Sunday, April 29, 2018

Please Forward to Autumn Rayne Hendrikson's Angel

Did you decorate a tree for Curtis Shayne Joseph's birthday or did you visit Santa Claus, Indiana for Jay Cutler's birthday today?

Did I get bad advice from kind neighbors?

I actually have a few kind neighbors who do not like hearing facts such as 'I hate Mother's Day', but I do not like hearing advice that I know is not appropriate for my 'hardship' case against the parents of Autumn Rayne Hendrikson. This blog has about as much impact or possibility of getting read by a concerned party as posting an ad in 'The Daily Reporter' over 15 years ago when I was required to notify Theodore Reynaud Jackson aka 'Xavier' that he had the right to contest Shane David Hendrikson becoming the paternal adopted father of our son, Richard Edwin Ortiz aka Richard Edwin Xavier.

Family members who do not have proper respect for Yehovah  or their version of 'God' are more likely to abuse one another or mistreat their fellow citizen.  People who have never experienced being hated or mistreated by their adult children do not realize that 'one way' relationships drain your energy, your spirit and never have good results.

I made it clear to some friends who suggested that I email and call my son once per week, even if I get no response. Their suggestion is totally absurd, and consider the following situations where people err in their behaviors.

1)   Does a person keep praying to a 'God' who they never seem to get any good results from or do they eventually try contacting a different diety in the hopes of getting GOOD results for their genuine efforts?

2) Trying to repeatedly contact people who clearly do not want to hear from you or see you could lead them to seek a RESTRAINING order against you, which would cause even bigger battles.

3) If a family member or former friend has been willfully and intentionally cruel to you without repentence or regret of their cruel behavior, it becomes SELF-ABUSE to desire a relationship with a person who clearly does not love you and does not even show any signs of LIKING you. Do not try to force contact with people who do not love you more too many times, especially if you have made serious efforts to improve the relationship with horrible results.

4. Sending a weekly email to a person who does not reply becomes a futile effort and it is possible the email is not even getting to the intended receiver. Sending 'private' information to an unknown source or possibly 'dead person might mean you are feeding information to a stranger or a 'computer monster'. LIkewise, leaving telephone messages that are no returned indicated the person does NOT WANT you to be part of their family and does not consider being kind to you a mandatory activity. Children who do not believe it is mandatory for them to be kind to their law-abiding parent(s) will have a problem passing a post-mortem entrance exam to the 'heaven' they think exists after death.

5. Continually trying to communicate on a weekly basis with a person, whether a doctor, a relisgious hireling, a  sibling, a parent or an adult child, who shows no sign of wanting to befriend, aid or assist you in your time of trouble is like  going in for a weekly colonoscopy. International phone calls cost money, as do doctor appointments, and weekly colonoscopy is likely to do more damage than good.
You mist face the fact that when you try reasonable ways to improve a situation and it does not improve , it sometimes becomes reasonable to do something else with people who do respond and who do care than do nothing at all and hope a miracle occurs in the life of the people who hate you,  or are intentionally hurting you by IGNORING your reasonable attempts.

6. People who do not believe in biblical truths also ignore advice such as warning a person who calims to be a 'Christian' once, warning a second time twice and if the person who claims to believe the Scriptures does not respond properly to your warnings against their sin, have nothing to do with them. It is usually easier to be patient with people who are not making the 'living' from talking about religion when they refuse to behave like real living saints.

7. If you are a companion of a person who you know is mistreating or being cruel to another family member and you do nothing to prick the conscience of the sinner, you are party to their sin. When my neighbors suggested that I email my son weekly, it was because they know it is not good for a mother to believe that her son hates her and it is not good for grandchildren to be prohibited from loving their grandparents. However, when I suggested my neighbor email my son every week, he would not SO do not suggest to another neighbor or family member what you are not willing to do on their behalf if necessary or willing to try on a 'test' basis to see if  better results are obtained by a person INDIRECTLY involved.

