Sunday, May 31, 2020

Jeremiah 48: The Moabite Snare of Esaac Israel

H6177 is a matter of Reuben and Gd; there is a time to shut yourself in in the day of calamity as Isaiah 26 indicates,. While Matthew Nolan is preaching blasphemy against the 4 corners tassles which is SIGN that Yeshua wore intended to be signal unto others  better than wearing a crucifix on his neck, Esaac Israel is more of a Moabite at heart, speaking blasphemy against decent somewhat strange humans such as Ramon Galaviz, Maxine Taylor, Verbie Swanigan, Kerr Putney, Jill Marshall, Danny Brown  and Levi Watts.  Esaac Israel shows a strong electronic propaganda message, reading from the true Scriptures as he sets up images of 'white police' then commences to generically and broadly accuses  police officers of robbing his people of their children, yet the wild beasts that actually robbed heathen and unholy people of their children are the abortionists and their political and financial supporters.  Is not a child spared when he is incarcerated rather than stoned to death as יהוה   has permitted or would he better off stoned than incarcerated? Jon Pounders might be able to answer that question.  If I and others have  thoughtfully stoned ourselves with jasper, jacinth and beryl, will we live to tell the story of Benjamin, Gd and Zebulun's change of heart after admitting we have been guilty of past sins and have sought   mercy and retraining  from   Yehovah?  'Madonna' won't turn you from the error of your ways and neither will the computerized speakers who want 'thumbs up' and smooth words in the comment section.   Matthew Nolan asks for money on his stage, Esaac Israel asks for trouble due to his hatred of all police officers which sets more unjustified hatred in his own mindset rather than being willing to become a firefighter or a policeman such as Calvin Hall, Robert Delgadillo or Ralph Gallow.

If you look up in the Hockey Hall of fame rotunda, you will see a ship on a sea of glass as intricate as the windows of the  temple of Judaism in Pittsburgh.  Such images are often far more beautiful than the skanky women of Guy Carbonneau and Tom Brady or the many past wives of Sheldon Souray who have not even been dressed as well as Tamar had been in long sleeves.

Isaiah 17 is worth reading in what seem like the days of Psalm 88 to many and as the days of Jeremiah 48 to a few.  Warnings are often written when sound advice or the music of 'Camel Island' has not permeated the ears of those still too attached to their cell phones,  and television sets.

'the little ones have cried out' but NASA refuses to protect and serve them.

🎹🎶 🌓   Since locusts have no king and they work in bands, this musician chooses 'Half Moon' , 'Fresh Wind', and 'Let There Be Music' which are 3 hymns by "Orleans'  for my  holy Shavuot royal rumpus convocation while I think about how mountains are moved and the USS Milwaukee operates.  You don't get fresh wind if you or others insist on smothering your airways with a fabric mask more likely to attract a virus by static electricity  than your closed mouth or  rolling eyeballs  or Molitor Ram with a backspin as hooked as US 23 in Wood County, Ohio turns at exit 195 ever would. 🏌                                                                                                                              ⛳🌩
 🠝 ( simulated 422 yard par 4 without Bob Schmidt, Sam Lenda, Tim Severud or Tom Hendricks in sight yet)

There's a 5 month delay on the comparison study of France's Vitamine Du Matine and Monte Judah's 'Lion and Lamb' duo that wrongly ignores the position of a wolf with a lamb. Some sheepdogs look like a wolf from afar.

At least Ben Stein responded promptly to my electronic letter to him, something rude relatives fail to do until it becomes a besetting sin problem.  The majority of first responders know that response time matters.

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