Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Insane Male USA Politician Claims Statues Can Cry

The 'Statue of Liberty' can't cry. Whosoever claims a statue can cry or shed tears should OBVIOUSLY be admitted into  the nearest mental facility for at least 90 days if any point of 'just scales' is going to start going into effect in the United States.

Because I actually did have the most cruel and unfair treatment while filthy and unholy Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were president, I have gained the right to suggest serious corrective actions to take against habitual liars or people who clearly are NOT mentally stable due to habitual unrealistic trust in huge statues and lack of knowledge of biblical HOLY and GOOD statutes. Remember, Bill Murray did suggest that it is fine to say you are a 'god' when under some sort of spiritual attack but in no logical case would any mentally stable person claim that statues have 'feelings' or that they can talk, shed tears or read about Dan Tanabe out loud or their fellow statues.

I thought I'd add a bit of Truth to the electronic world today before I have to send a polite letter to the anti-commandment heathens currently on my HOA board asking them to reduce spending and stop forcing their anti-Biblical seasonal waste into a neighborhood. The current state of local, state and federal government already seriously lacks respect for the  'Christ' who was named Yeshua and who was from the tribe of Judah, not from a German druid or Roman Catholic gang.

I'm not from the tribe of Judah, but I do believe the writings of Moses and the original  testament and original Israel covenant prophets. The upcoming year will be a time to see if any of my neighbors in temporary power on my HOA board want to improve their conduct and 'go biblical' rather than continue to go anti-Yehovah, anti-Puritan, anti-Israel and anti-Ishmael.

Sometimes living saints like me who have made it to 'purple belt' do cry when they have been under attack by various forms of unholy forces, knowing full well that crying releases toxins from the body and that crying is safer than taking 'Abilify' or some other mind-altering drug. I also refuse to look like or fake blonde or as weak as 'Liz Wheeler'.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Eleventh or Fifth Month Anti-Princess Survival

Unless you named your dog 'princess', the problem with a 'princess' mentality is that pride and arrogance arise within and the self-labeled princess ends up thinking that she will 'sit as a queen' rather than as a commandment-keeping helpmate and a daughter always willing to serve and protect her parents when they need her.  Vanity is tied to a princess mentality, not humility and a willlingness to behave as a living saint.

If there is a difference of '6' between Ishmael and Issac calenders, only a very special '6' can bridge the gap between two very spiritual family branches that should respect the sighting of the new moon in order to be accurate in discerning times of fasting and times of feasting. I don't think that there is a better person on the face of the earth than Paul Coffey to be able to humbly gather rather than carelessly scatter those who are more likely to obey laws than break them. A good king needs loyal and faithful servants to properly protect and guide others that are part of the same household system. The woman who wants to be treated like a 'princess' has neither a servant's heart nor a spirit of humility  coupled with a sense of proper defense rather than offending the pure in heart and the holy in conduct. Miss Universe types are exactly the opposite of what a 'virtuous woman' is, and only a man who is properly traiined spiritually knows to avoid having his sister or any family member become a 'look at me' person rather than a 'Study the Bible' person.

My brothers do not discourage me from trusting in israelite tribe methods of operation when I am near to them or far away. My brothers have seen me when I had had so much hope for my future thinking I was married to a man who loved me, bet then my brothers saw the results of being used and abused by the same men my brothers had been very kind to. Such may have been the life of Dinah, sister of Zebulon, and she is not supposed to be forgotten daughter.  Hagar was someone's daughter too, and her history is sad and very true.

Although my expertise is mainly in a combination of American Indian culture combined with biblical stone and seal order, I rather align with people who understand the the sighting of a crescent moon is more important than the sighting of a 'movie star'. I may be wrong, but I believe that many of the peaceful Muslims who fast,  reject swine and tattoos even if they ingest shrimp, are really Ishmaelites and very much unlike violent Islamists,lukewarm Christians or wreckless Assyrians.

If you believe this is the start of the 5th month, keep protecting your own body and your kind neighbors as they are a nation ready growing in an invisible womb. Men like Eric LIndros have changed due to past hardship and the brilliant orange 5 billiard ball is a better tool to work this than a hand grenade if you are part of group of people who studies and loves to learn from the 5 Books of Moses, monarch butterflies, orange roughy, carrots and oranges.   I suppose at 1st and 5, even a man like Jaromir Jagr might be able to carefully learn to discern good from evil and harlot traps from a Nun and the natural patterns of penguins.

If you think this is the start of the 11th month, keep the jacinth in mind (iolite and Gad) as well as the tribe of Joseph and his step-sister Dinah'.  Old timers like John Byce played an important part in my history and very sad travel times to places like 'Family Billliards' in the mountains of North Carolina to a rather unique tavern called 'The Sidelines' in Charlotte where I never got verbally or physically abused even though I was surrounded by 'gay' men..  The typical homosexual has as much chance to become a saint as the typical adulterer of thief, so it is not wise to expect harsh vengeance to occur to people who have not really intentionally sinned against you. A solid 1st and 11 figure is still Daunte Culpepper, a man with more potential to lead like Moses or Joshua than any elected politician ever exibit since politicians really don't know what it means to be part of a functional team against real opponents.

People in central Wisconsin are also familiar with the quiet strength of very decent hockey player Greg Hanson, a made who is just as important in my past VICTORIES against very real enemies as Paul Coffey has since both influenced me to be strong and of good courage even when facing my own most obvious weaknesses.  Study the letter 'kof' and do not confuse it with potassium or sodium. What I do from my household does not bring in any extra income, but my output is always influenced by what I allow as input into my mind and sort through to help the spirit of prophecy and holiness survive within me.  Kind words and a humble spirit do impress the angels of HaShem while others are lured into traps contrived by the spirit of Jezebel and strumpets, a word that my friend Garry Capps had used often before his medical staff didn't 'treat' him properly.  Prescription mediciine  errors  are often the cause of erratic or unexplained changes in behavior and increased illness, but medical doctors are least likely to repent and properly compensate the patients who are or were victims of their occupational crimes against humanity.

If an '11' makes you think of Dallas money, your mind has gone in the wrong direction and you seemed to forget that "Mercury Morris' isn't a good name to latch onto for salvation.  If you think its the end of the 1st month, you have yet to even give the Messiah of Israel to properly guide you and prevent you from being deceived by a very wicked anti-Biblical systems that have added chaos rather good constants to life on planet earth.  This month, I will remember the 5th foundation stone AND the 11th breastplate stone, both of which represent the tribe of Joseph.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Yod To Kuf Links Should Be 'Anti-Snoop Dog' and Pro-Gadite

Don't climb onto the Wayne Gretzy raft, since it will deflate quicker than the value of a holy half shekel.  Michael Rood's 'lessons'  have become mostly irrational for some reason, probably because he is too attached to Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver mentally and he should listen to something more intelligent sometimes like 'Chameleon' by Maynard Ferguson's band.  Rood doesn't frighten me, I just know he's way off the proper Beryl 8 ball team lately.

 I suppose there are even bigger problems trying to decipher and sift  good UW-Milwaukee Panthers and Milwaukee Wanda Court yards from extremely  corrupted and very anti-commandmentist  Richard and Rachel Hendrikson systems. How a 'missionary' or 'church pastor' ignores his own mother and manages to keep scamming people through United World Missions  UWM.org  branching out of postal area 28217 near some Wanda street or lane (which is remarkably close to my former abused respondent's shelter in area 28210) is truly not occurring due to an act of God.  Had I not read Deuteronomy 1 and Zechariah 1, both of which mention the significance of the 11th month, I might have wasted time signing up for 'facebook' to gather basic information about an anti-Israelite adversary and/or unsaved enemy who also happens to be my youngest son and his very anti-commandment family.  To set things in perspective on on a 536.9F boiling point, since only 1 out 22 phosphorous isotopes is stable, I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised or even upset if any son of Shane David Hendrikson or daughter of David Snyder  are equally unstable due to their apparently permanent rejection of leaders like Moses, Eldad, Medad and me, a pro-commandment daughter of a honest, kind and compassionate father figure.  Rejecting a basketball won't get a human into nearly as much trouble as rejecting the Truth and rejecting the commandments, which include instructions to honor  not ignore and continually offend your father and your mother.

Back to the future tense news.....preparing for Israelite feast days that require evidence from the earth's produce in the 12th month is serious, so why is it that so many 'leaders' insist on planning big events on pre-set dates when they should know better????  Pre-setting a date for a Shavuot when it IS POSSIBLE that it could be in July rather than June is unwise and actually a very bad pattern of habitual disregard for proper agricultural inspections in Israel. The appointed times are not tied to the knowledge of the difference between a jackass or a donkey.  For some reason, Nehemia Gordon is no longer passing on 'new moon' sightings so 'renewedmoon.com' might be a good resource for those who want to get the proper 'A' grade in agriculture and non-Pillsbury crescent moon sightings rather than ending up with the wrong A-frame in the town of Stetson, Wisconsin.