8. If you get horrible advice from neighbors who did not intend to get you angry, go to place like 'Carter's Canitna' in New Haven, MIchigan and let your temper diffuse while munching on tasty vegetable platter. Do not request foods difficult to digest when you already feel angry or sick and tired of unrealistic advice from others who don't believe in Yehovah's ways. This is a better option than checking into a hospital and letting anti-Christ types observe you and then drug you because you are upset for a real good reason. Share a bit of your woes with a kind waiter and you'll usually be pleasantly surprised to be treated kindly in a sad or bad situation instead of wasting money in medical facility that overcharges for everything and do not offer a refund if you do not like what they gave you or did to you.

9.  Having peace with Yehovah is often more possible than having peace with an anti-Yehovah family member or anti-Yehovah neighbor. When you resist SINNING, you will have peace with Yehovah.  Badgering people ( putting pressure on them to respond to you even if they do not like or love you) can actually be a sin because it can ignite a war.

10. If a person contacts another person once per week and the result is ALWAYS a fight that leads to jail time or fines, it is reasonable to stop communicating with the person because weekly communication did not have  GOOD results due to the sin tendency of one or both of the parties involved.  No response from a person you contact weekly, monthly or even yearly indicates they receiver of your messages does not want any sort of relationship with you, and you are better off focusing your efforts toward a different friend, your parents in order to honor them or toward neighbors and local small diners who need your business and will serve you even if you are sad.

11. It is not uncommon for a person that has been properly rebuked to flee from you forever because weak demonic spirits also flee when rebuked properly. Stronger demonic spirits often will keep repeating attacks even after getting rebuked, and in such cases you must be prepared for a serious battle.
For instance, if a rebuke a spouse that states they want a divorce and they do not want to go for counseling, you are facing a strong demonic spirit who will then attack you with a divorce request and an anti-Christ attorney.

12. If someone loves a person who is married and they keep trying to contact the married person, the spouse of the married person might threaten to divorce the person who accepts loving contact from another person. There are times when a spouse hates an in-law so much that they threaten to divorce there spouse if the in-law that loves them tries to improve the relationship. In such a case, it would be best for the married person to send a letter of regret to the person that loves tham and has been trying to communicate with them. Such a letter might state
 ' Dear sorrowful mother, 
I love you very much, but my spouse will divorce me if I love you, visit you, call you or show kindness toward you. I understand my spouse will not be in heaven and that I was deceived by her, so hopefully I will see you in heaven because I know you love me and I am hurting as much as you are because of my cruel spouse. I am sorry I did not take your advice when you warned me before I got married, and I hope you can forgive me if and when we meet face to face again. If my wife becomes a real Christian, I will call you and joyfully make arrangements to visit you. Until then, we must both try to mourn in peace and pray that our years of very painful tribulation come to and end eventually.

13.  What if a salesperson called you every week asking you to buy ' Truth Insurance" but you don't think you need 'Truth Insurance'? You would most likely get very angry, argumentative and possibly complain to the police if the calls you didn't want kept coming. An adult child that does  not believe he needs 'Truth Insurance' from a truthful parent does not want to hear what 'Truth Insurance' is and does not want to make any deals with their truthful parent, so the truthful parent eventually gives up and stops contacting the person who has rejected their idea and their 'policy'. The truthful parent is not sinning when she stops contacting her child, but she is mentally wounded by her child that does not respect nor love her , just as an unloved spouse is mentally wounded by a person who had claimed to love them previously but then stops loving their spouse.

My neighbors didn't intend to hurt me with their unbiblical advice, but some of my doctors also did not intend to hurt me by prescribing asthma medications that changed my personality and my demeanor.  This non-email is NOT done secretly and is intended to get GOOD results but won't get good results if Autumn Rayne Hendrikson's angel is demonic and that is a possibility. Of course I would like to have visitation with my grandchildren, but they are currently is the custody of parents with an anti-commandment method of operation similar to Roland Hendrikson or Linda Maria Costa so I am being denied visitation and cannot BUY time with my granchildren like a parent who pays child support usually does  by court order.

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