Friday, December 30, 2022

How To Fail A Harvard Bar Exam

Who or what should be in front of Harvard BAR 24 ?

A)  John Candy

B)  China Up 

C) Wendall Clark

D)  Chill

E) KitKat

F) Sidney Rice

G0 Not Gaffney 8

H) Gaffney 98

I) Bill  Gay

J) Gorman Thomas

K) Pete Vukovich

L) Cheli's Chili

M) Altenburg's Concertina

N) Barbara Hershey 

O) Randy Heath

P)  Ice Cream

Q) Dessert

R) Salad

S) Sand

T) Tow

U) Arm

V) Milwaukee's National Avenue

W) Boron and Argon

X) 3 Musketeers

Y)  Beverage

Z) Protein

XX) possibly Montenegro

KK)  The 75th  element coded as Re

BB) not chain oil

II) Bit-O-Honey

The most correct answer is : V .

The best answer is : L. 

The wittiest answer is : XX.

The most clever answer is:  KK.

The most evasive answer is : BB

It's easy to fail a Harvard 'BAR 24' exam.

Why is there a penguin sign on the sidelines of the 2022  Orange Bowl?

1. Hooker 5 has to remember Paul Frederick Stanton.

2. Hooker 5 has to remember who had 1,155 hockey assists in the NHL.

3. Tennessee Small 2 has to recall that Atlanta Little 10 defeated the Penguins in overtime as recently as 2010.

4. George Harsh conditions are in effect.

5. Hooker 5 is supposed to consider the Detroit Zoo's walk-through  tunnel system.

6. Hooker 5 has to remember' Pondus the Penguin' isn't a gold bar.


Isaiah Chapter 54 is exquisite; try to understand the purpose of agate windows.

There's an EMPerer in Klemperer.

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