From 'renewedmoon.com':

"Aviv barley searches will be held toward the end of the twelfth Biblical month with the first possible renewed moon of the Biblical year expected to appear the evening of March 28th in the area of Venezuela++ if barley is found to be mature, as expected. It is always possible, however unlikely this year, that barley will not be ripened, forcing a thirteenth month to be observed for the prior calendar year. If this is the case, the new Biblical year will begin at the next renewed moon expected to appear the evening of April 27th in the area of New Guinea. Listed below are both possible dates for the Biblical Festivals in 2017 for these locations and areas westward (earliest / latest):
  • First Day of Biblical Year# (Day 1 of Month 1): March 29th++ / April 28th
  • Passover/Pesach Seder (Day 14 of Month 1): April 11th++ / May 11th Eucharist is observed on the evening of April 10th++ / May 10th based on Yeshua's model
  • First Day of Feast of Unleavened Bread/Chag HaMatzot* (Day 15 of Month 1): April 12th++ / May 12th
  • Wave Sheaf/Omer Day# (1st day of the week during Unleavened Bread in Promised Land): April 16th / May 14th
  • Last Day of Feast of Unleavened Bread/Chag HaMatzot* (Day 21 of Month 1): April 18th++ / May 18th
  • Counting of Weeks (7 complete weeks starting with Wave Sheaf Day): April 16th - June 3rd / May 14th - July 1st
  • Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot * (50th Day starting with Wave Sheaf Day): June 4th / July 2nd

It would then follow that the seventh renewed moon of 2017 is expected to appear on the evening of September 21st in the area of New Guinea or October 20th in the area of Nigeria++. This would mark the arrival of the Fall Festivals on the dates below for these locations and areas westward (earliest / latest):
  • Day of Trumpets/Yom Teruah* (Day 1 of Month 7): September 22nd / October 21st++
  • Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur* (Day 10 of Month 7): October 1st / October 30th++
  • First Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot* (Day 15 of Month 7): October 6th / November 4th++
  • Last Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (Day 21 of Month 7): October 12th / November 10th++
  • Last Great Day/Shemini Atzeret* (Day 22 of Month 7): October 13th / November 11th++ "
I still wait for new moon sightings in Israel, and that being the case, it is now the beginning of the  30th day of the 10th month. Don't forget about 'step-sister Dinah' if you are an avid Asher or Joseph type at mind.  39 to 19 is Y to K for some people, but for X to XX for Yod to Kuf Roman Centurion math nerds. Y=10 to K=20 is the 10th to the 11th letter of the fresh American translation of  Hebrew to English point joints. 

I guess I was better off watching Mary Tyler Moore on a fake date with Ed Asner than I would have been watching  the opening disgusting opening acts of the anti-apostles  which are part of the spiritual debacle being run by the NHL. Maybe Gene Hackman or Basic Minneapolis I9 paper dolls should start replacing 'Gordon Howe' to clearly start reversing the wrong trend at the number '9' and at least get some saints to the back 9 of a local golf course safely and properly.  Only 1 rather than 2 male badgers made it on Noah's ark for a reason.

Remember that Daunte Culpepper, now starting year 41,  finished better than he started in the NFL because he finished with a Detroit Lions team that did not have cheerleaders at the time.  It might be how you finish the 10th month this year that matters more than how you ended up getting 'Dick and Bob Heckel'd 'at the wrong time in Cumberland River rocky dive team history. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Hate At First Sight?

There are times it is proper to 'hate' at first sight. A sanctified person who lives righteously hates all forms of sin and crime at first sight, even though at one time they might have hated the sight of a Bible or a Torah Scroll. A person in the proper holy frame of mind is justified to hate many forms of sin at first sight such as pornography, liars  rioters, witchcraft, litter on the face of the earth, and seeing humans ingest snails and frog legs.

Now, for the rougher news.  There can come a point in a person's life when there is no defined  'goal line' ahead, no immediate signs of hope to pull you into a certain  directions and no expectations ahead other than some certain forms of the outpouring of the wrath of God, ideally on those who love all froms of sin at first sight and never change their evil desires.  The Microsoft Theatre is NOT a good goal line for any of the sealed 144,000 of the tribes of Israel.   Each year that goes by, I still only have annual goals to keep the feasts of Israel properly and to see my family members who I am peace with  at least once a year.  The keeping of feasts days is not the same as a 'goal line', since location and timing seem to be a  personal choice when you are living the life of a single angel and doing your best to respect Yom Kippur, Yom Teruah, Shavuot and the weeks of Unleavened Bread and Sukkot.  When there is no particular requests or demands made by a visible 'Lord' in your current situation, there is no urgency to 'plan ahead' other than a day or two at a time. Without future demands, there actually  often is plenty of good reasons to sort through past points of grace or disgrace in your lifetime.  Seeing a past acquaintance in the 100 Top NHL players does not guarantee that the acquaintance lighted up on stage ever really considered or mentally ingested a message of Truth that was hand delivered when he eventually ends up  in front of a crowd of very unnatural people in a Microsoft Theatre, many of whom look more shameful in attire than the hookers my fellow officers used to arrest in Milwaukee.

For those people who think its terrible to 'pardon' some people who have served prison time, it's actually even worse when district attorneys don't prosecute felons because they don't think they can 'win' a case, and multitudes of very guilty people are not forced to face their victim in court.  For instance, now that felons like Vincent LoCicero and Shane David Hendrikson were NOT properly charged to the disgrace of Macomb County and Marathon County officials, I don't really care who gets rreleased after serving some prison time. People who have committed crimes and never have gotten imprisoned for even a few days have no right to complain if hardened criminals get released from prison. Maybe someday, the hardened criminals who have gotten out of prison will start targeting other criminals who they know have never even been properly charged with crimes,.  If those people who have committed crimes against me don't want to face me again, I can only hope they face someone much more dangerous and much less likely to make a good out of court deal with them, since I know the Torah does allow for 'let's make a deal' when your enemy repents and requests mercy and grace in his or her time of need of good Elohim system

I do look back through my own history more than I look forward to the next year because I do not see any clear goal ahead other than my daily responsibility to say 'no' to sin and say yes to obeying the statutes and commandments that I love, even if I did not love them at first sight.   I did love a song written by Jim Perry about some strange shade of blue., but when there are no lyrics to mislead a listener, music is less likely to offend a real living saint.

Since I do hate lies at first sight, it's time to stop pushing 'Pure Michigan' and start marketing Michigan as 'One of the Trashiest Places on Earth' based on the amount of trash I see laying in both 'affluent and impoverished areas.  When you thin too highly of your own sin-filled area, peope like Isaiah the prophet speak up or write up in the hopes that just one person might choose to stop sinning and start loving the perfect Law of HVHY (Yehovah).

I don't regret getting a very decent pictur of Daunte Culpepper when I had a miserable weekend touring Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri back in about 2009 or 2010. He certainly looks better on my wall than a picture of a divorce certificate or a gun-toting Army woman splashing Playboy Cologne onto her father.    Ah, when the transition from 10 to 11 goes from Levi to Gad instead of from Ne to Na, biblical geology becomes better to rely upon than a Cialis formula and disgusting 'Hollywood' films that no good Nun would have ever paid to see or hear. I even hate the song 'How Great is Our God' because it has turned into vain repetitions being uttered from the lips  of a man who willfully decided to lie to, steal from and deceive me and my family, all with his 'church' and his relatives standing by and doing nothing to prevent his lawlessness and blatant 'anti-commandmentist' method of Nazi-type operations.

Wins and losses in sports are not that important. Winning a war against SIN and LAWLESSNESS is important and any truly good man should know enough to hate Playboy products and Las Vegas commercials at first sight. I do know that  if any of the 'best' athletes ever get in and out of the area of the NHL stage acts at the Microsoft Arena with a necessary change of mind and heart, that they might feel as sick inside as I did the last time I ever played the piano at Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin after fully realizing the stage I had been on, just like the Microsoft Arena, was surrounded by people who have been taught to hate rather than love the Torah and the commandments for the Israelites  and they they've been spiritually blinded and usually 'over-entertained' ever since.  Maybe it's a very fine line between  a few dozen well-dressed hockey players being selected to be on a stage before the 2017 NHL All-Star game and a shallow and extremely useless 'Miss USA' pageant. Thankfully, the NHL men didn't have a 'swimsuit' competition without Poolman3 and Poolman6 to help them choose their 'Speedo' colors.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Did Allah Really Help Me?

Within 24 hours of asking  anti-Christmas 'power stranger' known as 'Allah' if he could do something about the removal of horrific anti-biblical wiring near my border, the wiring was removed!  Now for the bad news; pulling out the harmful wires WHICH DID MORE HARM THAN GOOD from the moment they were forced into a natural neutral zone was the equivalent of pulling out a needle filled with dangerous drugs from my arm after it was forced into me without my consent by unholy men and as a result, real damage did occur to me for a period of time.

My city of Milwaukee sponsored 'insurance' has been billed way too many times for treatments that I did not want and did not need; now, HOA boards are still forcing EVERYONE to share in the costs of lighting we did not and we DO NOT need. Sadly, it may be true that only a group like the ACLU might have enough power to completely reverse the trend of wasteful electricity use in public buildings during 'holiday seasons' that should only be officially recognized in private homes, private businesses or actual churches, not in public buildings.  In public schools, there should be no mandatory celebrations of any kind, and it is a waste of time to focus on Martin Luther King Junior day just as much as it is a waste of time and money to focus on 'Easter'. Offering studies of various religions and cultures as electives is not a problem; problems occur when particular holidays are PUSHED into publically shared areas and real sin occurs when people are forced to pay for the useless decorations and extra utility expenses. The Town of Macomb is very guilty of 'pushing' a religion into their Town Hall centers and it will be interesting to find out just what the ACLU might suggest I or we do to stop the foolishness associated with 'Christmas' in areas not held privately and not affiliated with a 'church'.

If I am the only household keeper in West Park Estates that studied the budget and openly objected to the unnecessary spending, I am the only intelligent one in a group of 62. the best case scenario is that other people also are willing to point out the obvious corruption in the budget and remind one another that they can still put seasonal light ON THEIR PROPERTY, ideally keeping their neighbor's rights in mind just as I did not complain about what my neighbors are doing with their landscaping since landscaping is a form of individual artwork on many occasions.  Indeed, John Livingston's management group DID manage our budget and small area of shared land better than the current people in temporary power.

