Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What Do 3 Pucks Behind Georgiev Equal in Anti-Poker Game Change?

2 pucks behind Georgiev the 40th are equal to either of following in this historic rubber month 11:

The Dalet Team) 1 couple at the Texas Roadhouse in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin on January 15, 2009

 The Shin Team) Donald and Jessie Jackson past a 4001 W. Hemlock entrance

The 1st puck that went behind Tampa Bay #88. launched by a New York Ranger, is like Will Zahn going into the 88th Street School in Milwaukee without a Ghostbuster to slow him down.

The 3rd puck behind Georgiev equals the REAL father of Richard E. Xavier going into 4001 W. Hemlock St.

The 2nd puck that went behind Tampa Bay #88 equals the son of me, FKA Marie 1532 Ortiz, not the son of a bitch or the son of a Haas, going into 88th Street School in Milwaukee without a Nun to slow him down.  What or who is slowing down that son from responding to my serious questions while he is in France is a serious enemy of a reasonable mother/son relationship.

Vlad Namestnikov cannot equal a rubber puck; he is a better man than Donald Jackson  the retired Milwaukee fireman and a much holier man than Shane David Hendrikson.  I consider Vlad Namenstikov to be a personal friend of mine based on my 2 past non-sexual civil puck  wars with him in the same hockey rink.  I do not have any personal friends named Jesus and my Elohim Yehovah ( Squad 26) is not named 'Jesus'.

The Blackhawks vs. Ducks might as well be an OKRA in the middle of KRIVOKRASOV game and should be more interesting than a lazy deputy giving 3 inches of fluffy snow a blow job on Lot 64. The Ducks can be team SOURaY=243 and the Blackhawks can be team CHeLiOS=35.

This has been a  progressive non-insurance puck equivalency exam report intended for Dan Boyle's

18th Hebrew letter Tsaddi team . It also is intended to remind others that 88 Eric Lindros is not 88, the Tampa Bay goalie.

Since the 6th puck that went  Tampa Bay #88  cannot equal a Tsaddi, it is equal to Martin St. Louis, not fishy Martin Roland.  The 7th puck might as well equal Steve Yzerman, who is not a friend of mine, who is not my captain and who is not as useful nor as helpful as Building Inspector Joseph Maples to the typical community so he is equal to the real father of Richard E. Xavier who also went behind Georgiev.

 1 puck is much weightier and more expensive to purchase than 1 poker chip.  Fools are pushing poker chips around while smarter people are making Old Dutch potato chips. I also have another 'peace and safety'  372 test going on in Troy Arena Locker Room #8 ( like a good locust), and Eric Lindros, Dany Heatley, Sean Hill, Andy Moog and Okinawa ( p. 372 in WWII books) are all associated with  number 372.

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