I have watched the Everett Silver Tips compete many times in Troy, but today, which is the 300th day of year, I am very blessed to be able to examine with my own eyes a compilation of books designed to educate me further without relying on computer files which can easily be altered.
A book, with clear printing and accurate information, is beautiful in the sight of a student who desires to learn. Although I have been doin my best to learn and teach others, today I have more information that is precious and maybe the original Laura Ingalls may have been as thankful as I am to get a new set of history books.
The book labeled 'PARSHAT' will be much more student-friendly than any other book I have ever seen if you want to read Scripture in a weekly manner as faithful Israelites had done during their lifetime. Additionally, a book labeled 'Sitrei Torah' revealed that final forms of letters are 'worth' more than Hebrew letters that are not 'closers'. For instance, a final 'nun' is worth 700 and a final Koph is worth 500. A combined Aleph Tav (TA) has been valued at 1000. Communication forms are important, and it seems that Stephen Pidgeon has labored in the Word, and the prices of his books are extremely reasonable.
I longed for a different area to focus on now that I am up to day 2486 in the Strong's listing of Hebrew words I have been reviewing on a daily basis, and reviews of Strong's Hebrew words 1769, 1412. 1039, 681 and 300 are not a waste of my time, even if pleading with my enemies to repent has resulted in me being 'cleared for warning them' while they choose to hold tightly onto their guilt due to the hardness of their heart.
Word 2486: Chet Lamed Yod Lamed ___ means a strong emotion against something, and it seems as though before seeing that word, I already revealed what I have strong emotions against in a prior post labeled 'Patchwork Thoughts'. Today I can be armed with wonderful new books and robed with changes of garments, uniforms that I have chosen, rather than being disarmed and shamefully disrobed like the people of Warsaw were before they got shipped on trains to concentration camps and were raped, tortured and either murdered or enslaved because they were not Protestant nor Catholic. Word 2487 is a pre-curser to a '5 hole' matter between 2 armies that had not always been divided against one another.
Stephen Pidgeon might be as concerned about his fellow countrymen as my former pulmonologist, Stephen Baldwin, but the 'Cepher' books that Stephen Pidgeon dispenses are much safer than Ambien and prednisone and much better to invest in than marijuana, swine or cigarettes.
I am capable of smiling in the privacy of my shelter from time to time. My vocabulary has much room for improvement and necessary corrections.
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