I have a draft of a letter I should have received that would have been much more honest than the last hand news I received from some Christmas tree people in France. The day I post that draft I will be in a state of mind similar to Uriah when his 'King David' was trying to hide the truth from him. People who are unwilling to listen to the truth are usually INCAPABLE of speaking the truth in love to their neighbors or their family member who are no longer nearby.
The Pittsburgh Penguins the reads " Stronger Than Hate' is worth considering but if you do not hate acts of SIN, you don't know how to love your neighbor or your family. Why do the commercials for 'girls.inc' give so much exposure and free advertising to the whore in the bikini at a bus stop? The 'girlsinc.org' advertising department are scammers and hypocrites and pushers of skank images. Whoever is making those 'girlsinc,org'' ads is not really interesting in protecting anyone and their ads are morally repulsive even though VERBALLY they claim to be interested in making girls be 'safer'. Gee, actual SIN is in the middle of girlSINc after all!
I'd never pay to sit in UW-Madison's Kohl Center again, since I refuse to sit under ' Johnson 10'. As a matter of historic fact, Jeff Sauer's Men's hockey team was totally disrespected when Mark Johnson started women's hockey when it came to practice location and Jeff Sauer knew Johnson's girlie power play was an insult to his men's team. Now, the UW men's hockey team games aren't even sold out anymore! I rather pay to watch UWSP-Pointers ( Kelly O'Brien had a hat trick and his team is 23-0-2 since treating me with kindness and respect!) than to pay to sit under the anti-Sauer banner of unjustified Johnson 10. Old cold school UW Badgers Men's hockey team fans will know enough to boycott events in the Kohl Center. Johnson has no saves to his credit, Benjamin Sheets is a better '1st and Ten' legend! In times past, Jeff Sauer had aired his complaints and eventually moved on toward good works in Indian Trail, North Carolina.
As new library plans appear in Macomb, a few people know that public libraries are so full of lies and horrific, deranged fiction that it is much wiser to compile your own decent home library... and then hope to Yehuwah or your guardian Devil that your books don't get taken away by Nazi-types such as the father of Eric David Hendrikson. I hate sins that have been committed and have not been properly repented of, especially by people who have been studying the bible and singing hymns in public assemblies for more than 7 years.
Why would I bring up Eric David Hendrikson now? The last time I saw my former step-son was the day he returned my Raleigh girl's bicycle to me which he had been using without my permission. I used that bicycle very often in Michigan and because I am not a wealthy widow esteemed and not highly esteemed in the sight of my natural son, Eric David Hendrikson has come to mind. Eric's mother was often very cruel to me, and his grandparents were also very cruel to me at Fort Leonard Wood, so I had decided to try to be kind to Eric David Hendrikson. Eric smoked too much, drank too much and did not have very much courage....but there were times he chose to bicycle with me and there was even one time when he got down on his knees and prayed with me when he was only about 10 years old. Eric David Hendrikson may be very similar to my daughter-in-law in his ability to pretend or reject the ideas of extremely truthful people who have had experienced situations that Alphonse Morales has faced in or out of Milwaukee boundaries.
It is horrible when people who claim to be a religious guru such as protestant pastors, Catholic nuns, Catholic priests of messianic ministers of offense choose to lie, cheat, steal and disobey commandments, because weak naïve people trust in those hirelings until they choose to resist lies and seek a truthful leader. As I learned a new card game from Jim and Elaine Young called 'hearts', I was surprised to find that the heart cards were not trump! My friend Elaine ( who makes cookies as delicious as my mother) had worked at a Catholic church named St. Ephraim and unlike the women at Thomas More of Milwaukee County, Elaine knew some facts about the historical human who represented her past job location. I informed Elaine that I was told if I ever went back to Catholic grounds such as Thomas More that I would be arrested, since the paid Catholic representatives considered me asking questions about the person Thomas More to be bizarre while they were endorsing the strumpet Carrie Underwood. I am not going into any Catholic church again. I should not be ashamed that will not go into a Catholic mass again... the Catholic church should ashamed of the ignorance of their hirelings. If one representative of Catholicism ejects you or threatens you with arrest after they cannot even come up with the name of one biblical prophet, it is best to avoid arrest completely and go to Legion 8.
Truthful leaders sometimes are only able to lead through the words they write before they are murdered or die in loneliness, since truthfulness is not welcomed in most worldwide communities. Would a parent want their doctor to lie to them about their son's condition or about the serious side effects of Depakote? I was able to search a PDR and then decided I would rather be considered to be peculiar than to let the side of effects of man-made drugs impair me even further than man-made drugs had temporarily impaired me in the 60th century. Why would a grandmother deserve misleading information about her son and her grandson's condition after she has risked much and lost much in the process of becoming a truthful witness to what she sees and hears?
