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I suppose letters from a Benjamite to Corinthians are confusing if you have not read Devarim 22 and Devarim 24 first. Here are some 'if' and 'then' reasonable opinions:
F) According to Devearim 22, if a man fornicates with his fiancee before he marries her, a silver fine is supposed to be paid to the bride's parents to take the woman as his bride. In such as case, the man sampled before purchase and divorce is not allowed if you believe the same writings that Yeshua studied and taught. Thus, if you fornicated with a woman before you married heer, you proved you were a U=unbeliever upon requesting a divorce from her. Since the groom knew he was marrying a woman who lacked self-control ( she was not raped by her husband prior to the wedding), he should not be surprised if she fornicates again but should do what he can to regain her faithfulness to him since he cannot request a divorce according to Devarim.
If he insists on being an unbeliever and an anti-commandment man by divorcing his bride without charging her and getting her convicted of adultery, other later writings confirm that not only is the woman not bound to that man but also that he is an unbeliever and heading for Lac Du Flambeau unless a miracle occurs which is improbable but possible if he had never studied Devarim/Deuteronomy nor claimed to believe in Yeshua's words before he requested a divorce.
D) According to Devarim 24, if a man does not fornicate with his bride prior to marriage and then is not satisfied with her body upon discovering her nakedness , successful mating will not occur due to lack of an E, he can divorce her and she can marry another man since neither of them have committed adultery. Therefore, there actually is very good incentive not to fornicate prior to a wedding, although the man who was not satisfied with his wife's body might be considered 'cold' rather than 'hot'.
0) If a spouse pledges not to leave his spouse until death, then at the point that he requests a divorce and adultery charges were not filed and proven against his spouse, he actually proclaims his own spiritual death since sin. which is transgression of the law, leads to death.
W) Since sin does lead to death and referring back to F it is unlawful to divorce a woman after fornicating with her before their wedding, the divorce request does lead to spiritual death and the divorced female respondent is as a widow.
M) If you do not believe the contents of the book known as Devarim, then you really didn't believe Yeshua. If you NOW do believe the instructions in Devarim and therefore might side with Yeshua, an improbable miracle may have occurred and you passed from spiritual death unto the non-carnal life of an innocent child of HVHY; you should no longer willfully lie, fornicate, steal or participate in other activities of lawlessness which will outwardly prove you are denying Yehovah's will for your life by rejecting Moshe Ben Amram and Yeshua's instructions.
H) The homosexual flag looks nothing like a real rainbow, since a multitude of hues within a real rainbow flow together with no definite lines to divide them and a rainbow is not linear since it has a slight and obvious curve to it. I do not recommend that any nation, state or municipality raise up a homosexual flag and you have allowed that in your community then don't be shocked if actual floods and vile fornicators cover your section of the earth. Homosexual couples fornicate but cannot naturally mate.
P) Very few people would agree with me regarding all of the above, but many should admit that once you sample a slice of cheese pizza for free, state you like it and buy the rest of that pizza, it is wrong to ask for a refund after you bought and ate the rest of the pizza which of course, did not make you sick enough to die.
I decided to update some of my opinions after listening to Esaac Israel's February 23, 2019 interesting opinions on similar matters. Prior to today, I never really heard the rules of the aforementioned section F troops as I heard them from Stone Mountain, Georgia readers.. However, I also never really had seen that there is a lawful escape clause for a couple who has not fornicated prior to their wedding and it seems both parties are free to marry a person who is satisfied with them after the very short term marriage failed. The wedding that did not lead to an E and thus, mating could not occur, thankfully never could produce children who would have been tormented in the household of an unsatisfied father.
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