Saturday, May 9, 2020

Changing WORDPRESS Settings from Public to Private

Rather than have my enemies toy with my feelings and expository subjective writing on WordPress as' DDFence Emet', that site is now accessible only to those with security clearances; if you do not have access to that site, I or 'God' probably have not cleared you to view it even though it still exists for informational purposes to  review causes and effect of being ejected (torn) from certain groups and tolerated and being accepted by other teams of remnant nature. ( I realize there were less than ten people who had been assisted by some of my anti-drug  recommendation for countering loss of family members due to divorce and ways to regain strength to survive, but 9 people is better than 0 people.

 I noticed that oddly enough, WordPress will have June gatherings in JACKSON, Michigan and LANSING, Michigan where Carl Allen Jr. evaded me without explanation.  Of course if there had been a GOOD report about you, that is also now not temporarily available to the public.

Of course when I want to, I can return my blog to a public setting as easily as the Vatican releases documents to Nehemia Gordon, formerly known as Illinois 'Baby X'.

It is probable I will return my WORDPRESS  settings to public as soon as the NHL , MLB and NFL resume their  Sunday workload.

Some people wrongly believe that just because they cannot see something anymore that it no longer exists. When a parent is forbidden from visiting their adult child, does that child stop existing?


How much should you criticize a person who you refused to assist, comfort or protect when he or she asked you to help in those matters?

Is a person really more comfortable NOT knowing what another person has written about them in a report accessible only to people willing to pay for that report or is a person who can see what has been written about them in a public venue at no cost to the viewer more likely to be able to counter or question  information they do not view as accurate? I have seen reports about me that are totally wrong, and unless they are corrected without my help or my plea for them to correct a wrong report they will be labeled as either as 'the deceived' or 'the deceivers' rather than the corrected and properly rebuked.

Which protestant is going to tell יהוה   to remove Leviticus chapter 15 but nor Leviticus chapter 23? When you don't agree with a segment of writings from one author because you were not glorified or justified by those segments, do you really want to eliminate all of the author's writings that could have corrected your flaws and made you  reconsider the err of your ways?  What does a doctor write about a person who dies from brain cancer that wasn't reported soon enough by his pack of pork sausages and packs of cigarettes? Do you want to read only  the article accusing a person but are not interested in seeing the proof of their guilt or innocense in that matter?

🕷 Is that a wolf spider or an octopus that received bad drugs from a car wash technician in Madison, Wisconsin 37 years ago?  Flippant is often a better option than robotic.

For probability and stitstics sake, I had only 8 followers and roughly half the number of viewers per week that  'Vitamine Du Matin' youtube presentations have now in May of 2020.  Those numbers even surprised me! What if those who were possibly reading my opinions now turn to something much worse like Harry Potter books or Walt Disney fiction?

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