Monday, January 23, 2017

Nazi-type Board Still Ruining West Park Estates

For some unknown reason, Nazi forces backed some of their markings off of the wall to the south of Lot 66 but intentionally left their anti-Moses and anti-Israeli markings south of Lot 1. When evil plots are made so obvious in writing and IF only 1 person resists the unreasonable charges and unreasonable fees being forced onto citizens, it is likely that the other 65 people prefer to have no peace, no safety and contntued 'bad press' about their subdivision from the 1 person who is still under obvious attack by Nazi-type forces led by Peter Vitale, Frank Finney and the other 3 board members who actually HATE not only the Truth but the spirit of all of the prophets in the Scripture.

When I set guidelines for myself, I am not ashamed to reveal the intent of my mind and I don't work in secret places like the SS did during World War II. Here are some dividing lines that will occur, even if you don't think they can:

P) There is no longer a good reason to try to use 'Hogan's Heroes' as a method of operation against Gentile heathens like Edward Flynn for a code 15. A better reminder for the real war at hand is the 'Hospital Block' gesture which correlates more with the Canadian Air Force Museam ACCURATE information.  When a saint loses their sense of humor, do not expect the sinners to stop sinning or stop mocking the people who really do believe in the God of Hagar and Ishmael.

E) Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear should realize that a man like Ed Jovanovski is very different at mind than Ed Menard. Ed Menard is more likely to be deceived by his own kind than Ed Jovanovski, since 'coppers' often trust other 'coppers' in err. The trained hockey player knows you might be fighting a battle out of your jurisdiction more often than the typical police dog unit. I learned the hard way that very few people in law enforcement try to keep the commandments of Yehovah, which means very few are going to receive mercy at a future point of judgment.

N) Neutral zones usually are 'lukewarm' where people refuse to reveal or defend their 'faith' system. When only a small brick wall is between you and your enemy, there is not going to be lowering of tension. Tension only gets lowered when your enemy decides to stop forcing their SIN into your holy area. People who litter are worse than dogs and actually are no better than the Nazi's who set up a brothel at building 24A in Auschwitz. Brothels ruin an area just as much as intentional littering does, so now you know a person who litters is as evil in heart as a child abuser in a neighborhood.

G) Single women who were taken captive by the Nazi's during World War II decided to call the safest area 'Canada' in one of the concentration camps for a reason.  Although seeing the Canadian flag might trouble some people, a flag of Canada is a better sign of a tree of life than dead or fake Christmas trash  and wires being draped ANYWHERE on the face of the earth. The celebration fo Christmas is forbidden by people who actually believe in and trust the God of Noah, Zechariah and the God of Truth.  The longer a battle continues, the more it will be evident just who really HATES the Messiah who came into this world through the Tribe of Judah.

U) Ultimatums are rarely seen in public venues. Usually, the most violent ultimatums occur within an individual household between feuding family members who eventually become violent or broken apart by divorce.  Spiritual winners aren't going to be heading into movie theatres at all and will be able to denoucne the concept of 'Beauty and the Beast' and not dent the existance of Satan, Gabriel or Michael formations that will get sorted through like a D=500 line in am inaccurate and intentionally corrupted form filled out by bad employees of Wipfli in Wausau. When honest people are victims of corporate evil, sometimes only tears from the victim can prevent the victim from doing something illegal to try to retaliate. It is a shame that I still cry because my former spouses decided to steal from me and hate me, and they influenced my son's spiritually destructive course of action.

I) I did consider today what it feels like to become rejected by a father who was supposed to love and protect you like my son was rejected by his natural father. The pain is probably about the same as a woman or man who gets rejected by their spouse who who had publically promised to love and care for their spouse.  In both cases, I suspect that the unloved or abandoned person either takes their anger out on innocent bystanders or tries to get comforted by another entity. However, if the entity that is comforting you behaves contrary to the commandments, there is no hope for either reconciliation with  the innocent bystanders you harmed or with HVHY. This point explains why my son still hasn't corrected the errors of his ways, since he sought an unholy female to comfort him and her unholiness was clearly evident when she consented to his very ugly tattoo. His flesh was a beautiful shade of brown most of the time and he did not respect or love his own flesh.  His tattoo pleased his ungodly father and his unholy wife just as seeing JOhn the Baptist's head on a platter pleased one of King Herod's witches, but the tattoo horrified me because I knew he rejected the God of Israel's commands intentionally.

N) 'I'm in the mood for the wrath of God, not in the mood for 'love' these days.' True love and peace on earth will not occur until  the ROOT of evil has been pulled up, exposed and and burned  Being prepared to see terrible events occur to the enemies of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is not going to happen believing the lyrics of professional salesmen like Stephen Curtis Chapman as Marie#3 plays on his monkey bars. 'Joseph Prince' and similar television acts are not the source of Truth because humility has been launched out the windows like the space shuttle was launched into outer darkness never being able to return to the knowledge of the Truth or the reason that the breastplate of Aaron had gems from the earth rather than constellations and Scooby Doo  drawn on it.   Comedy is sometimes a temporary mask to send an enemy away feeling comfortable' rather than wasting your time trying to 'save' them after they already rejected multiple opportunities to become living Church of Philadelphia saints rather than habitual sinners.

S) Saying 'no' to mind-altering drugs and 'no' to the Colette&Derek Lubner 'method of operation' does not mean you have to give up your right to remain silent, to be funny, to be sorrowful  or eve ben rather boring and impartial as you try to survive around obvious 'unbelievers'.  I suppose I will call this the Simeon Rice vs. the Dan and Jerry Rice point, since Simeon Rice actually seems to have learned to harness his power properly instead of trying to hide or become a foolish dancer and actually humiliate himself rather than sanctify himself.   2/24/74 is not a day most people will take note of, but the blue London topaz people might remember the 7th seal as they try to avoid being on the wrong side of a harsh bowl judgment call.

13) I suggest you read the Book of Jeremiah or the Book of Malachi in its entirety before you  start believing there are 8 days in a week. Make sure you DO NOT watch the Super Bowl this year if you want to guard yourself from demonic spirits  If anyone sees Claude Didier in St. Lucia, tell him I say 'Be careful who you lead, who you obey and who you follow.'  Losing friends in a war is easier than winning a battle against liars, deceivers and Super Bowl whores lead for years by ignorant beasts like Tom Brady, Ray Romano and the majority of the owners of NFL teams who certainly do know how to cause vexation ot those who actually have an internal Holy Spirit.  Consider this the 'Going Orange and White with 'Al' billiard points rather than going M with Mizewski and Minerva.

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