Monday, May 18, 2020

How Was Your 'Brian Joseph Leetch' Day 37?

Due to circumstances within my control, Chris Chelios A Hole Day has been postponed until the 41st day of the counting of the omer, namely May 22nd, 2020, to mix him in with the average Andy Brandt Squad 41 and the Nb=92.91 way.  41st place in assists is better than zero, according to those who noticed Brian Leetch in 37th place with 781 assists.

Switzerland code 41 is not Czech code 42; so be careful when choosing spend sheep casings in the Dietz and Watson beef frank section as seen advertised in certain hockey rink, since they are often too close to the Black Forest wieners that have pork mixed in, which are as unclean as Klement's chorizo sitting next to one of Mrs. T's pierogi boxes.

Rb is part of the work CuRb. sometimes seem as 29/37 at Marshall University.

Sr38 is part of the name 'StOK, as in 'Mr. Srok/  There is a chill factor in Schilling.

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