Counter-clockwise motion is allowed by the associates of Jordan Miller, Chicago's 301st Panini Bear.
When 8 angelic creatures gather on a hockey rink with the intent to challenge one another rather than destroy one another, it is not a miracle that 2 Oakland Grizzlies did not try to kill one female in a polar bear suit. Is it a miracle that I can remember one Grizzly had #91 on his head and another Grizzly had #88 on his head? Is it a waste of time to mention that the numbered jerseys were 5, 7, 9 and 33 and there was an unnumbered blue jersey on a hockey player that did not look like a blue ox on the ice? Is it wise to mention that #9 signed in as 'Angelo Constantine' not as 'Andy Shier' or 'Paul Kariya'? I still am rather amazed at just how polite some young men are when they allow me to participate with them during an actual hockey battle intended to improve our physical health and our state of anti-inertia. It almost comical to hear an Russian arctic scientist in the Moscow area mention that it is easier to relocate 1 or 2 polar bears than it is to relocate 50 polar bears who are scrounging for food in their open dump areas only hours after I was in Charlotte polar bear suit #33 surrounded by fast moving Grizzlies. I even had to had to hibernate for about 54 seconds inside the goalie's crease to get some rest during the marvelous 60 minute battle of good minds within non-robotic angelic bodies of people who believe in each other even if we don't believe in Allah or Planet X.
Is it a laughing matter if an image of Vladimir Putin has been seen in an SUV passenger seat rather than a cocker spaniel named 'Gorbachev' ? There following non-parable is true, but actually not a laughing matter.
I once chose a female boxer pup to 'cheer up' a family member who had suffered loss in a divorce court when he had been the 'respondent'. The female boxer was quite agile as a puppy, able to escape confinement easier than I could. The boxer puppy eventually learned to get along with a shitzu named 'Elmo', who was purchased to 'cheer up' my son, who also had suffered the loss of the cocker spaniel named 'Gorbachev' in a divorce proceeding which my son did not initiate nor cause and in which his mother was the 'respondent'. On a very bad day in my life, a German Shepard, who was NOT properly contained, invaded my family property and murdered 'Elmo' the Shitzu for no good reason at all. The owners of the German Shepard were 'motorcycle gang' types and were not really a good addition to the town of Knowlton area. I wonder what the reputation score on '' is of the owners of the former owners of that dead German Shepard now, even though I know those scores are intended to manipulate minds of 'many' and rather than save or protect anyone from the errs of the people who released those subjective scores.
It is not known if the German Shepard who invaded 1602 Mary Lane decided to first kill the tiny shtzu who was almost defenseless, before it bit my female boxer named 'Lightning' several times. 'Lightning' was never the same after she was unexpectedly attacked by the violent, improperly trained and uninvited intruder. 'Lightning's demeanor changed and eventually she died of cancer. Likewise, humans change their behavior after they are attacked and fiscally or physically assaulted by an entity that they did not invite into their turf. Cheryl L. Brown, now the current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson, is like the German Shepard who killed 'Elmo', because she came into turf and did damage to without any GOOD reason and because her 'owner' did not properly restrain her. I have heard 2nd hand reports that her former husband was in the USA military , possibly the Air Force, but that report has not been verified by me. I have also been told that the current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson was fully capable of reading and understanding the Psalms she was reading to Shane David Hendrikson during her invasion of my home.
The owners of the German Shepard got angry when Shane Hendrikson shot and killed their dog while I stood by, knowing that legally it was proper and just to kill the German Shepard that had intruded my family property and was a real danger to us while inside of one of my family's building. The unjust owners of the German Shepard only paid about $300 in damages after an appearance in a courtroom and they eventually moved out of the area.
The day that my son and the acquantances of the current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson can view her, AKA Cheryl Hendrikson AKA Cheryl L. Brown according to insurance records, as being equal in mentality to the German Shepard that killed Elmo and injured the boxer named Lightning, his perspective on what a horrible 'home invasion' is will be correct. I am now quite a bit like Lightning, the boxer, who eventually learned to love and befriend a much younger male boxer with a wonderful disposition named 'Thunder', not named 'Storm'. A better trained dog would have departed from the area he or she invaded BEFORE the owner was compelled to kill the dog that invaded her family's building and would have respected the smaller dogs that were exactly where they belonged at the time.
There are plenty of adulterous people who end their affairs in order to save their family, improve their reputation or protect their family's life; some actually stop behaving like loose dogs and become more like monogomous penguins if their animal mindset got corrected by a deity. It is the duty of a married spouse to eventually openly oppose advances from a human who is behaving like a dog and a whoremonger IF they are not anti-commandment at body, heart and mind. Sometimes a weak spouse fails before they succeed in attempts to be faithful. The USA government has succeeded in making many people believe that committing adultery or breaking marriage vows is 'acceptable' and 'legal' but the USA government does not represent the spirit of archangels such as Michael or Raphael or me in my current angelic state of mind. The USA government is openly anti-Yehovah so it has continued, like a head with a seared conscience, into a fiscal disaster, a nation with more obscene places than the surface of a hockey rink and a nation that has become such a spiritual disgrace that the good pro-commandment people that haven't died young ( proving that Billy Joel is a LIAR) are ashamed to sing the 'national anthem' and would rather listen to music without lyrics such as 'Bellavia' or 'Camel Island'.
