Fact: 'Waffle House' coffee mugs are a good gift and certainly no nominal value; a tattoo is not a good gift. Barry Awe, Jon Pounders, Isaac Israel and Justin Best all sought out tattoos, maybe against their parental teachings. All of those men are now unbelievable and lacking discernment as they wait for various predictions about their own destiny to occur. If there were only 2 men left in a line to be king of ישראל or a commander of Yehowah's defenses and one of them never obtained a tattoo but one of them did obtain a tattoo, there is no doubt that the man without the tattoo would be considered a 'fit man', and the man with a tattoo would be considered defiled and spotted rather than unspotted. There is no good reason to obtain a tattoo on your body, but certainly many people are profiting from selling tattoos. If you can't deter a person from getting a tattoo, you probably won't deter them taking other unnecessary risks with needled injections sold by drug pushers. Thus, it is my premise that a man who regrets getting a tattoo has to seek a fit man to lead him in battle and to retrain him to learn self-restraint, reset his course toward repentance and eventually assign a task he is able to do without continually offending or ignoring living parents, grandparents, siblings , cousins or children who have aligned with. יהוה .
Which financial scompetition works best for Andrew Bush of 'Shippey Shoes'? in Stevens Point, Wisconsin? Typically, it is not grapes that generate wrath.
C) Milwaukee Police retiree Alphonso Graham V. Massachusetts hockey goalie Henry Graham; yes, there is a 'Graham Street' in Milwaukee District 2, not a Hackett Avenue
L) Bench 89 vs. Steinway piano
U) Butler toilet plunger vs. Bench 5
S) 'Story and Clark' V. Ed Croswell #5
T) Fender Rhodes 73 V. Klement's Summer Sausage Stick
E) Unfaithful Shane David Hendrikson = Unfaithful Mitch McConnell (Both have chosen abuse their power and display their lack of integrity when they chose to steal and misuse corporate/family funds for wicked purposes and law ignorers did not do their duty and arrest them.)
R) Power 23 V. Faith 28, using the hockey roster of the Massachusetts Minutement as a numerical variable
S) Hurricane Hill 22 vs. Capital Milano #15
Nate Cole vs. Bob Craft is only a saxophone battle from 1977 at Milwaukee Tech, and thus is no longer in progress, even though Cole Craft was in progress at the 'Kwok-Trip Holiday Face Off 2022'; Clarkson won without Faith or Power.
I don't care if Laura Bush, Rachel Levine, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton lose their minds, their legs and their excessive, unearned fortunes in less than 5 months. There is no longer any reason to respect the role of the president of the United States due to decades of horrific, ungodly lying politicians stuffing themselves into that title. The role of president still exists, but it is not honorable, nor is it worth saluting nor bowing to. Learn a lesson from 'Daniel in the lions' den' if you gladly reject Disney's agenda.
'The Cross Movement' isn't 'Montgomery White 33'. Who's going to split 'Elton John Michael Montgomery Gentry' into Thomas Stigler's English muffin squadron next? If one end zone is Benjamin, the other end zone is Rueben. Now try to study football as Benjamin vs. Reuben, where the home team is Benjamin. Thus, The Green Bay Packers represented sardius and the Miami Dolphins represented jasper to shift to soft rock terms. As venue changes, sardius changes! 🔴. Is Reuben as unstable as the Red Sea or as active as Red Star yeast? As visiting teams travel, jasper travels like the 13 of billiard balls! (Sister Dinah is the 11 ball in my most recent billiard ball transition game, even if some people view her as an incomplete NOBODY as well as a daughter of Leah. Menasha is the 14 ball. )
Mnny women should have been ashamed of themselves decades ago, but without a husband that has enough goodness within hi to rebuke his wife, many COUPLES end up being unable to saved due to their lack of humility and homesty which results in a serious lack of good, just and perfect works.
In Bowling Green Vs. New Mexico State, figure skaters should never be viewed as 'defense'.
Got Riverby Hills towel racks or Bryan Urlacher Xenon conversions?
My sense of humor beats the scripts of 'June Cleavers, even though 'Leave It To Beaver' has presented important family values in a rated G as in 'GUFY, Neil B.' way.
🚌. I don't regret spending Shavuot in the Bowling Green, Ohio area. Rutherford B. Hayes history matters. Don't say ' I have faith in you' to anyone ever again. Say ' You have carbon dioxide in you' and let the hearer decide if he or she is a plant or a human being or a Dr. Pepper tube.
Faith is too vague to be a foundation for rebuilding sturdier or repairing stronger. Mohr's hardness scale handles difficult matters that the Richter scale doesn't discern.
If matters of trust had gone my way, the current war would have been over several years ago, but to many fools have preferred ongoing war, intentional coercion, lewd and irregular behaviors and unreasonable taxation. I would have preferred reasonable negotiations, holy etiquette, truthfulness during testimonies . justified property settlements and an old ice box refninshed by Richard 'Ace' Ortiz being in the household of Nathan Ortiz.
Cowardly men don't become Detroit Lions or Hamburg Lions. Cowardly people do sit around poker tables and gather in casinos and do commit crimes against those they have deemed to be weaker than them.
It's 10 /02 now or should we name it neon month and helium day?
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