In cases of easements, GOOD people who appreciate laws and have good manners notify others if there is work needed to be done in the area.  Sometimes the person with the easment section is more than happy to do a lot more than turn a sprinkler system on or off at no charge. I  have done my best to make my easement area look much better than a 'dog park'. BAD people go into easement areas and overtrim trees or completely ignore the rights of the person with the easement for some very evil reasons. 'Border Patrol' problems often do begin in small areas and if not handled properly when the problem is still not too difficult to correct, we end up with problems like there are between Mexico and the United States.

I am not too worried about restoring peace between me and the owners of Lot 66, since since they were the only ones who even tried to correct a serious lighting problem that I could not 'fix' with the tools that I have. I have more talent than tools, and the name 'Allah' is not as bad as the name 'Matt Damon' when words like Becher and Shuni Gadites have good natural 'bough', Abraham, Ishmael and Issac concerns.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Nazi-type Board Still Ruining West Park Estates

For some unknown reason, Nazi forces backed some of their markings off of the wall to the south of Lot 66 but intentionally left their anti-Moses and anti-Israeli markings south of Lot 1. When evil plots are made so obvious in writing and IF only 1 person resists the unreasonable charges and unreasonable fees being forced onto citizens, it is likely that the other 65 people prefer to have no peace, no safety and contntued 'bad press' about their subdivision from the 1 person who is still under obvious attack by Nazi-type forces led by Peter Vitale, Frank Finney and the other 3 board members who actually HATE not only the Truth but the spirit of all of the prophets in the Scripture.

When I set guidelines for myself, I am not ashamed to reveal the intent of my mind and I don't work in secret places like the SS did during World War II. Here are some dividing lines that will occur, even if you don't think they can:

P) There is no longer a good reason to try to use 'Hogan's Heroes' as a method of operation against Gentile heathens like Edward Flynn for a code 15. A better reminder for the real war at hand is the 'Hospital Block' gesture which correlates more with the Canadian Air Force Museam ACCURATE information.  When a saint loses their sense of humor, do not expect the sinners to stop sinning or stop mocking the people who really do believe in the God of Hagar and Ishmael.

E) Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear should realize that a man like Ed Jovanovski is very different at mind than Ed Menard. Ed Menard is more likely to be deceived by his own kind than Ed Jovanovski, since 'coppers' often trust other 'coppers' in err. The trained hockey player knows you might be fighting a battle out of your jurisdiction more often than the typical police dog unit. I learned the hard way that very few people in law enforcement try to keep the commandments of Yehovah, which means very few are going to receive mercy at a future point of judgment.

N) Neutral zones usually are 'lukewarm' where people refuse to reveal or defend their 'faith' system. When only a small brick wall is between you and your enemy, there is not going to be lowering of tension. Tension only gets lowered when your enemy decides to stop forcing their SIN into your holy area. People who litter are worse than dogs and actually are no better than the Nazi's who set up a brothel at building 24A in Auschwitz. Brothels ruin an area just as much as intentional littering does, so now you know a person who litters is as evil in heart as a child abuser in a neighborhood.

G) Single women who were taken captive by the Nazi's during World War II decided to call the safest area 'Canada' in one of the concentration camps for a reason.  Although seeing the Canadian flag might trouble some people, a flag of Canada is a better sign of a tree of life than dead or fake Christmas trash  and wires being draped ANYWHERE on the face of the earth. The celebration fo Christmas is forbidden by people who actually believe in and trust the God of Noah, Zechariah and the God of Truth.  The longer a battle continues, the more it will be evident just who really HATES the Messiah who came into this world through the Tribe of Judah.

U) Ultimatums are rarely seen in public venues. Usually, the most violent ultimatums occur within an individual household between feuding family members who eventually become violent or broken apart by divorce.  Spiritual winners aren't going to be heading into movie theatres at all and will be able to denoucne the concept of 'Beauty and the Beast' and not dent the existance of Satan, Gabriel or Michael formations that will get sorted through like a D=500 line in am inaccurate and intentionally corrupted form filled out by bad employees of Wipfli in Wausau. When honest people are victims of corporate evil, sometimes only tears from the victim can prevent the victim from doing something illegal to try to retaliate. It is a shame that I still cry because my former spouses decided to steal from me and hate me, and they influenced my son's spiritually destructive course of action.

I) I did consider today what it feels like to become rejected by a father who was supposed to love and protect you like my son was rejected by his natural father. The pain is probably about the same as a woman or man who gets rejected by their spouse who who had publically promised to love and care for their spouse.  In both cases, I suspect that the unloved or abandoned person either takes their anger out on innocent bystanders or tries to get comforted by another entity. However, if the entity that is comforting you behaves contrary to the commandments, there is no hope for either reconciliation with  the innocent bystanders you harmed or with HVHY. This point explains why my son still hasn't corrected the errors of his ways, since he sought an unholy female to comfort him and her unholiness was clearly evident when she consented to his very ugly tattoo. His flesh was a beautiful shade of brown most of the time and he did not respect or love his own flesh.  His tattoo pleased his ungodly father and his unholy wife just as seeing JOhn the Baptist's head on a platter pleased one of King Herod's witches, but the tattoo horrified me because I knew he rejected the God of Israel's commands intentionally.

N) 'I'm in the mood for the wrath of God, not in the mood for 'love' these days.' True love and peace on earth will not occur until  the ROOT of evil has been pulled up, exposed and and burned  Being prepared to see terrible events occur to the enemies of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is not going to happen believing the lyrics of professional salesmen like Stephen Curtis Chapman as Marie#3 plays on his monkey bars. 'Joseph Prince' and similar television acts are not the source of Truth because humility has been launched out the windows like the space shuttle was launched into outer darkness never being able to return to the knowledge of the Truth or the reason that the breastplate of Aaron had gems from the earth rather than constellations and Scooby Doo  drawn on it.   Comedy is sometimes a temporary mask to send an enemy away feeling comfortable' rather than wasting your time trying to 'save' them after they already rejected multiple opportunities to become living Church of Philadelphia saints rather than habitual sinners.

S) Saying 'no' to mind-altering drugs and 'no' to the Colette&Derek Lubner 'method of operation' does not mean you have to give up your right to remain silent, to be funny, to be sorrowful  or eve ben rather boring and impartial as you try to survive around obvious 'unbelievers'.  I suppose I will call this the Simeon Rice vs. the Dan and Jerry Rice point, since Simeon Rice actually seems to have learned to harness his power properly instead of trying to hide or become a foolish dancer and actually humiliate himself rather than sanctify himself.   2/24/74 is not a day most people will take note of, but the blue London topaz people might remember the 7th seal as they try to avoid being on the wrong side of a harsh bowl judgment call.

13) I suggest you read the Book of Jeremiah or the Book of Malachi in its entirety before you  start believing there are 8 days in a week. Make sure you DO NOT watch the Super Bowl this year if you want to guard yourself from demonic spirits  If anyone sees Claude Didier in St. Lucia, tell him I say 'Be careful who you lead, who you obey and who you follow.'  Losing friends in a war is easier than winning a battle against liars, deceivers and Super Bowl whores lead for years by ignorant beasts like Tom Brady, Ray Romano and the majority of the owners of NFL teams who certainly do know how to cause vexation ot those who actually have an internal Holy Spirit.  Consider this the 'Going Orange and White with 'Al' billiard points rather than going M with Mizewski and Minerva.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Wise Way Of Escape For Pittsburgh Steelers Has Occurred

Self-imposed silence is the Hebrew word of this, the 1747th day. For those wise enough to present decent football teams to their home crowds, not moving your team to Super Bowl LI is actually a good plan.  There  is no doubt that of all the NFL teams, only the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Chicago Bears are ruled by people who might be considered pure in heart rather than running pimp and hooker shows to the immoral majority.  Sometimes the pure in heart even give jobs to people who are very different than them for an anti-slavery reason.

It is tough for reams that really are extremely talented to under-perform  in order to avoid being part of what has become a disgusting gathering known as the NFL Superbowl.  I am quite sure that not going to Superbowl 51 is much wiser than coveting that which does not save the body, spirit or soul.

Good job, Pittsburgh Steelers! Your team and training camp does draw in people of decent moral fiber rather than entertaining  the morally despicable, biblically unskilled and unholy Hooter's types  like almost every other NFL team has chosen to do.  Falcons and Patriots have followed the way of their strumpet lines rather than recognizing the sound of a shofar or a Yom Teruah trumpet. Those heading toward the Superbowl obviously have willfully completely rejected the proper idea of what it means to be 'good as jasper and finer than fools gold' .

Hopefully, even Mario Lemieux would agree with my rare  decision to spend a day shift in my life with self-imposed silence, knowing full well that nothing good will go into or come out of this year's NFL Superbowl. On a contrarian note, I was thankful to hear that the nation of Sweden did much to protect Jewish people that exited Denmark as quietly as the Pittsbugh Steelers chose a good way of escape at '17'.  What CBS  calls 'good' is usually actually part of the apostacy tied to the whore of Babylon, not   grafted into  the Tree of Life.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Gopher Vs. Badger Court Game is A Shame Not A Clean Game

Stupidity abounds  when teams with no goalie are at '17'. A Coffey5 is not the same as a Coffey77.

It appeared to me as though #22 on the Wisconsin Badgers intentionally missed getting to '79' points because in Wisconsin, teams wrongly believe that an Army veteran is more important than a police veteran.  '78' is a marker tied to the Shane David Hendrikson and State Farm lines in the middle of a 387-78-3979 issue that has not gone away as easily as Hurricane Hugo went 'away' and eventually lost power.

