Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What Joseph Maples Did Correctly Was Not Easy

Women like Laura Bush failed to improve the image of teachers and students in a classroom, since there has been a state of emergency in the school system for decades.  If teachers and other public employees are not issued decent and comfortable uniforms to wear, strict dress codes would have prevented the shameful situation that occurred at the Macomb Michigan Town Hall on February 26, 2019 AD.

What I did today was as risky as arresting a prostitute, knowing full well her pimp might be angry enough to try to injure me in the future.  Here is the sequence of the events that took place when I was being a lawful citizen in the township of Macomb.

1. I went in to pay my water bill which was due today, and a woman accepted my water bill payment who was dressed reasonable but seemed grouchy. I did not complain about that woman's demeanor.

2. I went to discuss purchase of a permit involving a sink installation. Joseph Maples was willing to negotiate away the FEE that was supposed to be paid when work on the sink had been started without  permit. I do not know if his intention was good or evil, but I do know that if I had agreed to the payment he suggested it would have looked as though I was a liar, since I know that work started without a permit. A fee that had been assessed to other people and not excused should not be excused if a person admits they should pay the fee.  There is a concept known as a 'reverse bribe' in which voters are excused from certain fees or payments they owe in exchange for a favorable report or future endorsement of the public official who tried to keep $150.00 in my pocket instead of in the town treasury where it belonged.  Because I did not want to be known as a liar and someone who was not willing to pay a fee that was clearly defined by local ordinance, Joseph Maples backed down from his 'offer' to reduce my permit costs and allowed me to keep my reputation as a honest citizen.

3. I was advised that after paying the fee, that a licensed plumber could work under my authority; the plumber that started work on my sink was 'let go' for not doing his job properly and I still can try to find a licensed plumber who is willing to abide by local laws if the inspection of what has been done reveals violations. If a required permit was not obtained, the job was not completed properly.

4. In contrast to Joseph Maples good works as an employee, the TREASURER side of the office was rude and insulting to any decent citizen. When I went to pay my $215 permit fee, a different female ( not the one who took my water fees) of Macomb came up to the window with her breasts half exposed and frankly, she reminded me of the Stormy Daniels type in her demeanor. When I asked that a different employee handle my transaction, a quiet man dressed decently took in my check BUT if he was actually a moral man he would have complained about his co-workers attire before I did.  The treasurer's side of Macomb looked stupid already with a row of rubber ducks lined up on the west side and the lewd female employee LAUGHING after I complained about her indecent attire.  Janet Dunn should resign or should enforce office attire codes that do not make the town of Macomb office look like a brothel on one side to ANNOY the decent women on the other side. Janet Dunn seems to be running a building as double-minded as a Carol Burnett skit, but dishonorable people don't resign even if it is evident they are not a good employee.

5. If I were going to set standards for office or school attire, they would include:
  1. Employees must wear shirts with sleeves, either long or short.
  2. Employees who wear skirts should make sure they are long enough to teach their calf line when SITTING down.
  3. No cleavage area should be exposed at all, with an expectation that high-neckline shirts be worn.
  4. No midriff area flesh should be exposed so if 'hip huggers' are worn, a tunic shirt long enough to reach to the thighs would be mandatory.
  5. If employees have tattoos, they must be covered to reduce gang controversy.
  6. Men's or women's shorts that are worn to work should be at least knee length.
  7. If an employee ignores the rules after being warned in writing, they may have the option of purchasing a uniform similar to a janitor's inform and wear that to work in order to retain their public servant position. Many employees actually would prefer wearing a uniform, even in an office to keep their clothing costs down.

When a police officer does not make a correct decision at a crucial time, they are often scrutinized as though they were on a piece of glass under a microscope. Office workers often are the initial cause of problems that police officers sometimes have to respond to when an adulterous affair leads to a domestic dispute after an affair beagn in an office or workplace where a male employee enjoys seeing women who are dressed rude and lewd while he is wearing what appears to be a decent outfit.

I made my costly, unpaid appearance in front of Joseph Maples in a Michael Richter Ranger jersey and boot-cut jeans if anyone wants to assess my dressing decision of the day. After what really ended up being a stressful face-off with the Macomb treasurer department employees and a pleasant experience with the building code department of Macomb, I was treated kindly and decently by the uniform division of the Longhorn Steakhouse, under the management of Angelo Marino.  Evil spirits often laugh when rebuked for their behavior; I was thankful that some of the decent women who work in my town appreciated what I did, since it does take courage to try to correct rude and lewd women such as Linda Maria Costa when there is no other person willing to be your squad partner or teammate against haughty strumpets.  The current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson also laughed on April 20, 2012 in a courtroom while a few decent friends of mine knew what a non-funny shame she and her' Shaner dog' were on the day on the days that lead up to their carnal courtroom 'victory' and an attorney helped them make their rejection of Yehovah and Yeshua's policies very obvious to me and a few others.

Typically, only about 5 to 15 people read my blog, but what if my blogs help save about 8 people? Then I am as reliable and unique as Noah, who by faith and good works, saved 8 people.

The rude employee who was dressed as a strumpet has been able to do so apparently for a long time because even though many of the other women employed there agree with my anti-strumpet opinion, apparently their rights to complain as a citizen has been taken away upon employment. The females on the building code side were thankful I said what they were not allowed to say, but who took away their right to complain about someone a lot like Monica the Bill Clinton page, Linda Maria Costa or Jayne Cler in an office setting? Television station female employees are often some of the most lewd and rude 'dressers' that end up in front of cameras intentionally and are less likely to be corrected than a foolish heathen employee in a government office; as a result, many television employees dress like overpaid SL_ TS and as a result ,many young girls will also dress like SL_TS unless someone cares enough about them to train them properly and teach them how to dress like holy young ladies rather than teaching them to be targets of whorish men and lesbians full of lust and not loving kindness,

If I ran an office and a person violated a perfectly decent dress code, I would order that person to come to work in a 2 piece bikini or in male Speedo type swimwear  and not be allowed inside the office area where they had violated the rule so he or she could look like an insane citizen for a day instead of looking like a rude and lewd employee. Once they arrived at work in attire that would expose many more bodily flaws, their boss could call Anthony Wickersham's office and claim that their co-worker is behaving suspiciously and then the deputy could cite the employee for disorderly conduct or permanently eject them from the workplace without a trial, since Wickersham's democrats already set that precedent in an neighboring building.

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