Sunday, December 25, 2022

Hebrew Route of Kadri

The Miami Dolphins  nastiness was too disgusting to observe without a 'fast forward' option too compare the Tom vs. Wilson gambling attraction; 'Fountain Bleu' in Milwaukee was a classy French restaurant with no Miami harlotry within it.  FOX  without hounds is like John without Michael Montgomery, if you get Benjamin Moore's 'Montgomery White 33' drift.

Now for the  9th month of  יששכר closing class:

H3537.     כד    KD.  jar/itcher

 H7377.      רי      RY. moisture drawn up from a well/ rain  cloud formations

 In conclusion of this matter, what is pronounced KDRY could be seen as Kadri.

KDRY could easily translate to a pitcher full of water drawn up into it, not a drought formation of the River Euphrates.    Please refer to Yermiyah chapter 46. 

Did you know there is a Tyre, Michigan that probably doesn't have a king or a prince?   The testimony of 'Jesus' is actually in part  the book of Micah, where it is revealed that family members will not be in spiritual or moral agreement; 'Jesus' never claimed he would bring peace and surely he has not brought peace or safety to anyone. As a matter of historic fact, the more I called upon the name of 'Jesus', the more I was put into serious life-threatening danger. Only when I started calling upon יהוה  did a sound mind and a improved defense system swerve my way.

Our heart needs pitchers of pure water, not needles of pricey 'big pharma' toxins. Do we need a sword bearer named 'Jesus Christ' to cut us up into pieces as  indicated could happen to those who rejected the premise of Daniel 3:29?   Abortionists are cutting innocent babies into pieces while houses loaded with unrealistic expectations are saying 'Merry Christmas' as though nothing horrendous  is occurring in their government buildings after they cast votes for unholy, wicked humans.  All the nations were warned by the same king Nebuchadnezzar who was allowed to attack   Zedekiah the unrepentant political figurehead and wicked king.   ירמיה was spared by  יהוה for truly prophetic reasons  .

I never trusted Amy Grant. I sounded my shofar in Shelby, Michigan as a reminder that the 10th month is in progress like beryl not in Merrill. The 22nd, 34th, 47th, 59th, 72nd, 84th and 96th months are also in progress for those who have brains to keep track of something more important than their dog's dung hill.


Student of  זהר , חירום   and. דג

( 605 points beats recording #604 of 'God's Great Outdoors'; I have heard it said by an employee of Ottawa's  'Art Is In' that certain processes have to brought to a Boyle.)

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