If your USA of other religious assembly is going on offense to retain the right to gather on Pentecost, did your religious assembly observe the other feasts described as יהוה 's feast such as Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and the feast of Booths in any recent year? If you ignored the final 4 of the complete 7, don't think a Pentecost gathering is going to protect you in some fiery furnace way. Getting an 'incomplete' means you didn't pass a course and you get no credit for your effort in the matter you got an 'I' in.
The Catholic men in red and their protestant branches didn't teach me to observe Yom Kippur, Yom Yeruah and the feast of Booths because the Catholic men in red are a priesthood OPPOSED to יהוה , not protected by יהוה as Moshe Ben Amram was . Reading and believing the Scriptures taught me how to do according to יהוה 's desires. Once you accept the fact that יהוה is the perfect lawgiver greater than G-d, you will understand why so many people trusting only in G-d will not succeed and will not be kept from the hour of testing that involves deception.
It's piano key middle D day 42 of the omer,the end of the 6th week of omer counting and the moon will not give it's light tonight. 🌑 The 8th Sunday of the omer might indeed be significant to the 🎱 or the the splitting of the 🃘 .
What would Victor Venus do against Art Ketchum in an ID division near Dan O'Rourke without Robert Betz to mislead them toward fire trucks?
NHL's Steve Payne = 466
Al Iafrate, the Marc Plaza sleeper =463
Hint: Payne Stewart is not one of the 144,000 elect of יהוה .
Jon Payne of Marathon County, Wisconsin's pink pork church = zero now.
"Beware of Abaddon."
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