Disposing of the leaven from your entire house takes more work than eliminating leaven from your diet for 1 or 2 weeks per year if you enjoy breads. At the prodding of Esaac Israel, I checked my freezer and this, being the end of my 6th year without an anti-Moshe in my household, I ought to do a better at the tasks set before me than I had in the past.
I was surprised to see that some Meijer's frozen ravioli contains yeast and was equally surprised to see there are still some tasty cookies in my freezer from last summer which I have less than 4 weeks to eat or distribute. In the past, I had given myself wide parameters when it came to buying sausages since I decided I could cut the pork casing off of chicken or beef sausages with some effort. Because I shall rid myself of that 'relaxed law' while continuing to try to survive and be a shofar operator in the anti-Moshe nation was launched to in 1961, I am all the more impressed with product Meijer's chicken sausage # 7 1373388674 1, SINCE IT USES BEEF COLLAGEN CASINGS!!! Sure, a real saint has to pass through the treacherous and nasty magazine plateau before the cash register area to obtain such a prized sausage, but at Meijer's the management does't mind if you turn a magazine around and insult the people on the covers of the magazine, as long as you are a good paying customer who does not intentionally damage any of the property.
Do cats eat chicken in pork casings? I think I will offer my chicken in pork casings to a family I know that has cats, and they can let me know if the cats will eat the sausages that I will not eat. Seek, and you can find chicken sausage in beef casings at your local MEIJER's, which also has a very well dressed hockey team.
Mrs. T's Pierogi's do not have yeast so this year, I might have a pesach mean that even my grandmother Mary Raczek might have enjoyed IF she had known and then trsuted in a truly good shepherd like unto Moshe from the house of YShRAL in the course of her lifetime.
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