Maybe there's a huge mix-up at Golden Eagles and Golden Grahams now??? I can laugh at games that have not even made it to Greg Szablewski level, but I also can hate the fact that state run school in West Virginia are being attacked in courts for giving students the right to choose to study the Bible instead of choosing Playboy magazine studies or Playboy cologne selling as an elective.

The 'Little' games sometimes become a Jeremiah Chapter 1 or an Isaiah Chapter 28 issue sooner than pigs will fly or a Twix can evolve into a 'Zero' candy bar.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

I'll Remain Sane And Let The 'Courts' Be Ashamed

When reasonable risk doesn't go the way you had hoped, conflict of interest can occur. I attended a dinner for Law Enforcement Officers in Port Huron yesterday and purchased 7 raffle tickets. I put 1 into a 32" television basket,  5 into a 'Miller Lite' duffle bag drawing and one into a .22LR Savage rifle drawing.  Ticket #296700 landed me the .22LR Savage rifle.

My enemy wants to embarrass me, but my adversary might be interested to see what I do with the 'prize' I really don't WANT, since it is not a very practical gun for self-defense and useless in deer hunting season. I don't eat rabbits, and I know I can do more damage to an intruder with a '243' or a baseball bat.  Here  is my intelligent course of action after I dod not win the prizes I really could have used:

A) Since I read the anti-Moses mumbo-jumbo contained in Michigan SS28.422, sub (3) (f) is where the 'courts' have failed because they have let liars and felons who hired expensive attorneys get access to firearms easier that a person who has FULLY recovered from spousal abuse or medical malpractice can. I know I am sane, more sane than any person who walks into a movie theatre or buys a violent video game, so I am not going to waste my time or money trying to 'correct' the evidence AGAINST my false accusers in the past or in the present tense situations at hand.

B) Since I do not want hired employees at Dunham's to think in error that I can't obtain a firearm in Michigan, I can first pre-check my status at a local law enforcement agency where they know I am not only trustworthy and LAW-ABIDING, but that I believe there are times to say no to a firearm just as there are times to say to a trophy or a prescription for sedatives.  This is a time I will say 'no' to the Savage .22LR firearm, since if I only decide that I need another firearm, it wouldn't be the Savage black model.  I know guns, and there are much better choices if I want to add another gun to my historical possesions.

C) I contacted the Michigan state offices and was treated very politely by the woman who answered my questions regarding background checks. She did a bit better than the Boston Bruins combo of 40 and 54 in preventing offense. 4054 is Larry Mizewski's address, and I noitced 40-26 and 40-88 combos were also seen when the '40' was Rask, not a better Mem representative such as Michael Vick or Benjamin Sheets. 4026 and 4088 were the Superamerica stores I survived in WITHOUT guns and even without the knowledge of men like Ehud, Eldad or Medad.   Going from C to D is how I will totally avoid being labeled by my neighbors or my enemies as ignorant, insane or COWARDLY.

D) A male USA Marine veteran labeled 'Schemansky' of German descent offered me only $50.00 in USA currency to get the paperwork to obtain Savage rifle for 'one penny', even though he claims he already has a large collection of firearms. Schmansky claimed that he will not go into downtown Detroit without a gun, so he, as a trained Marine, is more cowardly than I am. I do not want a man who trusts in guns rather than in Yehovah,  biblical wisdom and Tae Kwon Do methodists to obtain the gun at a reduced price, since it would only cost him $50.01 if I would have made a deal with him. Let Schmansky pay full value for the desires of his gun-toting flesh.  Since MY records are not sealed regarding my past and anyone with a sound mind knows I am law-abiding even thugh I have been a victim of many felonies, there is no reason to conceal the identity of the 'Schmansky' that wanted another gun, since he might be as dangerous as Shane David Hendrikson or Gabriel Bedoya at MIND.

E) If Dunham's in Port Huron uses their films for training purposes like Waffle House does, they will get a real lesson in 'how to avoid a heavy burden trap' and tranfer  to  a 'light burden'. plan after you took a risk that didn't go the way you had hoped. As soon as I find out how Dunham's handles my post-prayer decision NOT to obtain the inferior Savage .22LR firearm, I will add to this post point H and address some very sensitive issues that still will haunt rather than save my enemies and reassure my friends and adversaries  that I am one of the best trained saint on the face of the earth who is not afraid to say 'no' to a gun I would never use as a first choice of self-defense.

F) This  F6  vs.  28.422  sub 3(f) point equal to COURAGE vs. BEAST comparisons, and I know I have courage. It is a BRUTE BEAST system that orders up and refuses to take down  fake evergreen wreaths and unsightly ugly, artificial lights in commonly held non-church  areas.    In real conflicts, you often don't get a second choice for self-defense options if your first choice FAILS. The non-fiction battles I appearred to have 'lost' were  in man-made. corrupted Wisconsin and Michigan venues such as at the Macomb Suburban Ice Arena, ( I will never play for any Macomb team again) divorce courts in Wisconsin,' State vs. Church' conflicts st 1003 S. 31st Street, a household where I was arrested for PRAYING after  I was TEMPORARILY physically DAMAGED by prescription asthma drugs that had been legally obtained.

G) Praying in my own house was the original 'deed' that wrongfully might prevent me from ever again being able to buy a decent deer hunting gun, but that does't prevent me from naming who my enemies are  and thankfully doesn't prevent me from looking at decent  ADULT  males to encourage me,  protect me or peacefully reject me in perilous times. Thankfully I am not a lesbian or a homosexuality, which is actually a form of INSANITY that the USA Army recruiters Darwinists refuse to accept as Truth.

H) Make sure you double check point 'F', since the name 'Finney' is not a name that represents goodness, holiness and purity. How William James Leslie mishandled a situation was correctly handled by me and the staff at Dunham's in Port Huron. Leslie did not know the current laws, and I looked them up before I decided to test the totally IMPURE Michigan legal system. Leslie did not know that I reject the diea of 'carrying and concealing a firearm' since I know it is NOT the best way to defend myself, although I certainly am not afraid to use a reliable firearm if I have to to defend myself or the life of an INNOCENT party, which clearly eliminates me from ever joining the 'Jehovah's Witnesses', who seem to stop at Psalm 37:3 on a regular basis.  Leslie did not raffle off as many guns as the terrible Catholic church in POlonia, Wisconsin and I believe he has learned a valuable lesson. It is not wise to say 'you can sell the gun to whoever you want' in a society where too many 'Shane David Hendrikson' types load up on guns and fail to properly support his ex-wife and the mother of his children after deserting her for another anti-TORAH female species.

I) I, with the Dunhams store credit I was given, ended up replacing an object that was stolen by former employee who was assisted by Stuart Rottier and the  corrupt Marathon County Sheriff's Department.  I tried to prevent Shane David Hendrikson's felony, but  the drunkards of Ephraim and unfruitful trees stood by like dead weight rather than properly charge Shane David Hendrikson with a version of felony corporate theft.  I had to pay a lot more than a penny to obtain a replacement for a stationary bicycle which I can use for physicial therapy in my version of Stalag 1', but at least William Leslie was brave enough to meet with me face to face in a public place, more easily corrected about his false belief and lack of knowledge of local laws, and William Leslie was peaceable about a conflict, which makes him a wiser man than anyone currently on the West Park Estates HOA board. When the Nazi-type goons permanently remove their weak delusions attached to the west side brick walls of my subdivision, I will again refer to my position as Lot 1 rather than Stalag 1. My real home would never have anything as impure as the fake green circles that ruin rather than enhance the look of a nice Michigan brick wall. Maybe I'll even remove my fake flowers from the northside of the brick wall, even though my fake flowers do no represent anti-Israel or anti-Gadite positions. My blue sled has to stay up until the HOA goons/Gestapo correct the excessive spotlight problem they CAUSED without my consent or knowledge.

J) If a person like Javier Cornejo was here, he probably would know that I followed the most basic instruction of the raffle, specifically that I had agreed to and DID pick the gun up at Dunhams, which I did to respect the integrity of the raffle.  The Savage 22lr is actually much lighter that I had thought it would be, and actually would do less damage to an intruder than a proper blow to the head from a baseball bat.   My former Field Training Officer,John Dorsey of Milwaukee, WI would probably prefer I get a good shotgun, I maybe someday I will.

K) Knowing I am of sound mind because the main cause of my past injuries is permanently removed from my household is the same as a broken bone survivor surviving a temporary 'problem' rather than continuing to do dangerous activities preventing the healing of the bone structure.  Shane David Hendrikson removed himself from my household and from my family PERMANENTLY because of the evil desires he had within him.  Why is it simple to get a clear bill of health after  a major part of the anatomy fails but nearly impossible to get a clear bill of health after a PORTION of the brain fails temporarily? Medical IGNORANCE and rejection of the healing power that results from obeying the commandments is what makes most victims of abuse from their family or neighbor eventually end up as endangered species who are either going to fight or flee for their lives rather than commit suicide or waste their time calling '911'.

L) The name ''Leslie' is loosely attached to a present or former district attorney in Marathon County, Wisconsin who is actually party to the crimes committed against me; who the district attorney DIDN"T prosecute has deceived her and become her 'friend', not her adversary, not her source of redemption, not her source of truthful statements and not her accuser. I certainly do have the right to accuse Marathon County, Macomb County and MIlwaukee County of being party to crimes against me due to my religious belief and due to their state of internal corruption and reprobate minds.  My last comment on this post is as serious as the connection between Port Huron Hammond Legion 8 and Lambath Canadian Legion 401. I do understand the problem with military systems that do not know how to undo the damage that has been caused by seen or unseen enemies, and the problem with the military is that they have forgotten to obey the commandments that cuased King David to fast, repent in sackcloth and survive long enough to write some psalms to CORRECT HIS MIND.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#9 Black S.E.A.D.O.G. Level Ty S16P15Y39 Current CHenistry Alert

This is an attempt to basically retrain typical Army, Navy, Airforce and Marine quitters into a Sealevel, NC non-specialized code specialists from a straight B=Boron perspective.

