Even if this has been day 2225 out of 2300 troubling dusk cycles, let me hand out a bit of practical advice for those who rather protect their lungs than demolish their system with continual mask wear:
B) At least 1 or even 2 times per week, try to purchase food from a restaurant you ENJOY the decent atmosphere at even if what they serve is not 'organic' or some of it has GMO ingredients. Trying to isolate yourself from that which is still common in the world food supply might make you even more allergic to food that is not pure as food was 6,000 years ago.
R) The Weather Channel pushes their propaganda like Marilyn Monroe pushed her assets toward John F.. Kennedy, and I prefer mild or cool rather than limiting my attitude toward 'hot or cold. Lesbians and husbands with unfaithful eyeballs prefer hot weather since the unchosen people tend to reduce their coverings when it is hot. The hotter it gets, the more a mask is going to be harmful to your lung INTAKE rather than preventing aids, diabetes, heart attacks or the next stroke from a yellow tee box that is more practical than an expensive Corvette not owned by Fedorov.
A) Assist matter. An arrogant young frightened male walked too close to me while he was wearing an ugly extremist mask, thinking the mask was a substitute for the 6 foot rule. He asked me where my mask was and I raised my handy 'book of John Danbeck' elbow (designed by יהוה ) up and showed him how portable my mask was should I feel the need to cough or sneeze. The audibles in Lowe's are reasonable to 'play along' with the plandemic test, but wearing a mask continually is equivelent to wearing a condom contiunually, even when you are not in close proximity to IMMINENT DANGER.
Sh ) When an arrogant person who believed the mask lie challenges the courageous weaned adult aware of typical world hazards and then claims he or she is in 'the medical field' remind them that there are abortionists, plastic surgeons and drug pushers in the medical field making it a spiritually questionable and unreliable profession and dare to defend your right to make your own medical decision.
Y) The census is now stupidity, so if you are not ELIGIBLE to get a firearm permit because you have had a past emotional or physical disturbance requiring hospitalization, make sure the census bureau doesn't hear from you until the census is written in Hebrew or a language that the USA is too ignorant to utlilize. If you are not competent enough to decide when or where to use a firearm properly, by state government standards you are also too incompentent to fill out their forms of folly and irrational line of questioning without an attorney present. ( Flippant and truthful ''right of refusal' under the current state of wat that I did not start.)
Tav) Have professional athletes or thug basketball players hoping to get to the NBA now realized they might have to learn how to fix buildings for old retired people now rather than play with rubber balls for a living? There are 2 ways to look at the 'bargain basement pricing' of barley prophesied from Patmos about 2,000 years ago: either the retirement money of generation non-X will go farther due to depression era pricing OR farmers will not be getting paid very much for the GMO crappy adulterated 'raped' agricultural products, spurring a surge in local organic farming.
( Space Relations) If the people so frightened of a virus can't tolerate those who are not frightened of a virus because we have taken care of our bodies reasonably and with DUE DILIGENCE for years prior to 'The Year the Stanley Cup Wasn't Won', let them start their own nation somewhere as close to the south pole as they can get. Reasonable exposure to common hazards is what the body needs to learn to upgrade it's defense system to the current environment.
Merry Jeff Hackett Day to you and your non-juvenile division.
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