Wednesday, May 6, 2020

If Your Surname Was 'Rice'

I  patiently wonder about little Levi
And contemplate why he's kept far from my eye
If his surname was 'Rice' could I spend time with him
And then speak about Simeon, thummim and urim?

Today I wrote   לוי    with some marble outside
 I fear that your parents don't care that I've cried
I asked יהוה     to bring you much closer to me
But it seems that between us there is a Red Sea

If your parents don't trust   יהוה    , that's horribly sad
I'm your grandmother always, and sometimes I get mad
When I think of how much you should know about seals
And how to eat as a Levite during all your meals

Someday you might meet a good teacher who cares
Enough about  לוי   to pull you from the tares
Christobel Huet can't be your  substitute
Why you've been kept away from me doesn't compute

Once you are all grown up and have freedom to seek
When you track me down I might be quite old and weak
Life has been hard without a son to help out
And most days I feel I'm in a long boxing bout

Tell your sisters I love them and hope they will learn
How to get back to me,  'Grandma'. after some sharper turn
Until that time comes I'll keep trusting Yahweh
I'll keep his commandments and of course, I'll pray

An 8 is interesting  in Yahweh's holy books
The 'Hey' shows up 8th though it gets very few looks
The locusts helped Moshe with their 8th place trait
Simeon's seal at 7 is close to לוי's at  🎱

Thinking of you, Levi Isaiah, on your 8th birthday,
Grandma Marie Swedowski, always from Milwaukee 👮 ❤👩

😴 It's a very full moon an although I am weary, I have food, shelter and good coverings just as the  little lady duck who is sitting on her eggs near my kitchen window! The lady duck trusts me so much I can do many things while I am very close to her and her nest. 🦆

🎹🎺( My Grandpa John Raczek used to pretend he was playing the trumpet sometimes 😠😎   )

( I wanted to call today  📞you but  sadly once again, I got 'no reply at all' from your parents even though I have sent them many messages by email.   )

 Written carefully with much thought on May 7. 2020 which is the 26th day of the omer count toward  יהוה   's feast of Shavuot.

              When humans keep their thoughts untold
               They become scared rather than bold
               If humans hold inside their sadness
               Eventually they're lead to madness

             Some might say 'sad thoughts are mean'
             Others say 'sad thoughts can clean'
             The truth from a friend, though odd and wooly
             Beats a silent treatment from an actual bully

                                                                   - Pineville Ice House Nobody #11 (me)



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