S= Servant  splits at wicked and faithful
E= Enemy splits at Sergey and Sergei
A=Adversary splits at Satan and Michael
D= Defence splits at Dorcas and Ditka
O= Offense splits at Oshawa and Obremski
G=G splits at Gimel and Gad, since the good G line has to be upgraded from low class PBS Grover lines.

Good House Warming Seal Guarantee: No Yellow Dye #5 has been extracted from Cap'n Crunch or Mountain Dew and subsequently injected into my black font contained within this 10-40 silent but very readable alert system.

Anti-Politician Promise:
I am going to try to avoid writing down any records of new wrongs for one 24 hour day (starting now), which might SEEM like a 1000 years to people who ignore their last watch but won't seem anything like 'silence in heaven' for about 1/2 an hour to me. I want to try to see what the tainted Greek to English expression 'Love keeps no records of wrongs' means to me when there is no Hope Turner in sight.

Budget Sent To Me By Brute BEAST Force Needs Rebuttal

Below is a copy of the budget sent out by what can only be described as a 'Brute Beast' force, since there is no name(s) of the beasts responsible for the overtaxing of residents on my block. Keep in mind, this budget looks about as untruthful and as unlawful as the typical 'budget' handed into divorce court rooms by anti-commandmentists trying defraud their NEIGHBOR of what they earned in recent history. Filling in amounts just to try to get 'more' out of you peaceful  neighbor still in debt or affluent adversary makes the adversary become your ENEMY and the peaceful neighbor  more impoverished, with no chance of reconciliation prior to upcoming very serious bowl judgments. I do have to keep in mid that I am planning to attend a 'Thin Blue Line' dinner tomorrow, not a Thin Mint Cookie sales team. My strategies for 'catch and release' information is serious and often very unrewarding work, but I still have faith the size of one watermelon when it comes to being able to 'fight a good fight' instead of trying to protect wasteful overspending  Christmas pushers and political hypocrites who lead porch monkeys the wrong way at times.

Here is the unholy, unjustified abuse of power display that I received from my HOA board to officially take care of less than 1 acre of empty land  with no houses on it PER YEAR according to their uncontrolled minds and possibly manic spending patterns and anti-holy desires:

"2017 Budget :                                                                       Flippant Anti-Deception Comment Area

Common Area:   Lawn Cutting                     $1,000      (T) Only reasonable 'guess' other than (I)
Upkeep               Fertilizer                                $425      (S) (toxic chemicals that ruins wetlands)
                            Mulch                                $1,300      (R) Poker chips imported from Reno, NV?
                            Flowers                                    $0      (Q) Dennis Coffey's 'Evolution' point?'
                            Weeding                               $300     (P)   Wildflowers shouldn't be pulled out!
                            Tree/Bush Trimming            $300     (O) (Christmas 'deco' charges? OO!!!!)
                            Water                                  $1475     (N) Nimrod desire, not naturalist plan
                            Electricity                              $500    (M)  Merry Milwaukee type street lighting
                         Sprinkler Start?Shut*                   $0    (L) L=Roman 50 nominal value point              
                            Entrance Maintenance           $200   (K)  Are they expecting Korea to invade?
    SEASONAL ENTRANCE LIGHTS      $2050  (J) ( This is the spending  mark of the real BEAST problem, and there is no actual letter 'J' in Hebrew)
 Winter Snow      Winter Snow Plowing         $2500  (I) Minneapolis constant that is reasonable
 Communication  Postage                                 $150 ** (H)
                            PO Box                                $110 *** (G)
  Insurance           Insurance                              $650     (F)
 Miscellaneous      Bank Charges, Legal Fees, Liens, Other   $200 **** (E) 5 Elephant Republican line
Management Fees: HOA board performing task that would typically charge $2500 annually (-$35/lot ) to save costs to all residents                                  $0 ***** (D) Deceptive language that tries to fool residents into thinking the board is 'charitable' when they still are overspending while plotting and practicing  evil against true decent Law-abiding Israelites.

                         Total                                     $11,160  (C)= Criminal Charges. Actually, criminal charges should have been been filed against the HOA by the 2 Darwinists under Wickersham, but instead the behaved as if they are typical anti-Constitution Congressman.   This C level is not good enough to make it into the first 6 letters of the Book of Life.  Someone should check lots 6 and 8 to see where they positioned themselves when I was forced off the HOA board because I thought intelligently.'

Collectible 62******  (B) This marks a 2nd round 'Year of Chelios' line that can't dissappear by 'magic'. I would say whoever put this budget together is actually dangerous to our entire community and exibiting  'Bloopy' signs, which are worse than 'Snoopy' signs. At least no one is calling me 'Slenderman' now or forcing me to drink 14 cans of Coca-Cola as a chaser to 4 Benydryl tablets.

Dues $180.00"  (A)  In this budget proposal,  my HO A-team  is Anti-Messiah , not even as stable as  the 95th Am=243 addition to the Bradley Tech Entrance Examininers. You might have to be C minded now in order to let Captain Thomas Stigler see if he lives up to his class of 1986 potential at *th and LOCUST level near the I-43 area. A Little, well-trained scattered Cotton Bowl force working online cannot replace face to face testimony for or against your tiniest adversary. My adversary is now Bill Schuette unless he does nothing to correct the Macomb County Sheriff's Department, in which case even the state of Michigan 'AG' can become remain my adversary and become an enemy of the 'cross of Christ' sooner than Artis Gilmore is likely to offend me.

This seems like a decent day to see just whose conscience has not yet been seared and steered completely away from a point of genuine salvation.  Without a ' Jane' or 'John Doe' in sight to distract the anti-Darwin creature, geology students should consider studying the history of beryl, Zebulun,  Oshawa or Sudbury suring this tenth or 4th month, depending on which branch of Abraham's  Hagar/Ishmael)H/I combo or Sarah/Isaac) S/I combo tree you prefer to align with in the perilous years ahead.  I certainly can't recommend aligning with Sylvia Brown or Steve Harvey.

The letters in parenthesis can be considered their 'EXHIBIT' numbers in case I have to prepare better to meet Bill Schuette in the air somewhere,.  All evil 'Clinton type'  and highly questionable Trump foundations also start from the bottom up, not from the top down. A reminder that the father-in-law of Linda Maria Costa lived in an 'A' frame building might lower the proper eyebrows at the Comerica systems and 5/3rd banking lines based on past information I freely gave them when corrupt DA and AG systems failed to prosecute the felon that forced me to leave my own family land.

The *'s were not part of the original quote sent to my household, but have been added to direct you to the very serious and very spiritual issues listed in this 'white color crime' follow-up report:

Items marked with an asterisk show areas  of deception and Nazi=type tactics that fool some but won't get the HOA any mulligans, mercy or grace in the future.

L* Shutting off a sprinkler is not considered 'good works'. Some people think that a 'sprinkler' is a dance move in Pocatello, Idaho done by Wittenberg Charges, not done by real lifeguards in waterways. The area being budgeted for is actually 'no man's land', not residential shelter or a useful vehicle.

H** This $150 budget spot is only an amateur Rochester Road marker and a point of reference that certain people substitute in at 'guess work' for Oakland University puppeteers. The budget would have been better at $9110.00 ( no seasonal lighting charges of $2050 forced onto the association by anti-Truth buyers) ; the result would have been fees of $138.03, which would have helped out Florence on lot#3 and the standard Guy Carbonneau constant good C team that still isn't out of computer class or typing class to my knowledge.

G***  The PO Box matches up with a New Jersey Devils sticker number and a Wisconsin Highway route that goes near Fremont and the Wolf River. Certain constants are what Freemasons try to play with instead of reading and believing Psalm 1 or the letter Aleph.

F**** Either no one believes I am trying to get a lawyer to eliminate the SEASONAL ENTRANCE LIGHTS or the board is trying to manipulate the minds of the house dwellers in unrealistic ways. My $200 graduation check to Joseph Cannan was a genuine act of good faith, not the horrible budget of an anti-Bible board who is getting a  check #666 for the amount of $39.79 from me, not in the amount of 180.00.   How and when I pay the remainder is up to me, not up to EM, 'Entrance Maintenance'  lines.  Considering the fact that most of the other  costs are part of the 'entrance maintenance', what is that $200 really budgeted for???  Doubling terminology to get more money our of taxpayers is exactly what BEAST type regimes do when they are in power.

***** The professional management company hired before (John Livingston) was much more reachable, much more reasonable, much more realistic. much more dependable, and much less prone to CORRUPTION than the existing board members and their 'hired homosapiens' are. Another legal term for Darwinists that are not part of the angelic forces of Jehovah are 'brute beasts', and this is consistent with any veterinary school terminology for creatures who lack spiritual wisdom and spiritual discernment.

****** There are 66 lots, not 62!  I know there is more than one way to divide a nation, but there are very few ways to prevent the total collapse of a nation due to the inner and outer problems intentionally caused by BRUTE BEASTS who pocket or pass onto to another demon-filled human fees sometimes listed as 'seasonal lighting' or 'weeding' or 'fertilizer'.  Shouldn't our checks be 169.01 since we have 66 lots, not 62 lots in West Park Estates?

******* The lack of investment in flowers reveals total disrespect for investing in true beauty and and obvious inclination to keep paying 'the beast'. My HOA board is as corrupted as the state of Nevada, and it only took them 3 years to get to that horrible point in their history after forcing me out of their anti-Biblical dictator-type regime.

