I don't know if the Talmud rings put Judges chapter 6 into their hearing cycles, but indeed it is worth reading. Gideon, son of Joash, refused a king position so he may have been as unique as Vashti. He claimed he came from a poor area of Manasseh, was the 'least' in his family and yet, the Angel of HVHY referred to him as a man of VALOR.... the same term assigned to Milwaukee District #6, which Scott McCarron would not understand. I won't forget the fact that the 2930 N 4th. Street address has a DEW point in it at #2930, not an Elk Point in it. Of course, men like Larry Mizewski are afraid of the number 50 unless it is tied to a ring necked pheasant code in a bird book. If you needed real miraculous help, would you want a ringed necked pheasant to arrive on your porch or Squad 50 with John Dorsey and me, the author of this blog, in it? The Ducks Unlimited people probably would rather have the ring-necked pheasant show up, they would shoot it and eat it if their emergency was 'hunger'.
The Scriptures are loaded with positives and negatives; if only positives exist, energy stops flowing. If only negative reports due to evil activities exist, there is lack of incentive to do good unless reports of good works exist.
When faced with opposing the Baal gang and Babylonian impurities in Yshrael, he called upon 3 other tribes assistance, namely Zebublun, Asher and Napthali. He also did his best work with the fewest people durng the night shift, when a total of 11 people toppled the speechless idols of Baal. Yshral had been instructed not to fear the governing agents of the land they were occupying, but they did 'fear' them so they complied to their Babylonian/Egyptian religious err ways rather than going ahead and doing what the tribes of Yshral were supposed to do to prove their allegiance to HVHY.
I also considered the ongoing plight of children who are diseased because of the choices their parents have made for them. If you are already living in a place that has vile, horrid living conditions and do not have the resources to properly feed and house more children, why would you want to take the chance of getting pregnant? I know many children have asthma problems because their parents smoke cigarettes, I know many children are obese because their parents do not encourage them to exercise and eat properly but do decide to buy them cellphones and computer games. I do know that choosing to home school your children can be as risky as letting them face some of their cruel neighbors in a school setting, because if you lack a chance to develop self-defense skills against cruel enemies when you are young, it is unlikely that VALOR with emerge and fear will cause diseases of the mind or heart failure.
When a child matures and can depart from Constantine's Gentile or Jewish hypocrite Robert Kraft type of traditions, what 'leader' he or she turns to at that point is a real life issue that many have faced. Ham family habits that have cursed more than waistlines for generations; an adult might be able to be called a disciple of HVHY eventually and the more Yehovah's instructions are put into daily practice, the more likely it is that you will be able to break patterns of besetting sins and pro-Baal tendencies.
I thought about the many families that would never want to open their household door and safely protect a person from the tribe of Zebulun or Benjamin or any other person they viewed, in err, as a Judaizer, during the appointed times such as Pesach week or Sukkot. Should those household be surprised when disease, sorrows and woes come their way after rejecting a representative of HVHY? Indeed, there are biblical accounts of families that had sickness spread into their household, yet when a representative of anti-Baal was welcomed into their 'portal' of existance , the disease reversed it's course. The Strong's number 322 is tied to a REVERSE, not a FORWARD system.
There are times I yearn for the chance to care for my grandchildren the way my grandparents were allowed to care for me when I was both sick and healthy. I have tremendous memories of all 4 of my grandparents. On the other hand of time, there were people very caught up in Baal systems of worship that viewed me when I was very sick and not of sound mind, and those people not only did not have the ability to 'cure me', they now are a curse in my memory because they ended up leaving me when I was very sick and never reconnected with me after I trusted Yehovah and healing occurred without the Baal worship teams.
Some people love to see their name in 'print', so when I look back, it is people like Amy Stroik, Amy Timm, Richard& Nancy Peterson, Robin Ortiz, hospital employees in central Wisconsin such as _________ ( let the guilty party fill in their own name) and Tom Guilliams, that I have no fond memories of, even though they were very close to me when I was in pain, crying and in real danger as the unloved wife of extremely unfaithful employee and very deceptive Shane David Hendrikson. Michael Gartner wasn't afraid to mention that it was Chris Osgood who was his real life opponent when trying to achieve a good goal. I also have had real life opponents when trying to achieve good goals. When you only turn to fellow Baal worship teams during times of what seems to be an incurable disease, do not expect miraculus healing to occur and expect the person in agony to seek out not only a comforter but a friend or relative who, with valor and knowledge, will lead them toward Moshe Ben Amram's instructions and away from Christmas trees. Other households such as my parents, my brothers, Lorraine Mielke, William Taylor, Jiimmy Morris (watching lambs in a cold barn was so peaceful and calming) and Andrew Beine tried to protect me when I was very sick and gladly opened their door to me when my health was restored, never once trying to get me to disobey HVHY's instructions for me even though they have no interest in getting grafted into a tribe of Yshral.
Angels of Yahweh (YHVH) have been known to make house calls upon request, but also have been known to patiently endure and increase in strength during spiritual battles against those who rejected the 'Ruach YAhuwah' way and even against those who chose to worship their Easter Hams, which is something the true holy son of Mary and Joseph would never do.
This post could help someone understand the cause and effects of diseases and steer Gideon types away from a 'dead end' crucifix line and toward a fresh water line where they are taught to stop lying and stop living like dogs and whoremongers. Because a few of my friends might want to know what I am thinking in these days of anti-roses and Iron City beer lines, I write a bit more than Michael Gartner and Shane Doan on unspecialized occasions.
Here is a step of faith and good works that those who are on a spiritual god course should take:
Step into 'Little India' in Shelby, Michigan and you will see hole #3 sign. The Jefferson Memorial is a pro-Baal site worth skipping but once your fear of Bengali/Muslim chef's is gone, you might be able to better understand the reason why the 2nd hole should not have been skipped on the way to Madison lines. Winter golf courses do not have to be played on ice if you think of yourself as a scattered sphere en route to the next non-bottomless pit stop.
Yeshua did state he was seeking out the lost sheep of the tribes of Yshral; if you never really wanted to be found and recovered into a new and holy body of Yshrael , don't be surprised if you got 'captured' by an anti-Moshe religious system, of which there are thousands.
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