Saturday, December 24, 2022

Sullivan Ohio Lodge 313 vs. New Richmond Lodge 195

With Alexander Ovechkin at 802 G's, only 79 G's until 881 G's is attained. Little or nothing has been reported in the Detroit area about the Russian athlete surpassing Gordon Howe in trivial rubber puck pursuits. Detroit  Redwings no longer even has a Russian on their team, do they?

There is no USPS zip tie for  53323, but there is a USPS zip tie for 53120, 54403 and 48428.

 Here is an Ohio vs. Wisconsin test for those caught down or caught up in Masonic lodges, at their own risk:

In the original 'Ghostbusters'  movie, the producer permitted 555-2368 to be the contact number. Compare H2368 to G2368 in Strongs concordance, since both words are extremely significant.  Do not consider Massachusetts H.2368 to be more important than an actual lifeguard, since government bills are not intended to save the 'soul' and in fact often lure the soul into idolatry of government officials.

The Greek 2368 may set Joe Nathan in the middle as '36'. The Hebrew 2368 may set Sean Hill's 236 A's prior to  AGATE 8. The Greek line refers to an odor caused by burning incense, and the Hebrew line refers to a seal and a signet. 

The Goetter building in West Bend, Wisconsin is the hockey 'neutral zone' , not the  football red zone. There are plenty of communication options in West Bend, Wisconsin area that are reliable and trustworthy for those not using communications to commit crimes against humanity.

My intuition tells me that the former United States of America  President George Washington never would have wanted any statues erected to represent him or his religion. 

The USA is  actually now the DHA...Divided Households of America, since my household is officially disconnected from Gretchen Whitmer's pro-abortion household.  Each household, whether headed by a male or a female, is presumably required to establish and maintain the best possible security system possible using the least amount of cash reserves and without defying the instructions of. in the process of developing a defense against political wickedness which is a now a wretched epidemic of immorality and criminal spending of money that has not been obtained legally from USA taxpayers.

I don't plant mustard seeds; I plant carrot seeds that worms can lodge near.

Cutler Lodge 55 is disqualified from this challenge, but Jay Cutler is not part of Cutler Lodge 55 in Wausau, Wisconsin.


Y=10   K=20

Get busy, honest anti-lawlessness Freemasons!  December 25th, 2022 is a required workday, not a play day.    ♦♦

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