Saturday, May 9, 2020

Blog Post Removal vs. a Tattoo Removal

I was asked to assist an acquaintance with a problem she was having. She had a problem with my opinion of her several years ago when she clearly was not my friend and I posted my opinion like some doctors post opinions of their patient's physical condition hoping for improvement. She asked me to REMOVE the entire post, but that would not be good for my  history class about failures and success  in spiritual and physical matters.

My opinion of her at that time didn't  change, but her legal name is no longer in that article since she might be reconsidering her past cruel behavior.   Editting a blog that you have ACCESS to is as easy as removing a tattoo to try to de-escalate a family problem. It's easier to get locked out of a computer site than it is to get out of your own skin.  In the past, access to WORDPRESS had been impossible, but WORDPRESS recently made a link that offered the blogger 1 hour to re-enter their own site.

In the spirit of Paul Coffey, I amended the acquaintance's name to  $  rather than * or ! to rectify a problem she was having with my opinions of a horrible ongoing situation because I was able to , but removing the whole post would have been like removing every police report written about me in Marathon County, Wisconsin.  Once Angelica Huston walked around with a $ sign on her in a commercial, did that change Sheldon Souray's opinion of her or change the history of Huston's past behavior?  I guess now there are internal  matters on WORDPRESS  like a heart valve and external matters  like a tattoo on this site.

Did I assist a potential friend while refusing to meet her demand that I remove the entire post? The post she referred me to still exists without her name in it ,but the post also is not open to the general public.  There is an architect in Minnepolis going by the same name as my acquaintance, so what if 2 or more people claim they are equal to a $ sign? I actually think it is less helpful to prevent my acquaintance from seeing the amended post that covered her identity and was shifted to generic terms, but she rather that the post not be available for public scrutiny even if it had been helpful to others who are struggling with post-divorce  perspective and reckoning considerations.  When an offer to reconcile a matter is removed by the victim because it was not accepted by the offender, the offender can wait and see how the matter is handled or rectified by other spiritual and natural  forces in another venue who know that the victim's suggestion  to settle a matter was quite fair and reasonable.

Time does not heal all wounds, but the wounded should be more careful not to get reinjured due to their own bad habits.

Ten year ago, in 2020, I was in the Hockey Hall of Fame buying gifts for a family that was preparing to desert me like Jeremiah was tossed into a shit-pit and others helped him out. Blogging has helped me out when the protestant members of the  Hendrikson family refused to even sit down with me in Mark Becker's office because Mark Becker's office in Marathon County, WI wasn't labeled as a 'Christian' site.  I chose Mark Becker because his perspective was similar to that of a D.A.R.E. officer regarding resisting use of drugs in 'difficult  situation' case management.  If you were unwilling to help me through times of sadness and grief after an enemy broke a marriage covenant, how would you expect my opinion  of you to be positive or complimentary?

Will Paul Coffey and Mark Becker now contact me to have this post removed or their identity changed to a code?

Trials sometimes end with success. Even though I did as my acquaintance requested from MY end of power, the internet seems to have an evil, lazy center core of it's own.  When doing a search to make sure my editting had been updated and the blog was shifted to 'private', the original post title popped up like a weasel in PINK, not my revised version.

Do words in pink in a web search differ from words in red in a Bible?  I do know my original sentiments might have been written with a mindset similar to Yeshua when he tipped over tables that were being used for $ and could never get that act of anger off of his written record.  Who is going to edit that event and claim that Yeshua dusted off the tables with a COVID-19 mask on and then helped to sell raw oysters to the public on the sabbath  while singing the Greek National Anthem?

 Is there a lesson here about the importance of the original Hebrew texts of the Bible, which have been altered by Protestants and Catholics even though the original writings might have been displeasing to those behaving contrary to  יהוה    ? Should I be made to feel uncomfortable because I do think it is proper for parents to make their minor children into video attractions to be seen by possible pediphiles?  Maybe my grandchildren will grow up to say 'you were correct, Grandma, in objecting to our pictures being made into a public entertainment video spectacles when we were only minors.   Thanks for trying to prevent us being made into a visual media attraction for strangers to observe.'

As Yeshua has said, ' Woe to those by which offenses come BUT offenses must come.'  Offenses test your chosen defense system.  I had asked my cousin Phyllis Raczek Holman to be my writing companion so I could decrease my blogging, but she refused to cooperate  nor  help me due to apathy similar to Thomas Wahl when I asked for family marriage counseling help  or when Brian Berg, highly paid protestant pastor, refused to help divide my family property fairly when Shane David Hendrikson wanted to move in with fellow Bible reader Cheryl Brown, who he attained in his family history after he  divorced me .

I didn't want attorneys to profit from a divorce I didn't request.  I much rather have real friendly visitors than only curious blog visitors.

Maybe someday another G as in generation will want to show me how to not make any errors while being cheated on as a wife, ignored as a mother or rejected as a mother-in-law for several years.  How long can a person fight against a stronger enemy without any error when she is struggling for air or anemic?

What's the middle line here? I can try to remove 'offense' from the internet as easily as an adult man can try to get an offensive and unnecessary tattoo removed from his body to respect his mother's original teachings to him. I suppose my acquaintance can keep sending me links to opinions she does not agree with  and I can then decide to try to amend an opinion or revert the post to a draft status as she desires. However, when a Catholic woman named Matilda decided to give me a C for a penmanship grade, I was so disappointed and upset that I decided to improve my writing rather than ask her to change her opinion of me when I was not doing as well as I could have been.

If you only want to hear compliments about yourself, you have an ego problem that honesty and criticism from others who expected you to good works won't repair.

I wonder if any person said 'Happy Mother's Day' to the mother of  apostle St. Bartholomew after he was sliced to death and martyred.  Time to work alone in my garden again, since it is Sunday, not a sabbath.

Copper weighs 63. 65 according to some studies. How's your omer count toward Shavuot going?

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