Tuesday, March 5, 2019

WAUSAU ALERT:'hallas' means sick And Is closest to Ham lines at 2510

The words in the 2500 series of the alphabetical biblical words can be studied without social media in book form. I was impressed to hear that Chris Chelios isn't linked to social media, and maybe that's a indication he has 'grown up' when other men have not.  Losing a father and being close enough to literally help a mother is a pro-commandment decision that only a few non-proud sons decide to do.

I have been laughed at many times when I did not want to be laughed at, and I still do not know the name of the police officer who was laughing at me at 1003 S. 31st Street during an emergency call in early October of 1994; that officer is a lot like the current Mrs, Shane Hendrikson or Linda Maria Hendrikson Costa and I do not intend to intervene in the direction their lives are going; I also can't intervene stop a tornado that coming at anyone like a whirlwind.

The kindness and the patience that the staff of the Troy Ice Arena has given me is believable but very rare in a nation of USA people who rather drug themselves or someone else than let them sort through past trauma in a much safer and legal manner, even if that manner or method of opertion does not make any sense to the person who views a site of contrast and comparisons or actual people and actual places.  Here is an example of a perspective change in a closed, plane surface:

More than 1 year ago, this non-classified contrast system of my former acquaintances emerged into a 4 corners semi-private view:

Robin Ortiz(1956) (SW)                                  Sergei Krivokrasov(1974) (NW)
Adversary                                                         Friend

James Costa(unknown)  (SE)                          Calais rust ( car business)  (NE)

Most recently, the 4 corner positions changed, and I will even add in some but not all of the other facts ( actual people  and real places that affected my life in the past) tossed in between the 4 corners' trauma release system I use very safely. Every name and place indicates a past choice that affected current status:

                           1982      1454 N. 27th Street Milwaukee Superamerica

Hallman paints                                   Strange landlord                 Valspar Paints                
 Jackson (surname)                             Irene Schuette                          Patrick Sharp
Theodore  ( not surname)                   ECOLAB                          Short term  STALOCK 32
Kathryn Tappen                                       Madison, WI                       Ronald Haas side
Too fake and too expensive                                                                 Nathan and Jarob Ortiz

OESTERLE 82                                                                             Cigarettes and CocaCola)
               Gabriel Bedoya                  Paul Molitor 4                     Doug Zaworski  
                                                                                                                Linda Costa
                                                                                                              Bertuzzi #59
                                                                                                   Violent temperament)
                                      _________ XCEL energy   center ice line  __   James Costa Jr. ( jail workers)
                                                                                                             (Eric, Ashley & Austin @54499)
BOWEY74            Marie Ortiz(me)   Phil Milosz    Rodney Weary         Brett Favre
                              Martin Biron    Steve Basting*     Admirals                  Ferguson plumbing
       Robert Scott Smith
    ( classy)
                                                   Squad 91        Jason Dawe
*OUT with huge pension                                                     Daunte Culpepper   Austin St. (53207)
                                                                  6 (C)                      
                              Metamora                                        Milwaukee
                                                                  14 (Si)                          Sergei Krivokrasov
                       Beef goulash                                      Real Chili           ' Mr. Neutral'
      anti-cigarette                                       32 (Ge)                (frugal)    Blackhawks
             1974                                                                             Dry Erase communications
               Dutch Boy                                                                         2008 AD
                                                                                                         Heckel's  Lake DuBay
                                                                                              Polaris   $     Bob&Dick  Marines
Robin Michael Ortiz                                Schofield            wealthy& foolish (filed for bankruptcy)  
1321 E. Morgan                                        US BANK
(pool)         Nevada St.                       closest to Rothschild         Krueger Floral

I didn't start the expression 'three four, shut the door'. That may have been some Eisenhower gag and three five John F. Kennedy didn't stay alive very long.  However, on March 4th, I did shut the door on locker room 8 and left behind as much non-fiction as I could for someone else to consider before they make their next safe and hopefully wise choice.

I noticed that the fire department leader interviewed with the Lee County, Alabama team did not say 'Good Morning' before he introduced himself, so he knew enough to stop that vain repetition. I noticed how graciously I have been treated at the Longhorn Steakhouse in Macomb county, often after I have gone through very safe spiritual health therapy, which is why I go there on a regular basis rather than going to a Sunday church service on a regular basis.

My son is struggling through something that he does not think I can help him work through safely, although I could help him work through his dilemma if given an opportunity. Due to choiced, many people do not not work through  struggles safely. Even my former partners on squad 91 should be able to confirm the fact that none of the men that wanted to marry me in the past have loved my son as much as I do, yet my son still is holding back from me, not holding on to me, not keeping in informed possibly because lawlessness abounds in his life and his love has grown cold toward me.

When your children have a pattern of ignoring you or refusing to serve you, waiters and waitresses sometimes fill the void temporarily and on a certain judgment day which even lukewarm Christians claim will occur, those restaurant 'strangers' become more precious and will receive more mercy than a dead bunch of roses that could not feed a family of one in an New York airport a funeral home or in a massive cathedra full of idolatry.

Now I have to try to see if a birthday card to my uncle Andrew Beine, formerly of 6995 Fox Lane in Bevent can be reached with a USA mail stamp before Jonathan Toews gets goal #322, drawing him closer to Petr Sykora.

James Craig isn't my chief. I firmly believe it's better to have as few officers inside buildings looking at computer screens of crimes they COULDN"T prevent from the inside in order to have as many real police officers on the streets looking at real people and non-computer structures.  The good news I received from Milwaukee was very indirect and it was this:

Leaders in homicide rates: 1. St Louis, MO   ( The Budweiser horses preventing flared tempers?)
                                            2. Baltimore, MD  ( Andre Rison avoided becoming a Raven)
                                            3. Detroit, MI ( This might be an 'Oscar the Grouch' point to counter GMC's false claims that things look better in groups of 3, when in fact 2's and 7's are better groupings. 'Fred Mertz' was a 'tiger' according to Vivian Vance)
                                            The good news from Milwaukee is that it did not make the top ten most dangerous cities, and  Milwaukee is always going to be 'home' to me. It is still not a hidden fact that swines are known to destroy another swine  but sheep, cows and deer rarely destroy each other. The more pork you consume, the more likely you are to have a violent temper. The more swine that is comsumed in a city or a household, the more violent and nasty to each other under pressure it's occupants will become.

Whenever a Detroit elected official can't stop saying ' So here's the thing', that officia'ss mind is probably stuck on a Viagra commercial that promoted an image of a vile woman wearing a #16 jersey. Beware of staged pep rallys. What happened to 'Listen up, you sluggards!' or  Take heed and take down the lesbian flags!'   Wouldn't it be wonderful for local television stations and newspapers to start honoring the names if the worst 2 students in a high school class that still PASSED all the requirements to get a diploma, since it is harder to keep trying when you are in last place? Valedictorians and salutatorians are commonplace now, but the person who graduates with the lowest GPA did better than the person who dropped out of school and their school room may have been much safer than the housing their father or mother expected them to survive in.

Who could have predicted that  Andy Bathgate, who closed out as a Penguin, would score any NHL goals after surviving the depression of the 1930's as an infant?  Andy Bathgate is not Andy Brandt, Andrey Beine, Andy Shier nor Andrew Brunette.

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