Michael Brunson might understand how a mother feels that has risked her life when the 'Christian' father of her son deserted her for a different wife, and her son then avoids her, hides the truth from her and deceives her and others while he laughs with the man he calls his' father'. The 2900 block of 12th street was a more affluent area than I lived in and had I received child support, I might not have been as swift to seek a carnal replacement for the cowardly son of Donald and Jessie Jackson, who deserted his wife and son, became a thief, sought marijuana highs and a deranged '.Michael Jackson' lifestyle with a Milwaukee disc jockey.
Nail biters might start looking like Eric Smith in Macomb county, Michigan. I haven't seen any more crossword puzzles in the Macomb Chronicle since 'Christmas Pudding' pop clues were aligned with Beyoncé's strumpet sectionals. I also am waiting for truthful 1st hand news from my son and better yet, face to face truthful news from my grandchildren, knowing full well his divorced mother is not esteemed as highly in his sight as his wealthy, widowed mother-in-law. It is not a lie but it wearies me to say I am not highly esteemed by my son and that my son highly esteems people who tell him what he wants to hear, even if it is a lie. I suspect his children have been stressed to find out that I exist and that they had been misled about who their actual grandmother is. If they feel like I do, they might be thinking of me as much as I think of them, wondering why their father kept them away from me for so long. Stress and deception leads to a lack of ease... to disease; knowing how to properly release that stress and combat deception is important.
It has been written than people who have epilepsy might do things that are bizarre. I am not an expert on epilepsy but I am an expert in a few other areas due to past lifetime experiences that no one other than me has experienced. I am actually more likely to not panic when I observe bizarre behaviors than most people. A Depakote pill, like any other pill designed to mask symptoms, is designed to prolong the status quo of an internal problem rather than reverse a condition that did not initially exist at birth. Stress can cause asthma attacks and stress can induce an epileptic seizure. I suspect my grandson is under more stress than his gentle spirit can handle in France, and all I can do is wonder why his parents would want me to pray for their son when they do not believe in nor respect the deity I cry out to, respect and try very hard to please rather than draw back from. Nevertheless, of course I will pray and have already to Yehovah regarding the safety, health and future of my grandson, Levi. Eric David Hendrikson was often a rather distressed stepson, but when he became an adult he was not afraid to return my bicycle to me after his father had stolen it from me in the course of his divorce desire. That old bike is still being used properly in my frugal, down to Armada earth, anti-drug chalk ministry. Fools often want to seek out a new and expensive replacement to things and spouses rather than repair what they chose in the past at a reasonable cost because they still value what have obviously desired in the past.
(This 'patchwork thought' process is known as 'clearing crackers' from the brain so I can have room to intake new information. What seems like a random process to others is actually a process initiated by a sudden arrival of rather discouraging news with no opportunity to directly contact the source of that discouraging news. The associated process on a typical man-made computer is called 'clearing cookies'. Some people clear their 'crackers' by painting, writing music or talking to nearby friends and family members, but this is a method that works almost as well as talking to family members who don't have any biblical advice to share and better than talking to a person or family member who has stated they do not want to get involved in any peace-making efforts. If there is too much information kept in the brain, high pressure could result in unintentional leaks of information or sudden bizarre verbal outbursts which are less socially acceptable than writing in a non-secret diary. Once this process of 'clearing crackers' from the brain is complete, 3 days of fasting and prayer is recommended, along with bodily exercise to achieve a state of spiritual equilibrium again after your personal 'Jerry Harris Titan teeter totter club' obviously had an unequal weight distribution on 1 side of your internalized football field position. )
The bear clan is an actual Indian group that is supposed to be discerning regarding law and medicine. I happen to relate very well to the concept of a 'bear clan'. A mother bear is not able to defend a cub that has defected from her turf, but she is unlikely to forget her cubs. If a person is forced to keep silent after crimes have occurred, stress increases on the victim and the criminal is allowed to roam 'free' to repeat his unlawful actions. Has it ever occurred to you or your neighborhood METV junkie that when Harold Stone and Robert Crane aligned a torn 8 of spades in an interesting old Berlin episode of 'Hogan's Heroes', there was a real lesson to be learned about how people from Milwaukee THINK during a war? It is often very difficult to know who you can trust, especially when so many people keep 'switching teams' or trading uniforms in order to survive OR in worse cases, in order to try to DECEIVE the elect 144,000 which does not mention 'Ephraim' for a bizarre, special Joseph reason. A Joseph Gabrish, a Joseph Erato,a Joseph Farina, a Joseph Jacoby or a Fandry might understand how the victim of a felony desires just scales and desires to be believed when they are courageously telling the truth, but the father of John F. Kennedy or the unholy Joseph Raczek, a child molester who died before being arrested, didn't learn how to repent or discipline their own spirit properly due to their depraved desires for evil and wicked power.
The 50 down clue happens to be related to hockey in the Macomb Chronicle puzzle I am dissecting.. I hope you have learned some truths on Mathieu Roy day,this 2nd day of the rubber tree month, since my friend Mathieu Roy had 11 assists and 2 goals. There is a bear on many of the Charlotte Checker jerseys.... not an otter and the real bears who protected the prophet Elisha didn't smoke cigarettes like Mrs. Brad (Carol) Scott.