It is neither fun nor useless to report what I have reported in this post, especially when the last lazy, wicked and useless public servant  I saw go in and out of my shelter had Macomb Sheriff's badge #180 on him, not Milwaukee Badge 173 on him. Martin Luther King Jr.  racially biased strategies do not work in real battles against brute BEAST systems started contrary to Puritan practices and contrary to the few good acts of the original apostles.

There might be at least ONE intelligent being that knows exactly why I am using check #666 to go through a very intricate banking system that is far less complicated than  than Satan's DNA and shakier than the face of George Washington on Mount Rushmore or on a USA dollar bill made in Cleveland because too many GREEN lights have ignored the more important flashing RED and YELLOW lights along their course away from the spirit of prophesy. Those that are part of the BEAST and part of the apostacy have  arrogantly started too many experiments that will not end up as they had hoped, since the starters of the experiments intended to cause damage to human beings . Many of those people who trust me are still struggling through their first year of Ottawa Site 29 lines; my intentions are good and holy and pro-commandment. My HOA boards intentions are unholy,unwise and anti-commandment at word and deed.  Even 41st century demons got warnings from Israelites and local principalities before they were deployed to  the closest swine line and away from the original covenant protection of  the obedient anti-idolatry saints who end up being like St. Joseph, the tribe of Reuben, Joshua, Caleb and Elisha the prophet and of course, 'end time' Gadites.

Pennington Slant Formation Junkies: PLease notice that Main Ten Ace is not the same as Main Tan Ace. Ten  people is not the same as Tan people, especially in Blackhawk Ace Hardware splits. There is no reason to consider this a  #9 Ty Black color crime follow-up report. If your AG line is now an 'attorney general' that isn't in the middle of Jagr, you lost Garfield's Silver point of reference at 15:1 gold standard, not your right to remain silent.

Hockey Practice Cancelled on Day 666!

Once in a while, even an unpaid anti-bad reporter has to go from watch to fun intead of going from Fun to watch lines. Several non-random reports can go out from my version of Stalag 1 to others trying to split Little Girl Blue and Chicago  Song nerds. The following news bulletins can be read aloud in any public or private gathering without fear of getting charged with 'hate speech':

A) Because some weather god iced the earth in my zone today, I am conducting dry upper room hockey practices in my rehabilitation center  with a private coach who looks exactly like me in the mirror.

B) If you started a April Fool's day soft count in 2015, it is day 666. If that '666'  number frightens you, you should try to switch your fear to the number 2015, the number 1532 or the number 1290.  Fear of ice storms actually is reasonable fear of the weather God, so do not try to become fearless and ignorant of the phrase 'Fear God and keep His Commandments.'

C) Resist doing something YOU want to do today to start trusting Y=Yitrium or Y=Yellow. For instance, even though I have Sergei Krivokrasov's telephone number now, I am going to resist calling him. This is known as mental resistance training only a few wise people practice once in  a while ot make sure they are not zombies or robots.

D) Do not practice crying when you are extremely happy, and do not practice laughing when you are extremely sad. It is not against the law to cry when you are happy at a wedding or laugh at a funeral, and doing so naturally might reflect how you really feel about the occasion. If you attend the funeral of your enemy and then naturally laugh or pretend to cry, you might become a suspect in some  external investigation.

E) In old bowling news not sponsored by Conn Smythe, 'The Blind Squirrels' raked in 3 more points and took the 3rd game with a 666 total. ' 'Clarence' the sub for the 'Blind Squirrels' did not match the description of a 'Cross Eyed Lion' or of Mel Brady' , maybe because  he was farthest from  Van Dyke Road' and assigned to lane 1, not 2.. Just4Exercise' on lane 2 raised 4 points, as '3rd Down Dan'  got a 424 'Ed Jovanonski' anti-Reno total. Me, myself and 4th Down 'I' toppled 441 pins rather than stuffing pork rinds into my mouth for 3 hours. Possible  bowling scores rigging might have been occurring with some of my knowledge but not with my official consent. 'Just4Exercise' is now at 43W and 90L, which seems like a Illionois and Wisconsin freeway joke to me, but holding onto the sweet 14th spot may not be as easy as singing 'hymn 405' or hymn '166'.

F) In Fast Red extremely old news, Robert Smith still only has 6818 total yards and 32 touchdowns in his NFL career, which is a much better number than the false  '919 series' credited to someone named 'Cheryl'  distributed by Shelby Lanes bowling secretary to Monday Senior bowlers. Maybe 919 means Minnaepolis Boston Minneapolis' to Air Force failures. Could 919 mean 'FHF' or be some intentional way of making me look like I am on 3rd down instead of at 2nd down in High HDCP. Series? Correcting intentional deception of a genuine err only once and then returning to the M.O. of distrubuting incorrect information is as bad as preventing a felony against yourself only once and then committing felonies against others on a regular basis due to an anti-Truth and Anti-1532 mindset.  Falsifying information intentionally after corrections had been made is considered lawlessness, not Truth in disclosure.

G) In standard  Brave Macabbees Stuart Levy follow-up systems not associated with Marie Osmond,  I lost a total of 6 pounds in 2 months going on a 'Little India' dietary. Now at a chubby but not obese '166', I still am trying to get down to 157 by the next feast of Israel.   Of course, I can still say that I am Marie and I gained 166 pounds since I was conceieved, all the while hoping that no one has tried to create a 'clone' of me. I refuse to try to transmorgrify myself like a MIT graduate might try to do, since I do not have  'Ball' control problems associated with regular 'cartoon Capers' sections of Packers and Noodle wackers.

H) Do not confuse Matt Murray of hte Pittsburgh Penguins with any of the following if you want to continue onto the Exodus plan and not get stuck at 'Land of Confusion' with the wrong 'Phil' system:
a) Me
c) Murray the cop on 'The Odd Couple'
d) Murray Balfour
e) a Murray lawnmower
f) XXX Root Beer
g) Todd Gurley

I) The right 'Phil' in the I=53 system is Sosnowski, not  Meyer.

J) The left 'Phil' in the I=53 system is Milocz, not Donahue. What is to the left is sometimes a good driver, not a sleeping policeman .

K) In fair SKI team forces,  it might be necessary to 'Polish Up' the remnant of Israel with  Wronski, Jablonski, Swedowski, Nowakowski and Jovanovski lines.

L) When Colorado Evolution has a problem with musician Dennis Coffey's album names, it is become they trusted the L=50 plan too long instead of going to  the N=50 or N=7 of 'MESXJO'  plan that includes Skaradzynski as the  rookie copper on the right  and the District 2 squad rating systems that include partial interesting recollection of James Menger's squad 92 historians.

M) M= married in some legends.  This cannot be a 'Secret Service' message, since there are no USA singles marked with an 'M'. Go back to point I=Individual effort or remember that Michael Bennett of Milwaukee Tech is not Michael T. of  'The Blind Squirrels'. Since real saints end up rejecting the method of 'The Beatles' eventually, musical choices matter since a  person with a sound mind might see but won't BELIEVE  the lyrics to 'All You Need is Love' or even worse, the willfully ignorant '8 Days a Week' song.

S) If your 'sweet 16' plan petered out at Sulfur, go back and study S=Salutatorian lines and make that your high school S line was not elected, but earned their S by  STUDYING and passing real difficult. tests. If you expected another N after M, go back to the L=Lamed way.

T) This is the best news for any T-Club member. After examining documents tied to deTroiT hockey, a fools gold slip went the way of the Mark Sanchez shirt since it got trashed by me. Giving the number '79' to Zetterberg is like trying to fill in the Grand Canyon with a large bowl of cotton to try and close the gap between 2118 and 3979. A piece of paper with a '79' on it in a contrived act of disorder is contrary to real Au at 79, not associated with real Au at 79. Consider that a word of caution fo those like me who no longer believe in the methods or idealogy of males like Ted Lindsay or Gordon Howe at 7 and 9.

P) Jason Garrett is not covered by the Day of Atonement process, especially since he arrogantly flipped up his 'index' and 'pinky'  as though he knew what he was doing.  Dallas Cowboy fans are morally ill and shouldn't be chewing gum and doing  anything else at the same time. Repeating gestures you do not understand can get you into serious TROUBLE when you face the reality that there really are still BGD's, VL's, Latin Kings and Spanish Cobras pulled into or pushed into gambling and sports venues. Garrett Lepak might be starting his 'count' from the far right side of 2970 South Delaware Street in Milwaukee, which still might only get the P troop to 'The Plymouth Adventure' or a TIerney 50th San Jose Shark parking lot someday. If you play with the P, you might have to go to the U15 Jamie O'Leary Roughriders, not being able to advance  directly to the Milwaukee Pulaski Poolside Super D6' Greyhound Specialized  Low Flyers Unit.

R) For Regular Sheldy Lane Change Down&Outer Drive teams: 'Cheryl's' 204' is now worth as much as the disposable backing of a 2017 Tamba Bay Lightning #18 Sticker contrived by Google in Italian computer systems .  Cheryl's 205 game is no better than the disposable backing of  a #91 Tampa Bay John Stamkos sticker from the Dollar Store Select Funds And Selective Silly Service. My 201 game ties me with a kind female named Rose and is part of the 3rd Down Daniel Bell 'Swimmy Team' , barely hanging onto the Catholic Dominican Elizabeth Cummings 8th  Grade Upscale  English Nun&Zagnut Checkers.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Seeing Is NOT The Same As Believing

When every letter matters, changing names and trading places becomes very important in the following name sequence. All of the below are real people I have had contact with or have seem but not necessarily believed, and if spelling changes have 'officially' occurred, I wonder who wanted the change. When people try to deceive others intentionally just as the father of Richard Edwin Xavier of Milwaukee did, problems do not always roll downhill. As a matter of fact, combatting past liars becomes as hard as pushing a heavy rock uphill, rather than just letting everything 'slide' into some Black O'Leary line.

