Saturday, March 23, 2019

Stephen Pidgeon Starting Unleavened Bread Eve of March 22?

When conflicting reports are heard, a choice has tp be made. Mr. Pidgeon has heard and weighed reports, thus his observance of Shavuot will be in mid-May.  It seems he is doing the best he can with what he has heard and what he believes and his reckoning of time might be correct.   I suppose he is going to be with the 'first' and it seems I am going to be with the 'last', not the least, keepers of the feast of unleavened bread during this springtime.  Neither of us is talking to and expecting answers from a crystal ball.

What pricked my ears is Mr. Pidgeon's comment about the birthright  going from Reuven to Ephraim. What would have happened if the birthright had moved to Simeon, the second born of his first wife rather than to Ephraim, the second born of his second wife? What about Dan, as the first born of ANOTHER wife of Jacob?  Great Britain has denied the faith delivered by Moshe so long ago  that it is no wonder Ephraim's name is not in the 'sealing' list'. Since I doubt that Yehovah's will was to have Ephriam  the three other 1st born sons of Jacob's 4 female mates, eventually I hope to learn if passing the birthright to Simeon, Dan or Manesha would have been proper, if in fact you can lose rewards based on behavior.  Joseph is not Ephraim, and Joseph did question his father's decision..... and Joseph's name is mentioned in the seals.

What I wonder is why Stephen Pidgeon is complimenting Nicholas Cage's role in a deranged movie role depicting a murderer from  THE Anchorage  area in 1982?  Did he mean to speak about the Anchorage restaurant in Milwaukee county?  Didn't he condemn the filth that emits from the USA's media  after he raised up Nicholas Cage?  Attorneys seem to flip flop easier than a flounder out of water. An eye for an eye judgment occurred when Bathsheba's 1st child with David was 'taken' after she was party to the crime of Uriah's murder plot. If Yahweh would have set the death penalty on David, how would the punishment for Bathsheba's sin have occurred? If both Bathsheba and David had been stoned for their adultery after the child was born, their child would have been an orphan  which would have punished the child. If David and Bathsheba were stoned with the child in Bathsheba's womb, it would have been  3 lives for 1 life which is not a just scale. Life for life, and Solomon's 1st born sibling did not have  live a miserable life, but rather will always have a place with these who have received a white stone declaring their lack of guilt.

The death penalty is allowed and expected for a reason, and forgiving adultery when there not 2 or 3 witnesses is also allowed after proper repentance of the adulterer occurs for a reason.  David may have understood the law enough to know a life had to be taken to atone for Uriah and that if he and Bathsheba did not testify against one another, they would not be stoned and his child would not be aborted ( murdered in the womb).

A simple decision is often a wrong decision.  Fruit bearing trees are not supposed to be destroyed during war, but the military forces of all the raging mad, heathen nations have ignored that very GOOD law to their own disgrace every time the use a bomb rather than engage in hand to hand, face to face combat like real holy men should  be trained to do.

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