types load up on guns and fail to properly support his ex-wife and the mother of his children after deserting her for another anti-TORAH female species.
I) I, with the Dunhams store credit I was given, ended up replacing an object that was stolen by former employee who was assisted by Stuart Rottier and the corrupt Marathon County Sheriff's Department. I tried to prevent Shane David Hendrikson's felony, but the drunkards of Ephraim and unfruitful trees stood by like dead weight rather than properly charge Shane David Hendrikson with a version of felony corporate theft. I had to pay a lot more than a penny to obtain a replacement for a stationary bicycle which I can use for physicial therapy in my version of Stalag 1', but at least William Leslie was brave enough to meet with me face to face in a public place, more easily corrected about his false belief and lack of knowledge of local laws, and William Leslie was peaceable about a conflict, which makes him a wiser man than anyone currently on the West Park Estates HOA board. When the Nazi-type goons permanently remove their weak delusions attached to the west side brick walls of my subdivision, I will again refer to my position as Lot 1 rather than Stalag 1. My real home would never have anything as impure as the fake green circles that ruin rather than enhance the look of a nice Michigan brick wall. Maybe I'll even remove my fake flowers from the northside of the brick wall, even though my fake flowers do no represent anti-Israel or anti-Gadite positions. My blue sled has to stay up until the HOA goons/Gestapo correct the excessive spotlight problem they CAUSED without my consent or knowledge.
J) If a person like Javier Cornejo was here, he probably would know that I followed the most basic instruction of the raffle, specifically that I had agreed to and DID pick the gun up at Dunhams, which I did to respect the integrity of the raffle. The Savage 22lr is actually much lighter that I had thought it would be, and actually would do less damage to an intruder than a proper blow to the head from a baseball bat. My former Field Training Officer,John Dorsey of Milwaukee, WI would probably prefer I get a good shotgun, I maybe someday I will.
K) Knowing I am of sound mind because the main cause of my past injuries is permanently removed from my household is the same as a broken bone survivor surviving a temporary 'problem' rather than continuing to do dangerous activities preventing the healing of the bone structure. Shane David Hendrikson removed himself from my household and from my family PERMANENTLY because of the evil desires he had within him. Why is it simple to get a clear bill of health after a major part of the anatomy fails but nearly impossible to get a clear bill of health after a PORTION of the brain fails temporarily? Medical IGNORANCE and rejection of the healing power that results from obeying the commandments is what makes most victims of abuse from their family or neighbor eventually end up as endangered species who are either going to fight or flee for their lives rather than commit suicide or waste their time calling '911'.
L) The name ''Leslie' is loosely attached to a present or former district attorney in Marathon County, Wisconsin who is actually party to the crimes committed against me; who the district attorney DIDN"T prosecute has deceived her and become her 'friend', not her adversary, not her source of redemption, not her source of truthful statements and not her accuser. I certainly do have the right to accuse Marathon County, Macomb County and MIlwaukee County of being party to crimes against me due to my religious belief and due to their state of internal corruption and reprobate minds. My last comment on this post is as serious as the connection between Port Huron Hammond Legion 8 and Lambath Canadian Legion 401. I do understand the problem with military systems that do not know how to undo the damage that has been caused by seen or unseen enemies, and the problem with the military is that they have forgotten to obey the commandments that cuased King David to fast, repent in sackcloth and survive long enough to write some psalms to CORRECT HIS MIND.
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