Sunday, April 1, 2018

Allah vs. Easter? If You Hate Facts, Don't Read This Article

'Easter' has been represented by statues of bare breasted females who are not barren. 'Easter' gatherings are typically centered around leavened bread, pork and sugars that are both potentially toxic to the human body.  Anti-Yeshua "Easter' model statues are usually of rabbits, not lions or penguins.

'Allah' has no shape or form. "Allah' approves of fasting and prayer. 'Allah' gatherings typically require proper decent attire, clean animal meats if allowed by budgeting and might include shrimp ( the scale and fin debates are good for marine biologists) and leavened bread, but not pork bologna or ham and cheese sandwiches. Some "Allah' people  have stated that the calendars from 'The Dollar Tree' are accurate.

"HVHY' gatherings help reading students go to the left, not right. Proper 'HVHY' gatherings require proper decent attire and specific holy day and holy week timing is related to lunar and agricultural cycles, not set by the Vatican, tricycles and bicycle clubs.

For those people who want to change from offense to defense of 'HVHY',  2 'happy' phrases for you to avoid that are unequal but possibly opposite  are 'Happy Easter' and 'Happy Allah'. I suggest a good verbal response to 'Happy' expressions would be 'Have an anti-Zimri decade'  or 'Good before NUN!' or some other pro-commandment statement that is not neutral and has historic anti-plague squad 50 or revived blue London topaz foundation relevance.  I am not going to argue with 'Allah' people who are typically peaceful and prayerful, since they are usually closer to actual  'HVHY' people than an 'Easter' pork roast line or the generic theories of Peter Salemi and the so-called Canadian Scottish Presbyterian Levites.

 If you say 'Happy Easter' in early spring to an Israelite or disciple of Moshe Ben Amram, it is equal to saying 'Happy Allah' to a New York City resident on September 11th every year. it is not illegal to say 'Happy Allah', 'Happy Buddha' or 'Happy Easter' in the United States BUT both of those expressions indicate you are anti-HVHY at mindset for some reason.

Clean Caleb Pudding' recipe for those who are not afraid of the unseen image of 'Allah' and who do not want to eat ' Roasted Benjamin Bunny Thighs' or 'Pondus the Penguin's Unclean Wings'

Buy a small bag of barley; give thanks to your God that some farmer decided against corn production.  If you have a food processor, dump the barley pearls into the food processor and let the sharp blades whirl around until the barley looks like course barley flour. ( Some evil Easter people obtain grain mills from saints in a sinful manners) Do not cast your good barley pearls before SWINE!

In a saucepan, heat slightly salted water to  boiling point. Stir in some of the crushed barley flour and simmer the blend until it is the consistency of a thick pudding. Pour in some goat's milk or other milk product, add some honey and continue to stir until the pudding looks good enough to EAT! I already tried this recipe and it is much better for a holy body than eating a hog brains, wolverine livers or crunchy scorpions.  You may add sliced bananas but do  not add goat kid meat to this 'anti- Acquine Jackson' pudding if you chose soothing goat's milk for the recipe like I did, and like my non-black uncolored father has done many times in the past 50 years.

Have a blessed springtime week of unleavened bread if you are letting yourself go left and correct for HVHY's sake instead of going heathen, wrong and to the right  with the ' paper watermelon trinity' of State Farm Insurance salesmen.

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