Saturday, May 16, 2020

Chris Pronger Replaces Reggie White at 157!

If too much science bores you on 'bromine day', what about the theory of achieved constants vs. contrived ESPN variables?

Chris Pronger, as a defenseman, achieved 157 goals, which is a constant now for the living. ESPN assigned Reggie Howard White #157, which is a variable as those watching Marion Hossa stats should know.

Gaborik's 407 G's aren't in 'Alex' zone between 1281( Old Redwing #10 what's his name) and 1278 ( Ovechkin).

What if Peter Salemi is going to head up the tribe of Gad?

  "Sicilian goes biblical after eating animal meat on Friday on the same planet Toronto is currently on.'

A good sealed representative of Gd (pronounced God not 'Gouda') will submit to the protective covering rules of   יהוה     .

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