Friday, December 2, 2022

RaRe Combos with Rhenium

 Rhenium plus radium is a RaRe combination of 88 & 75, which the hockey brothers Lindros took upon themselves.

AcRe is 89 &75, correct?

The 75th element is now of recoding interest in SCaRe tactics,  ReAl,  CaReW and ReCCHI , KReAm, CReAm, WReN, ReFReSH, OReGaNO, ReUBeN, ReBeCCa,  and most importantly 'ReFUGe and ReFUSe.

🔴  When the pool water turns red, it's not pink anymore.

I wonder why I noticed that interstate 75 goes through Troy but didn't notice much about Rhenium and it's short form of 'Re'  before.

 Got ReFeReEs?  🦓🦓

The 'shroud of turn' might begin with a  LuRe.

Non-special OPErAtIONS  seem to be as difficult as removing a butterfly wing  from a fruit salad or implanting a serious bone into beef stew.

🐄               🥛                 🧀

Milk duds might start to look like the Toronto Maple Leafs based upon uniform code 'words'.

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