Some architecture guru or Re/Max Taylor Street retiree group ought to inform the town of Macomb ignorant historians know that Carnegie buildings did not exist in the 21st century and were not designed until the 59th and 60th century of this world system. Egyptian slaves might have been building pyramids to house their dead in the 21st century, and Andrew Shier is wiser than Andrew Carnegie.
Was the earth created only 2000 years ago? People who claim it is the 21st century are spreading LIES. The constant of the month is 22.99 if you believe in atomic mass reports. Bad news of Milwaukee police loss again was countered by a note of real gratitude from a young Richmond General hockey player. I suppose I might hear what widower Monte Judah's series on the book of Isaiah exposes to get a Navy point of view since it has to be more reasonable and more accessible to consider than Mrs. David Snyder's point of view regarding justice, equity and strategic behaviors when being SHUNNED by those who have also rejected Moshe Ben Amram and therefore really won't ever truly believe the instructions from Yeshua AKA 'Jesus of Nazareth' from the tribe of Judah, not from the tribe of Gad.
Although I can't imagine why a man like Monte Judah would continually use the term Gad rather than Yehovah, El Elyon or the name of another son of Jacob after all the years he has been examining the Scriptures, go ahead compare the following' youtube' equations associated with his Isaiah 12TH AND 13TH SERIES presentations revolving around chapters 49 and 50:
I'd be very willing to discuss the patchwork thoughts that I have here with Mrs. David Snyder if she is willing to visit me, the other real grandmother of some of her grandmother, without GETTING PAID by a very corrupt hospital system. Is Mrs. David Snyder stronger than hate or she so comfortable in her parenting skills that she has become apathetic or worse, has she developed a seared conscience?
If you are angry with me for exposing what I think, let me know what I wrote that is not true. My thoughts might be a bit scattered today, like remnants before a quilt is constructed by another person with sewing needle skills rather than with drug-filled needle atrocities in their background work area. 'Love' won't dump a person who is sad or confused into a medical center full of strangers who are more than happy to drug their patients into a state of oblivion; even Okposo the Sabre would agree with me on that D.A.R.E. program point. I listen to the comments of strangers far more often than my son is willing to listen and try to understand me and my reasons for trying to survive with an anti-crime and anti-hypocrite standard of living.
The Buffalo Sabres organist played the theme from 'Hogan's Heroes' ….. a much better choice than playing 'Turn Down For What'. If anyone tells you that 'Slap Shot' is a good movie, they are lying and the truth is not in them.
Maybe the v_78GUs girls of YOUTUBE numerology studies out to see if this slang has any meaning:
'Hip Pa Chrissy'
There has been a time in recent Spartan history when a Chris Chelios book added to my curb appeal but then most likely got tossed onto a GFL garbage truck seat, long after Benjamin Szymanski's mother, Audrey Szymanski, undearly departed from Benjamin's Catholic father to pursue her high school 'sweetheart'. The children of David Szymanski were once a very important part of my life, but an ugly unnecessary and selfish divorce request tore their family apart about the same time my family was getting torn apart.
My son seemed to claim that the family Viking traditions have continued in his household, but I wonder if he thinks I am more like Audrey Szymanski or David Szymanski in my attempts to 'please' my former spouse. Comparison studies are done on a regular basis in sport arenas, science labs, medical facilities and tensile strength testing.
White Bear Lake proverb: 'Flesh and blood can survive longer in an igloo ice house than in a flaming fire house .'
Apostle Islander " JudasWarning:' Iscariot is actually of Israel, and woe until Esaac Israel who mocked Judas Iscariot's act of repentance and sorrow after being deceived by corrupt PRIESTS of Israel. Beware of men who refuse to keep or reveal their original name, for that is what Vatican popes and paid actresses do.'
It sometimes takes several 'hearings' to discern the spirit of a person, in or our of a courtroom. Frauds often make fewer outward errors than those who are not trying to deceive their neighbor. For instance, a fake police officer on a television show might appear to be more reliable under PRETEND comditions than a real police officer is under actual, non-contrived conditions but in reality, the fake is still a paid deceiver which. due to cowardice and greed, refuses to become a real police officer and usually frustrates REAL officers with their contrived scenarios and their outrageous incomes as fake officers. (Officer is #1413 in Strong's G=Greek system).
Lastly, let me add some non-toxic neutral zone comparisons for 'Lot's wife' sodium studies. Which 22.99 combo best represents the atomic mass state of Lot's wife in her last seen salt block head position? ( You may hum the theme from 'Jeopardy' while deciding.)
Z) Andrew McCutcheon22. WayneGretzky99
Y) Brett Hull 22 . Dan Hampton99
X) Dan Boyle22. Barbara Feldon 99
W) Steven Kariya 22. Damian Rhodes who had 99 wins
V) Black Deer trucking, which is a rare sight on I-94 south of Port Huron
I would choose V, Y or W, not X or Z. What would Kenneth Munson choose without Robert Johnson's Milwaukee Tech class of 1979 consent?
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