Contrast is often more important than compliance to ignorant laws. If the melting icebergs of Greenland do not flood the shores of Nantes, France or Nags Head, North Carolina, it is because the earth IS flat and not round, so destress yourself by thinking the world is flat before you end up as stupid and unrealistic as Rhett Butler pretending to be 'Blackie Norton' at the Chicken's Ball on April 17, 1906. It doesn't really matter to me if the earth is not a sphere. If the non-Dallas stars set in the heavens have mass quantities of strontium so that they actually behave more like a solar light bulb that only lights up when it is dark, I will still marvel at their beauty in areas where too much electrical lighting hasn't diminished the ability to see an actual non-sun star in the nightime sky.
The movie 'The Magnificent Seven' with Charles Bronson was somewhat like a parable that involved people who knew something about gardening tools. The movie 'The Great Escape' with Charles also contained people who knew something about gardening tools and James Donald's role was much better than Paul Newman's adulterous behavior with a lesbian figure. The following news brief was intended to reach Pombault-Combault France, but maybe the MIlwaukee reports of Ashley Rice or Christopher Snyder overpowered the following health care center 'icy' news brief from a former wedding pianist:
Dear Richard,
Music therapy can sometimes break through a wall when nothing else can. Please listen to 2 songs from
Chicago 21', namely 'What would you do?' and 'Holdin On'. I think of you when I hear those songs. What you are about to go through with Levi is going to pull you closer, and "what would you do ' is a song that you might rethink if you stopped hearing from him or rarely heard from him. "holdin on' is a song that actually makes me think not only of you but also of the short time I spent with your children in Wisconsin Rapids. Try to let those 2 songs reach you and soften your heart. (all the songs on Chicago 21 are quite thought provoking - Chicago is one of my and Lisa's favorite musical groups).
Another police officer got killed in Milwaukee - not far from where we lived on Delaware. I'll always have a very deep connection to the people who have the courage to take the role of a copper in a community that is often full of lawlessness.
If at first we don't succeed, try and try again. I was thinking of Lightning and how she changed after she got attacked by the German Shepherd that killed Elmo. I'm a lot like Lightning in many ways. Once you lose a battle you didn't start, you change the way you approach a possible threat or actual enemy that you know very little about. I'm not giving up on trusting Yehovah; try not to give up on me, please.
I sent a cheery card to your children just before I heard about Levi's condition. It should arrive soon.
Again, have a fine anniversary.
Good Musician's Warning:
I DO NOT RECOMMEND WATCHING INDECENT MUSIC VIDEOS!!!! It also is incredibly stupid for meteorologists to keep naming winter storms ( WHAT was the idiot that started giving winter storms a 'name'? ) that are actually totally normal and very unlike a hurricane.
May Sean Hill the UW Badger, Viktor Koslov the handsome Russian and Tomas Plekanec all work in peace on their upcoming birthday, namely February 14th. I will be catering a party on that day in a non-jungle setting along the border between Canada and the USA, keeping at least 2 of those 3 people in mind and if all goes as I have planned, I will set out beef bologna sandwiches WITH cheese, 'Chicken of Driscoll' puck-shaped sandwiches, banana cream pie, lemon meringue pie and by request, peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches.
When it comes to food chains rather than gold chains, a hungry dog, a stray bear or a finicky feline would enjoy the chicken and beef table scraps that might be leftover after that party of about 20 different and very unique people who take the time to visit one another once per week.
Due to hazardous winter driving conditions south of Bad Axe, I will now non-magically peel, season and cook some of Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Janowski's tasty, slightly wrinkled "Fireside' apples, which are always a much healthier, tastier and holier investment than marijuana, Twizzlers, Snickers, Playboy cologne, ground hog products and Coca-Cola. ( I still am in my 3 days and 3 night of post-cracker clearing procedures, which sometimes must be done as carefully as actual ROOM clearing procedures still taught in the typical non-fake police academy.)
If you haven't been willing to talk peaceably with me lately and don't like what I release or what anti-violence strategies I utilize when I am angry, stressed, sad or flippant, it's not too late to try to understand each other's M.O. if we are both still alive but maybe not perfectly well yet. Don't expect past facts to disappear in the twinkling of an eye since the facts of what happened between Satan and Michael have not disappearred yet. Past facts and past experiences cause current and future behavior to be different for almost every person but believing lies is not going to improve your future behavior nor your future decisions. After all, Rodnet Weary, the former USA Marine, never claimed to be my 'daddy' but Officer Weary did have to rebuke more than one drunken Marquette University student whose absent daddy was too busy being a 'lawyer' to keep his son sober on a Milwaukee campus.
Sometimes, Rodney Weary was as quiet as a cardboard image of Russian President Putin! It clear that my writing style is not similar to Anne Frank while she was trying to survive in Europe. Ronald Quackenbush,Ramon Galaviz or Russell Kempka is probably more familiar with my writing style when I am trying to get something important accomplished.
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