Thinking of you and your family. please remind me how many years you've been married. There's a little bit of snow here and I recall the your friend from Florida trying very hard to make a small snowman out of dry snow on your wedding morning …. was his name John? Waitng to hear from you and hear what's going on with Levi in particular.
In El Elyon's strength,
This isn't 'Breton' cracker clearing near Elcho, Wisconsin anymore. It is a very serious matter when a child no longer responds properly to his parents, no matter how old the child is, when his parents are not asking him to sin or commit crimes. This is not the first time I have tried a variety of legal tactics to try to get honest and truthful information from people that I have cared about in the past. A reminder to myself and others that I got no response from many kind and reasonable letters that I sent to the children of David Shane Hendrikson TO TRY AND ESTABLISH THEIR MINDSET AND CONDITION when they were not calling him and were not spending time with him as they should have. As a result of the absence of Mr. Hendrikson 'natural children', my son became a pawn in Shane's life and that role shift might never have occurred if people like Linda Costa and Shane's parents would have encouraged their children to be TRUTHFUL and respectful to adults who were CARING for them, not crucifying them nor stuffing them with Twizzlers and Coca-cola until they reached a state of diabetic shock.
Once a person is a pawn on an anti-Phanuel team, he is actually better off if he is TAKEN by the opposite chess team, but he doesn't realize that because he is too busy thinking in ERR that he is protecting a good king or a decent leader. Because I do not sit as a queen of some silly, overbuilt castle system, I know what it means to be in the role of a pawn, but I suppose it is better to have the role of a horse, since the chess 'knight' is neither male nor female.
If as a first responder, a person shows not signs of life, you first check the airway. Since my son has shown no signs of life toward me for almost 3 months, I suppose I am checking his 'airway' by posting what I want him to read on hear, in a non-private non-Motorola setting. If it's true all our communications are being collected and stored, privacy does not exist in the electronic world and there is more privacy in actual paper letters, which I have also sent to the Hendrikson pawn in France although in 7 years he has not sent a real paper letter to me. The Hendrikson pawn did leave one letter behind when he was a chauffeur for my parents when they wanted to see how I invested borrowed money in Michigan, but the words 'I love you' mean nothing without appropriate actions to match. People who constantly refuse to do what their 'God' says they should do actually prove they are anti-God even though they claim she or he exists verbally.
Participating in hockey is short term health care for me, and if all people on earth were like the owners of the Suburban Sports Group ice arenas or like a pawn that did not believe in angels such as Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Phanuel, I suspect the land we stand upon would not longer be necessary. For the sake of the knights, pawns, good king and brave queen that still exist, the earth as we know it still exists.
I was assisted by 7 angels yesterday, each one of them a kind, decent and polite hockey player. I went into a hockey rink in Troy, very discouraged that my son still is against me in all his ways, expecting to once again get some moderate exercise in a unusual physical therapy center. I knew there was a time when my daughter-in-law was distraught because she wounded her knee before her wedding day... and her rehearsed dance performance had to be altered. My daughter-in-law did not love me then and did not love my son as Yehovah would have loved him when she and Shane Hendrikson prodded my son to get a tattoo As I recall plenty of people labored very hard to put on a wonderful rehearsal dinner at 1602 Mary Lane... now Hollyhock Lane. That group of cooks is as split up as the USSR now. Ted Raczek is still a Catholic, John Miller or the Wausau area is still a protestant, Shane David Hendrikson is still anti-commandment man according to his own hand-writing, a loose felon and a hypocrite and I am still a pro-commandment person that studies the contents of the writings of Moshe Ben Amram and other prophets.
William J. Nixon was a World War II rookie, since very few men who fought in World War II could actually have been considered veterans. It takes at least 7 years for a person to actually be considered a 'veteran' of any occupation and as a result, a lot of rookie and novices of foreign and local wars have been wrongly defined as a veteran. The police officer who was murdered on south 12th street in Milwaukee was a veteran police officer and now, my son is a veteran protestant who could have been one of the 7 hockey angels who helped me survive a tough day, but chose not to. Veteran protestants rarely become rookie seals of a tribe of Israel because they refuse to defend holy perfect law and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
As a matter of observation, some buffoons sitting behind a desk in suits thought it was illogical for Mr. Malkin to swing his hockey stick to defend the back of his head ( to be his own rear guard) after Mr. Raffl decided to punch Mr. Malkin in the rear of the head. Mr. Malkin was surrounded by 3 opponents, not facing 1 when he got punched in the rear of the head, which could cause more BRAIN injury than a hockey stick to the tooth area. Cowards hit people from behind, hoping their enemy does not see them or cannot identify who it is that attacked them. Malkin's natural instincts were good and very reasonable for a real man who has not been castrated, even if he gets fined like I did for what others called 'disorderly conduct' but what I know was self-defense. When a mother or a sister gets angry, it is unwise to attack the people who understand the CAUSE of her anger. If a person is sane and a pro-commandment person, she will not physically attack herself even if she is getting emotionally attacked by demonic spirits, witches or musicians who deploy music which seemed emotionally beneficial until the female saint discovers that even the band known as 'Chicago' produced videos that were disgusting in 1991.
I will continue to post letters to my son on this site until he starts responding properly and respectfully via 'email' or by real good paper mail. If he doesn't like my knight or pawn strategies, I certainly don't like his disrespectful, unresponsive state of mind. If he is choking on a sucker fish bone, then this airway check will need to be followed up with another short term health care procedure that I can provide ( but former MIlwaukee Police sergeant James Baier can't provide now) at a reasonable cost to myself and others with the same kind of attitude that Michael Brunson might have after the loss of one of his troops he did not expect nor desire.
I have no idea what Michael Richter would do if he had a son exactly like mine. If I'd get advice from a real archangel, I suppose I might consider another strategy as long as it isn't as lazy and wicked as the past strategies of Brian Berg and Thomas Wahl, who both decided they did not want to get INVOLVED and chose to be cowards not a hero when I asked them to take on the role of mediators in a very embarrassing family dispute.
The next post will include dog fight results. I occasionally and unintentionally get numbers wrong when I am transferring information I received.
101=5 in your computer science class? The binary system is inferior to Hey=5. When people start comparing the works of Erica Snow, wife of Garth, to Marcia Snow, widow of a Milwaukee police officer, I suppose there will be a very obvious difference in survivial strategy.
It has been 5 years since my son visited me in my current health care center. Are the Muslims and atheists in France really that important to the nephew of Robert Swedowski that he has no time to visit his REAL mother and give his children an opportunity to see orderly conduct in progress?
Asking a question isn't assuming an answer.
It has been 5 years since my son visited me in my current health care center. Are the Muslims and atheists in France really that important to the nephew of Robert Swedowski that he has no time to visit his REAL mother and give his children an opportunity to see orderly conduct in progress?
Asking a question isn't assuming an answer.
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