Thursday, February 21, 2019

HIstory That 5 Star Civilians Might Find Interesting

5 Star Generals are usually too proud to admit their 'peace and safety' plans have been a failure. This article might be interesting to Cornell hockey players such as Charlie Cook.

As I was playing cards with 3 of my kindest friends, we had no dummy hand at the table. However, we did have one smoker who had quit smoking for ten years after a heart attack, but then only 1 cigar pulled him right back into his former addiction. I, as an asthmatic, have few options when a friend of mine has a nicotine habit. I could have quit playing cards, but the social therapy and mental strategy challenges I have playing card games is  important to my health. Instead of taking a puff of albuterol, I did the following which may have looked crazy to someone who didn't know what was going on but to everyone at our table it solved a problem.

1. I drank an extra large cup of coffee.
2. I took a Helene Curtis aloe vera deodorant stick, removed the cap and set it on the table between the smoker and me. As a result, the 'fumes' from the deodorant countered the smell of the cigarettes! Everyone at our table took a sniff of the Canadian-made deodorant, agreed it smelled good, and it remained on our table.

I asked the smoker if he would have restarted smoking if it was illegal, and he said he would have refrained from smoking. Our own USA government DOES contribute to harming it's own citizens when it legalizes that which is already known to maim, injure or kill the flesh AND not have any good benefits. The smoker may not have realized that I really do have to defend myself against asthma triggers, and  it is not my intention to be cruel to someone with a LEGAL but harmful habit in the process of trying to defend my lungs.  There are a few things that I have quit doing that I enjoyed in the past, and if I restarted that legal activity after about 10 years, I might also not want to quit.

Now, only an intelligent 5-star military mind might find today's word stack to be as interesting as an onion set:

Bennington #50 the St. Louis Blues goalie is not a pontoon boat near Chester Ulickey in Three Lakes Wisconsin and Jamie Benn the 14th is not a light #14 billiard ball and he can't substitute for Mr. Sheldon Souray, Eric Lindros or Jaromir Jagr on judgement day.

Saturday (February 23, 2019) word is 2499: a 7 year period referred to in Daniel4:16; it has taken me about 7 years to get to that word,studying the biblical words in alphabetical order. 7 x 360=2520, and in those 7 years, I have been renewed into a much healthier person than I was when I was in bondage and married to a person who didn't believe Moshe Ben Amram

Friday's words are:
1781: Dalet Yod Nun (714 total) I used to think this word was a 64-pointer, but the final N is worth 700 points. The difference between my former letter math and the current 714 is 650 points, the specific 'value' given to a pig in a Dutch auction card game, a sample of which I left behind at the UWSP ice arena next to a Coca-Cola product, knowing both were better left behind than consumed.
(Psalm 68:5) Ron Dayne is not Moshe Dayan, but the vowels are the same in both of those D names. NYD or Dyn starts out words like dynasty, Dinah and has referred to a judge designed to aid widows.

1424: Gimel Dalet Yod (17) Have you ever heard the word giddy or giddy up ir Gideon? All of those words seem to have derived from Gd, not from Cousin It.

693: This number is famous in the Mosinee, Wisconsin area and still refers to a military ambush, Arab style. Arb starts out arbitrary and a word for locusts is also known to have Aleph Resh Beit connections when a Hey is added ( word 697)

312: Aleph Chet Resh ( Acre and possible tied to the Greek word Akris, which means locusts) This word means +, not -.

I really do encourage others to try to count through a 7 year period. What if we just finished 7 years of + and are entering into 7 years of  '-' times?  For those people who are addicted to think getting halfway to a destination is good, if 20 years is the halfway point or 40 years, you are still an away team and not at home.  I am not at my final destination point, and whether it takes another 20.83 years, another 7 years or only the time needed to complete another cycle of appointed high sabbaths until the squash is harvested in Wisconsin, I really do enjoy refraining from sin far more than I enjoyed being lured into sin.