I will start with a most recent personal point of contact and go backward through names in a non-random order and end with some of my most recent contacts:

1. Sergei Krivokrasov, but now listed in Colorado as 'Sergey Krivokrasov. Since I know there is a very close calls between a Y and an I if Y=Chris Chelios and I=Sergei Fedorov, there is not a close call when Y=Yitrium and I=Iodine. I have never made it a practice to change the spelling of my name other than what it legally is, so a word of caution  as you lower yourself down this 'ladder'.
2. Ty Black, #9 on the Rocky Mountain Rough Riders U16 team
3. 'Jamie O'Leary'. I have only seen this name on a AAA Hockey website as a 15U coach, not seen any real person identifying himself by this name. In this case I 'see' something I have no reason to believe in or trust.
4. Jamie Hallas, former friend and mother of Torah Hallas and Erustus Hallas; this 'Bible reader' was last seen at 1602 Mary Lane in March of 2010. The previou autumn (2009), Hallas and her family had been invited to some Israelite feasts I had prepared but never decided to defend me or contact me when I was under many attacks from Shane David Hendrikson. Consider this more serious '4' checking than trying to tell the difference between a pink4 billiard ball and and a purple4 billiard ball. Personally, I would never have names a person 'Torah', and I know there was an still might be a lot of mental and spiritual unstability in the Hallas household due to failure to rectify past errs in judgment.
5. Jerome O'Leary, fellow Milwaukee police retiree who also worked with me in the Milwaukee City Jail in the late 1980's. Although I have heard reports that he is racially slanted, I never experienced problems with Jerome O  Leary, who know is pulling in a far larger salary than I am due because I had been injured on duty and forced to retire.
6. John Ruiz, trombone player from Milwaukee tech High School in the 1970's.
7. James Bradley Jr. of the Chuck Mangione Band
8. Ty Jackson, youngest son of Donald and Jesse Jackson who also happens to be the uncle of my only living 'seed', a lukewarm Bible reader now known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson while he is residing in Europe. I have not seen Ty Jackson for a couple of decades, even though my son has been incontact with him.
9. Tyrone Rice, fellow MSOE alumni and well behaved classmate back in the early 1980's. I only add this in to get a constant at N=7.
10. Mickey the dog, relative of Elmo the dog who was murdered by a German Shepherd. Do not confuse 'Mickey the dog' with David Akers or Myckei Mouse.
11. A second 'John Ruiz' who won some prize from Michael Rood during one of his taping of 'A Rood Awakening' ; I was a renter in the Charlotte, NC area, not a house buyer as was falsely reported by wicked Wittenberg Wisconsin graduates known for their ability to steal and lie rather than come to the knowledge of the Truth.
12. David Akers, formerly of the Detroit Lions before the team got ruined by strumpets.
13. LeVeon Bell, last seen in person from a distance in Latrobe.

A thirteen rung ladder that doesn't go up and into 6680 North Teutonia in Milwaukee seems short enough to get some vertical moves going at P.J.Jacobs in Stevens Point, WI and the 'Liverpool, PA' teams. Remember, 34 points will get you to the Franco Harris Seahawk bypass also known as Wi State highway 34 OR will get you to Gettysburgh,PA. 34 is easily divided by 17 in tricky Rhinelander automobile lines, Collingwood hull #'s  or  Serpent River, Ontario  traveling angel trails.

The above list might be interesting to those in Squirrel Hill who wrongly think there are supposed to be 9 candles in a temple lampstand, when in fact there are only supposed to be SEVEN. Of the above 13, I would consider #11, #4 and #3 to be the most likely to deceive themselves or others and I consider that my veteran law enforcement officer's opinion. Even my former bowling teammate 'Carl'  decided to be cloaked in Michigan Tom Brady gear and bowling on lanes 3&4 sooner than he'd be willing to repent of his claim that he could 'kick my ass'.

When the Green Bay Packers tie the New England Patriots at 34, I suspect they are more likely to start worshipping the  a used 'Eisenhower' jacket before they would ever say a solid granite rock is a beautiful reminder of Psalm 18 in an 'anti-Hooters' business. Probability is not as important as actual results when it comes to a war against prescription and non=prescription drugs continues like a plague on earth. 'Should we then continue in sin? Certainly not!'' is what a Benjamite should believe, not just see and then disobey. Lying to and  intentionally trying to deceiving anyone becomes a real sin problem   going back to the book of Genesis and still being practiced by the unholy,despicable atheists who often gather inside of a 'FOX' news set as they prepare to attack you household with their anti-Zephaniah messages..

Do not think I am stupid enough to follow or BELIEVE a tramp names 'Lady GaGa'; I rather study the architecture at a building formerly known 'Saint Wencelas' church in Milwaukee on Scott Street.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Land MINE Game vs. A New Mexico Game

I have no desire to become a producer of violent, unholy forces. Here are some  Miller Genuine Draft cautions for those studying Big Ten Network basketball games.

1. When you watch a basketball game on television, what you see on your 'left' the basketball coaches see on their 'right'. For instance, I see 'Michigan  Wolverines on my left and Nebraska Cornhuskers on my right, but the Ststa Farm sponsored skorkeepers in Ann Arbor see the 'Home' M team on the right and the 'Away' N team on the left.

2. If you are not blind, you have to keep 2 eyes on a situation is possible. If you in a Jehovah Witness situation, you need 2 or 3 sets of human eyes on a situation to establish a truthful post-occurence testimony.

3. Taylor11 vs. Wilson5 is like trying to break up a Anna F. Doerfler marbles game. Here's how I would break it down:

G) White and Red11Taylor35 is a pure Fort Leonard Wood Ne Guard Team.  G is for Grain in this 'closest to IL' split.

H) Since I don't trust any system that welcomed back Tom Brady, Wilson5 represents nominal value in a Rochester Rattler Wilson13 bipolar disorderly conduct game that the Michigan Porch Monkey Union has contrived. In this case, Wilson5 is simply part of an atheist B team, not a V=Virginia team.

4. What's MINE is like splitting up Robert Holman and Thomas Wahl and trying to get either one of them to defend the Truth the next 7 vs. 11 game in the MO zone. If Ben Rothleisberger is equal to the 7th door prize ticket I had at the most recent ox roast I attended and Alex Smith is equal to the 11th door prize I got stuck with and then gifted to my brother, my gun case is right and my tree stand is left of me now, which it actually is.

5. As soon as you stop believing everything State Farm commercials suggest, you will stop thinking 'right' and start thinking ' Fran Tarkenton went to Georgia, not to Madison Edgewood'. You now have a solid Racer X clue to avoid 'Go Daddy' and start to go H is for Hagar.

6. At a predestined moment in time, Nebraska has the Robert Skaradzynski Trojan 73 point line and the Michigan Wolverines have the 'anti-Fifty'  Shane David Hendrikson  Gerald Ford7-78-Li F N F anti-Badger non-elect Denita Ball team, which means Nebraska is playing s wiser Geiser potato chip line for some WKU reason. Michigan seems to get stuck at Gratiot more often than I get stuck with my Hankook tires.

7. I would not want any of my grandson of mine to be named 'Jackson Michael', so I have no idea what went mentally deranged with the descendants of Michael Clayton in South Korea.  I'd rather destroy Motown Records and keep Narada Records in a 1 on 1 situation between Detroit and Milwaukee match up.  I guess what your 'N word' is DOES matter after all.

8. A '0'  to the right of a 9 in typing class is not an Ottawa Senator O.  I hope you just got the ''Toronto Tonto' point in this specialized use of a Ryan Braun Crazy 8 of Clubs game..

16. It is almost Ten 16 now according to the books of Moshe Ben Amram, and I must prepare to restore my Pro-Pittsburgh Street studies where trains, cranes and Uncle Wiggly games drag a Slezak out of the Gary Woodland sectional and over into Buff Whelan splits in real life bowl judgment calls coming to an alley near them.

17. Amram might be more like 243R95 way than you might realize. This perspective is based solely on my recollection of the Professional Academy of Secret Codes that got plopped into Portsmouth Ohio instead of getting plopped into 'Holmes12' or Holmes County Sheriff Squad#16 near the Berlin walls.

18. I know bus routes matter to people trying to get around in Philadelphia, PA or in MIlwaukee, WI. If you don't like Argonaut methods in your Toronto ball games, go to true white Molitor2 way communications systems in an upcoming Thin Blue Line spade convention coming up at the Port Huron American Legion. I can't associate a Legion with a Blue Diamonds or Black9 clubs  for a real gun case reason.

19. When trying to bust up Chevy Chase, Black Jeep , White Jeep,  Tim Severud's pure brown Jeep transactions emerging from Teton Pines Golf Course in Wyoming, USA, I wouldn't rely on  Wausau's corrupted Compass property systems. Remember that Sidney Crosby of the television control boys had 'FEIGER' over his picture at his 26 goal point, not Seaver of Crosby's picture.  If you can start adjusting to North, South, East and West instead of right and left outfield, you will get better ground force knowledge and much better sense of  uptown Charlotte, NC systems than the average Wittenberg Wisconsin catcher will ever obtain trying to hang onto the wrong side of a Y or Au line.

