Monday, March 11, 2019

What Would Mr. Wilker Do?

My internet service has gotten extremely unreliable since Governess Whitmer took her seat of temporary authority in Michigan; I doubt if HP is the cause of being unable to connect to Owen Sound or Collingwood.  As it was in Germany under Hitler, so it is Michigan on Sundays when you cannot purchase a car.

Troubling news  from Canada reminded me of how much of a failure the United States has been with it's own land.  If you want this decade to be the worst in history and want the next decade to show signs of real improvement, our own government leaders would have to be willing to declare a state of environmental emergency ( which there is) and quickly declare the following to be law:

A) Plastic straws should no longer be given out at any publicly licensed eating facility. If a person wants to use a straw, they should bring their own reusable plastic straw.

B) Selling of cigarettes should be declared illegal as an environmental and medical hazard to society. If people want to live in a hazardous society, the can request all travel expenses and deportation to a nation that  hates them enough to sell cigarettes to their family members.

G) All public advertising, whether on the internet , on billboards or on television, must be rated "G'  and not even drop down to PG or PG-13 standards in order to gain grace in the sight of Mother Superior and Father Nature. If there are less weather related disasters, it will be easier to cite businesses and homeowners ( fine them) if their  property is not kept clean and tidy. These fines should be added to their property taxes and in states such as Michigan, those fines could go into roadway repair funds instead of punishing good citizens with another gasoline tax hike. Indecent exposures are not only an environmental hazard but a moral disgrace in a nation that allowed those disgraces to become affluent businesses.

D) In the event that a property owner is unable to clean up their own property due to a temporary disability (remove surface litter and dangerous loose debris from their lot), they should have 3 options that will keep from being declared bipolar or mentally unstable and a danger to themselves and others:
1. Order the lot owner's next of kin named as a beneficiary in the will of the homeowner ( by intent or by default in the event that no will has been drawn up) to clean up their family property within 5 months . This would be known as the grace period of the LOCUST plan. Failure to clean up the lot within 5 months would result in doubling of current property taxes, and hald of the new hefty tax could be used to hire a clean-up crew of former criminals who had been incarcerated.
2. Let the homeowner that thinks they can afford to keep their property contact their local Girl Scout or Boy Scout troop and hire their clean-up services.
3.  Let landlords evict renters who are not keeping the exterior grounds of their rental property neat and reasonably clean be able to evict them after the occupants have been fined by the local sheriff's department or local ordinance enforcement agency.

E) Expunging a 'record' should be declared unconstitutional since it is falsifying previous historic facts of unjust or justified events that occurred in a horrible system. In cases where 'victims' brought charges against their neighbor but even though the person they accused was arrested the 'victim' never testified in a trial or never appeared before a judge to face the person they accused of a crime, those witnesses should be considered unreliable and probable blasphemers. Blasphemers will not be allowed in any part of  what the typical person refers to as 'heaven' on earth when and if it arrives on earth.  ( If there is a portal exit plan for the purified saints of HVHY, be thankful for a sortie strategy you thought was possible but not probable I think a portal exit for the 144,000 elect and sealed tribe of Yshral members is possible, but not probable.)

Even though the above laws would not clean up the water sources that are loaded with chemical impurities due to the medical drugs being emitted into the water supply, the most cautious poor person still has the right to buy distilled water and will have more money to do so if they can no longer buy cigarettes or other nicotine producing products.  It would take a brilliant president to get all of the above national defense laws enacted since many illegal border crossers would rather stay in their own pig pen country than enter a nation that starts to realize that cleanliness is part of godliness and holiness.

I am less likely to attend my 40th class reunion since it may be as lukewarm of a assembly as the Larry Mizewski gatherings in Rhinelander.  If I do not attend, it is because I rather be safe and sorry that another $40 dollars was wasted like it had been wasted on Scott Walker's campaign funds but thankful I decided to keep another sabbath holy and not return to  'pig and whistle'  level. USA flag day is not a feast of Yehovah and many of my fellow high school classmates should be ashamed they never cared enough about their school's reputation to at least pay reasonable child support to the parent who raised their child after the family defector headed toward their version of the American dream or 'paradise' with someone other the mother or father of their 1st son or 1st daughter.

I suppose I actually rather go to the Pittsburgh Steelers training camp and meet with the non-smoking Trojan class of 1976 since I am not a wealthy as Thomas Kane nor as popular as Linda Toy.

Word #1068 means 'mourning', not rejoicing.  After that Hebrew B word comes words like' Becher' ( a son of Benjamin) and the Hebrew word for a baby camel.   IN heaven, I suspect there will be beer and no female chiefs!

By the way, if President Putin harnesses Russia's internet services, look at all the good options that might occur:
1. Material that is not rated 'G' can be forbidden from Russia's internet sites.
2. Russian citizens can write letters on real paper and send those letter out of Russia to complain about whatever they want so they can feel more like the an apostle.
3. Since there is a difference between 'David's Sling' and Benny Napoleon signs, maybe  Putin's plan to protect his own national communication system from other nations with despicable X-rated or R-rated media deployments will prove to be the best decision a leader could make under duress. Who is so paranoid to think that Russia would decide that the Torah could not be read by Mr. Fetisovor that an apatite stone could not be studied online? Study the basics of the books of Moshe Ben Amram now and increase your human memory as you quickly decrease your computer game time.

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