What if Mrs. Donald Trump is something like Esther? Her husband preferred a woman willing to put her body on display in front of men who were not her husband which she has done, often shamefully and has done that which Vashti did not want to do.  It is possible her presence next to Trump could prevent Russia and the USA from destroying each other, but it is the spirit of Vashti, who did not want to flaunt her beauty in front of a bunch of pagan, unholy men, that protects a woman from getting a reputation as a common showgirl on a Las Vegas stage or a shameful strumpet in a USA show intended to tempt enlisted men who were in a weakened position already.

In another book I located in a lousy public library, see if you are on any of the following pages, since some people rather be on the same page than in the same hotel room. I am pretty certain I had chosen this World War II book out while visiting the area of Calais, where the rust covered guns still do no good.

p. 118  B-17, not a photo of Andrew Brunette in ESPN gear
p. 164  Army nurses  ( pivotal Waukesha, Wisconson road #)
p. 166 Douglas air craft, not a photo of Paul D. Coffey in Philadelphia Flyers gear
p. 372 Okinawa
p. 409 Eugene Sledge Company K
p. 423 Fort Deposit, Alabama & Glenn Frazier
p. 424 Queen Elizabeth not of Hungary Feb. 20, 1946
p. 243 P-47 Thunderbolts
    Laverne Airforce Base SIOUX FALLS, SD
 A fine hockey  team in the Dixon Cup finals is better than a deadly gunfight !!
p. 245 Quentin Aanenson, not Quentin Doll
p. 262 Eugene Sledge's 5th/ Bloody nose ridge
p. 306 Ray Leopold, not Doug Gilmour
p. 312  Battle of the Bulge, not Scott Gomez and ESPN pictures
p. 388 11th armored and 8th Air Force base   388- _ _ - _ 118  ( What an interesting Brunette system!!!)
p. 356   9th Army, not a photo of Joe Sakic the 692nd Rubber Launch specialist
p. 224  Dr. George Campbell and a 100 ft. cliff site, not Peter Dylan Campbell of St. Lucia and a 'Jehovah Jirah' sticker

The gifts I choose for people I care about are much better than Brittney Spears reprobate tunes and trips to Las Vegas or Broadway shows.  It was not a random placement when I got moved from room 409 in Plymouth to room 424 and I would never want to live the lifestyle of the current wasteful  queen of England because she is an adversary and possibly a genuine enemy of Moshe Ben Amram's WORD that was made flesh.

The way each of us counters those intending to try to destroy us varies. Laura Ingalls vs. Nellie Oleson was a real battle at times. I truly miss the peaceful times playing a card game called 'War'  with my grandma Bertha Swedowski in Bevent; my memories of her and her birthday is still very important to my natural history memory bank.

At a Fran tick moment, would you trust Fran Parker of Stevens Point, Fran Tarkenton, Fran Builion or Kukla, Fran and Ollie? Ticks can be trouble. Let me conclude with Mr. Jackland spelling survey:

Ti22+Ce58=80. Isn't that TiCe and different than  Ne10+W74=84?

Could some Marine buddy of Michael Rood send him a letter informing him that God's name is Gimel Dalet and Yahweh's name is Yod+ Hey +Vav or Waw+ Hey?  Rood seems to have gone astray and only one of his own 'Semper Fi' kind might be able to correct him.  People of Biron, Wisconsin: don't be tricked by Scott Hartnell and  Scott 'Samantha' Stevens stage shows. Scott Street in Wausau is as treacherous as Stevens Street in Rhinelander when attorneys ruin the atmosphere and make a city's stench worse than paper mill emissions in Rumford, Maine.

Trump's name is Trump, Gd's name is Gd,,  and Homonstowski's name is Homontowski. The only debate should be how to pronounce a name and how to translate it from  language to another language.

Go biggest, go large or go small, Big Boy!'

'Biggest 4= Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Phanuel
Big 4: World War II history buff cocker spaniels can get stuck at Big 4 paw patrol level
Large 4: Brett Lindros, Brett Favre, Brett Hull and the stone of Yehudah
Small 4 : born in 2015, AD

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