The weakest family males will always try to flee when TeNSiON is too much for them to handle, and as a result the woman who did not flee looks for stronger males able to uphold her amount of TeNSiON. The design of a TeSiON rod has a limited amount of expansion and contraction and must be set between 2 stable walls ( anti- חיץ ) and the TeNSiON rod could be vertical, horizonta, but not on an angle. The TeNSiON rod is able to hold a limited amount of weight, but requires 2 stable walls to be able to remain in a fixed position.
An elderly friend of mine, Agnes, sent me a wonderful hand-written letter. She is a widow, 1 of her 4 children died 8 years ago but her remaining children are thoughtful, caring and show love toward her which helps the widow to endure after the loss of a son and a husband. her 2 daughters might be the stable walls that help her hold up under a limited amount of burdens that might be light or might be heavy. The heavier burden you are handling, the more you must realize that there miust be 2 stable walls assisting you, not 1 baby or 1 adult. In contrast, a man who has fled due to pressure or avoids family conflict due to lack of mediation skills and lack of an ability to compromise is like a tension rod with no stable walls to uphold him. His wife might be unstable and the people he chooses to flee with or to are just another gambling ring like the metal playground equipment that swivels around like a centrifuge. After fleeing, he might try to hang on for 'dear life' to the 'playground equipment' but will he ever learn to face the situation which he fled from in fear or in weakness? I know what it like to flee in fear; I did so a few times as weak and mistreated woman but eventually I did return to face what I had fled from. Who caused me to flee was still very uncaring and cruel when I returned after fleeing, but it was the choice of those people to be cruel, selfish and childish after proving they were weaker than a tension rod spiritually.
If my 2 stable walls are יחזקאל and. ירמיהו , I am able to uphold the name of יהוה . Those chosen men, who are as 2 lamp stands that can handle flames properly, if removed from my learning resource center, I suspect I won't be able to uphold the name of יהוה properly not much is said about the wife of YCZQAL, and could it be that his wife, though beautiful and intelligent, was unwilling to love and respect the instructions of יהוה as she should? When a man is told not to mourn the death of his wife, he surely should consider why the removal of her from his life was deemed essential for him to continue.
In 2010, I fled to Georgia to delay a war that was unavoidable... 12 years have passed and I am much healthier now after surviving another war. Spiritually, I won the war when I didn't laugh in divorce court and when some family members appeared in the courtroom with me, something my enemy was unable to match as only his covetous, anti-commandment girlfriend showed up to laugh in a Wausau divorce court. There was plenty of tension in divorce court, and my attorney didn't handle any of it; my regular parents were like 2 walls in my life when I was load limitations were placed on me. When 1 of 2 parents is disregarded or belittled in the eyes of a son, he weakens himself spiritually, morally and practically. I haven't always heard compliments from my parents; certainly they knew my strengths and weaknesses. They applied normal family pressure to me often, as would anyone who desires that you improve and get stronger with your family rather than let you get haughty and forgetful without your parents. Sometimes I was asked to do chores or activities I did not really want to do, but because it was my parents making the request and the request was not contrary to my love of G-d, I complied. Now that my parents know I have a love of YHWH, they don't ask me to do that which YHWH would not approve of.
Now, what about the CHELI in MICHELIZZI? 372 saves is far more than 0 saves. The number tends to 372 gets my attention as 555-236🎱 got Sigourney Weaver's attention while misbehaving in 'Ghostbusters'. Jimmy Morris, Amry veteran and an asset to the community of Knowlton, Wisconsin, had a sheep 386, not a black bull named Soccer at the Armada Fair. Sheep 386 came to me like a baby boxer puppy also had come toward me. Animals can often sense what a defiled human that is drawn toward wickedness like King Herod, the lover of female dancers, cannot sense. A properly utilized billiard ball isn't aimed toward a bottomless pit.
TeN is renamed Squad 59, at least it should be on Hackett Avenue on the north side of Milwaukee . I'll be thankful to be able to write a letter back to my elderly widow friend Agnes who to. my knowledge is still Catholic, but who's shame is it that she, a widow who has lost a son to death, thought enough to contact me by letter when my son and his children refuse to do while they are representing the doctrine of protestant Christianity in Birmingham, England? Surely I would write back to anyone taking the time to reach out to me by paper letter, since such is part of proper etiquette unless the entire letter was loaded with hatred with no evidence of kindness, thoughtfulness or friendship.
Applying pressure to a TenSiON rod that is not between stable walls will cause the unstable walls to be pushed away and 'Squad 88' will go down with the weak walls BUT most likely will still be intact and able to be relocated and retried for active, practical duty.
The end of this month word is H3130 , יסף, for those in the 9th year of captivity somewhere, even if you are as stable as King Hezekiah in captivity rather than arrogant, unruly and depraved as King Zedekiah while 'free'.
The 8 of spades night have gotten divided between 'Robert J. Morrison of Milwaukee' and 'Robert Hogan' on television historically, but the 8 of spades is not the K of 💖 's.
Now I'll se what happens in Ottawa, even though I never made it to 'Art Is In' diner in 2015. certainly, I proved my sanity in Ottawa, Ontario many times over, flippant humor sometimes included. Now, a ruler surnamed Trudeau, as insane as King Herod , has defiled Ottawa's government in the same haughty way that Governess Whitmer has defiled Michigan.
Will anyone return the 'Ottawa Senators' puck that was stolen from me in Michigan sooner that another is able to turn over puck #243 , which I left behind in Quebec for a theoretic reason.
H2434 is mentioned in YCZQAL 13:10. Mourn, warn and hope you gain strong angelic protection BECAUSE you refused to partake in 'merry Christmas' activities while you mourn for Michigan and warn Canada that their MAID services are more wicked than a leviathan.
🧸. 🍺. Got Iron City? Kabash means 'male lamb'.
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