Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Should the Masked Be Afraid of the Unmasked?

Since I saw Michael Pence  unmasked in a Iowa church, it is reasonable not to wear a mask if you are unafraid of a virus less dangerous than an adulterer, an abortionist, a liar, Vincent Locicero with a baseball bat, a drunk driver employed as a Michigan politician, a real witch 🂡 trying to curse you even with a mask on or a loosely leashed pit bull closer to you than an unleashed German Shepherd.  For those people wearing a mask, if you SERIOUSLY think the mask helps protect you from a sickness, then  accept the fact that some people don't believe wearing a mask is helpful and make sure you keep 6 feet away from the unmasked people if that makes you feel less paranoid and less nervous.

Why stop at only wearing a mask  if you are afraid of getting sick or injured?  Wouldn't wearing ear protection stop a free-roaming virus or black wasp from entering your ear drum section?  Why not wear a bulletproof vest everywhere you go to stop the next bullet that might disable you for 2 weeks or could kill you until the resurrection of the dead?  Maybe dressing up like a knight in rusty 'Monty Python' armor might prevent you from getting bit by a dog in the shin or arm?  How about investing in a 'pope mobile' to travel around in to reduce the risk of getting struck by a bullet or a COVID-19 particle?  

Not stopping for a stop sign is more dangerous to yourself and your neighborhood than not wearing a mask especially when you can cough into your elbow or your handy cloth kerchief like you were taught to do 🙊 in kindergarten!

Let the frightened mask themselves, and those who aren't frightened of handling a bout with a temporary disease remain unmasked as Michael Pence. Now  on with Corpus Christi vs Christos Chelios:

Brian Leetch: 781  A's  (37th)
Chris Chelios: 763 A's  (41st)
Sidney Crosby: 39th in points

The 37th day of the omer has begun for a few of us who don't need John Michael Montgomery to sing us into spiritual oblivion. The 6th week is completed on day 42, no matter when you started counting from 1 to 50 according to church of Philadelphia requirements.

What would Jarko Ruutu do compared to Dan Plesac in a ' to mask or not to mask' situation?

I'm far more likely to give people wearing masks the silent treatment since they wouldn't understand my level of paramilitary intelligence.  👮

Now make sure you stop properly for all stop signs, whether you are masked or unmasked, for the rest of your life.

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