20. My best trip to New Mexico was with my faithful parents and my natural brothers in the 1970's.  Visitng Navy veteran homes is sometimes very FUNNY! 'Stella',  'Napoleon'  and Sigourney Weaver are historical TROUBLE factors in bitch and dog tag games.  'Gorbachev'  and 'Thor' are not as easy to understand as the Ten Commandments. Now go and study calcium or John Mack's Milwaukee Tech T-Club  methods.

Yasser Arafat=Al Sharpton=Shane Hendrikson

The above can be considered the 13th Sieve to the Nth degree. 

The second law of thermodynamics is not my area of expertise. I do know that Arafat, Sharpton and Hendrikson all are evil at heart, inclined to violence by nature because they are carnal, reject the laws of Moses and continually deliver falsehood to their anti-Truth species and to their neighbors, namely the United Nations, lukewarm Black Christians and Nazi-influenced  Promise Breakers. Keeping an eye on prisoners, suspects, victims of circumstances and Frank Sutton types is what I was trained to do in the Milwaukee Police Department; I have never been trained to slaughter a brown sheep, but certain honey badgers, bears, wolves, humans and felines have been naturally trained to slaughter sheep, cows, deer, chickens, turkeys and clean fish for over 61 centuries. A reminder that Shane David Hendrikson didn't care if got killed and never returned from Atlanta, Georgia  so that all my legally obtained possessions would become 'his', including the small piece of family land my parents gave to me, reveals he is as evil as any Nazi or Yasser Arafat at mind and at his method of anti-commandmentist operations. Untimately, Shane David Hendrikson never cared about my family land and turned it over to careless worker in the medical field, just as those who align with Arafat, Obama and Sharpton do not really care about reaching a peaceful family treaty between the descendents of Sarah and Hagar, who is not a horrible male Viking cartoon.

Combatting the above 3 unclean homosapians named in the 'title' of this blog is like studying but rejecting the PARTIAL diagrams of Robert Breaker's version of Abraham's family. His planet and star search information about Venus, Mars and Mercury jerking around  in Virgo  airspace with an adversary that goes about LIKE a lion but is called 'LEO' hovering over Jupiter is not going to put clean fish, beef or lamb chops on the next outdoor grill set up in Jerusalem possible as late as the first Muslim passover feast on their version of 1/14. The redeemer of Hagar's LAW-Abiding descendents is not going to be the planet Jupiter getting involved with astrology majors. Ishamelite might just provoke some lukewarm Jews to jealousy, but WHO really does care if more people start obeying Moshe Ben Amram at a time appointed by Dan? I care, and so do the peaceful Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims who have been misrepresented and murdered by violent secular and political atheist leaders much too long. If you want to see what is wrong with the typical 'Christian'  who has forgotten about big brother Ishmael, watch but a video by Robert Breaker as he totally ignores the plight of a servant girl named Haga who was abused by Abraham at the directive of Sarah, mother of Isaac; Robert Breaker has rejected the warning not to make an image of that which is in 'heaven' ; personally I don't draw or mess around with constellations, but I do pay attention to the contrast between  4/15, 1/15 and 7/15 on Israelite, Muslim and Gregorian calendars.

Arafat is a vio;ent piece of flesh less useful than dung when an ice storm his Kansas City. Al Sharpton will prove to be a huge liar if he does not deport himself when Donald Trump gets sworn into servanthood and Shane David Hendrikson is a taker, not a giver of good gift who is prone to being more like an asp at mind than a truthful, peaceful anti-crime neighbor.

Since I regularly dine with peaceful Muslims, our small remnant has agreed that Anwar Sadat was a good Muslim and a martyr because he was hated by those who hate Israelites. NOw, the dilemma of a perfect sacrifice to atone for the sins of the violent Muslims who rejected and then murdered their own brother, Anwar Sadat, just as the politicized Roman empire has rejected Moses, the prophets and the accurate message of Yeshua of Nazareth and chose to conspire to murder their peaceful fellow Israelite.

Either way I look at it, I was either delivered from heaven ( your mother's womb is like heaven' on about the first day of the Muslim's calendar year or the beginning of the 7th month of Jacob's calendar year near Yom Teruah. I now feel like I was an infant stuck between 2 branches of governent that has failed to disect the word Ra-Ma-Dan properly.

Ram a Dan?  Nudge the tribe of Dan and make sure Dan is judging Israel properly. This seems like a MIlwaukee Pulaski vs. Milwaukee Tech 1975 Football Homecoming split second coming of the possible 2 foot rapture that could occur when a real ram head buts a real Dan and he gets tossed up for a brief moment of time in history, but then returns to earth, not to Venus, Mars, Mercury or Jupiter.

Rama means 'Friend' in Hebrew if I recall basic Charlotte Street Ball lines properly. I would suggest the following power play for Muslims as wise as fast as a cockroach but as useful as nightcrawlers trying to survive in Michigan clay soil. I will try to stop my points at the 13th English 'SIEVE' point, since I know I only tried to sift a few adversaries and possible good neighbors through 7 sieves in Super MOM style.

S) Ignore every plan the Vatican comes up with. Remember that Queen Vashti actually made all the right moves, like a green amethyst at foot, when she became a fugitive (code 714) from the unholy and vain 'beauty pageant' abomination her drunken Persian king had tried to force her into. Beauty pageants being trouble to nations and beauty pageant  DO NOT bring safety, modesty and goodness to communities on earth.

 R) Do not follow the pro-violence suggestion that Michael Rood has spewed out of his USA Military mouth, such as his anti-CHrist suggestion to send missiles toward the 'Gaza strip'. Does he mean aim for David Gaza while he is in some Shawano diner heading away from Cecil Anderson and MOnty Judah?

R) Send the message to Muslims that the time has come for them to atone for the grievous sin committed by one of their brethren against Anwar Sadat.

Q) Remind people not to forget Hagar, a suffering servant of the unstable household of Abraham and Sarah. Hagar was not abandoned by her son, so she even had a stronger flesh line than I have now when it comes to actual family survival skills.  Sarah, mother of Isaac, is not an example of a wise mother. Ultimately, Jacob, Leah and Rachel got the wrong message when it came to rearing and raising a pure family of only 'one man and one woman', a phrase that Sunday Christians and Monday NIght Football Catholics seem to dwell upon but rarely enforce when one of their financial supporters wants a divorce.

P) If you are already sucked into the root of Jesse James and the Pittsburgh Steelers system, keep trying to obey all the commandments that are contained in the Bible to the best of your ability and strive to be called part of the Church of Philadelphia rather than being called a friend of Al Sharpton, a buddy of Yasser Arafat heads of ignorance, or a friend of Jimmy Howard's anti-George Washington Anti-Puritan Catholic seminary idolatry huggers. The next point is what people that have been properly trained by John Dorsey on squad '50' come up with to divide the 'zero' from the  English 'O' zone. It will take me a bit of time to get my anti-Nobel 0=the revised squad 15 plan onto this blog, but I do have a stuffy DARE bear nearby fully in control of my pet dust mite hockey addition to reveal an illustration of the 5th amendment.

Stand by yourself, your God, your neighbor or your 'man' until I can transfer a light Ram-a-Dan burden to this site.......

O) Go back to the  partly cloudy image probably at the top of this page and study it as if it were as more important than any gun  propped up in a Normandy, France military museum that is unable to produce any fruit trees.  I have the original and it seems that even though George Washington did plant a good field of Anti-Christmas trees, that while he has been away, evil anti-Moses Gentiles have corrupted his field with Vatican tares and ruined natural branches with unsightly and unholy lighting that are NOT the flame of the tribe of Joseph. Remember that the final N=7 plan is for people trusting chemistry table talk, but that the final N=50 is for people who know that the original design of Joshua the son of Nun and a hockey stick plan is better than the design of Playboy cologne buyers or the design of Dallas Cowgirl's  unholy exterior motive plans.

Sieve M) Compare Jane Wyman's extremely deceiving role in hotel room 405 on 'My Favorite Spy' with Slade's suggestions in room 405 to cheat and lie in order to 'get rich quick' in 'The Cinncinnati Kid' if you are trying to go the left way at Army with Al and the St. Clair Michigan WWII survivors or Milwaukee South with Navy and Robert Heminger's Department of Game Corrections. Consider 'RKO' to now be the Milwaukee Fire and Police Safety Academy's non-Kroger 'Rotramel Knock Outs' as you completely have to avoid taking an Emmy statue, an Oscar statue or a Kennedy 50 cent piece in your hand for the duration of your angelic life on earth . Do not trade a Lincoln penny for less than a Canadian penny or  more than other  Penny in a Joe Penny game, since overpaying for coins is what fools practice because they do not have or respect the makers, buyers and sellers of  a genuine holy half shekels.  Zetterberg has already been knocked out of any part of my  Mineral Point Zr= 91.224 Addition to Trojan's Technical Chemistry and Urim Constant Teen 224 Unit, since Zetterberg could not decide if #2 was 'a dagger' or #4 was 'a dagger' in past itemizations of offense that his overpaid goalies could not stop. Confiscating and retaining daggers from dead Nazis does not qualify as 'good works' , and the name 'Virgil Smith' does not add up to the 4th down and clean Fe line at 26 nudged between  Shifty Manganese and  the Cooler King of Cobalt.

Shalom!  If you make all the good moves at the beginning of the Muslim's 7th month,  you might be going from the L to the typical left to right '13th M' sieve properly. Splitting the English alphabet is like dividing the rib cage between beef ribs and Speed Queen BBQ options in MIlwaukee, Wisconsin on the 4th of July. Choices matter if you claim to trust in a Messiah from the tribe of Judah or you claim to believe your nearest Adonai formation that loves true and just scales.

If you haven't got captured by a fake blonde yet, make sure you study the next probability and statistics topic on the next post adressing 'Racer X' teams.