Friday, April 27, 2018

Please Forward To : Titus Estep

I attended a gathering  near St. Clair, Michigan and listened carefully to the readings after hymn #77 was sung, not by hirelings but by people who need to be lead by a strong hand toward Yehovah, not toward a Jesuit pope.  Mark chapters 3 & 4 were read and it was clear that Yeshua, whom you have named 'Jesus', was in the synagogue on the 7th day of  the week, as is proper for those who trust in Yehovah's instructions. He was challenged and ANGERED  by a group of men who did not really believe in the authority of Yehovah, rebellious men who saw no need to obey the instructions for Yehovah's people contained in the books of Moses.  Many of the men in the synagogue WITNESSED what Yeshua, a man led by Yehovah, did but they did not do as Yeshua did.

There is a trustworthy man named 'Chris Gorlech' who asked the opnion of the guests in the JW hall. He asked why people have become so independent, and after hearing from many others who were allowed to speak freely, he heard from me. I told Mr. Gorloch, whom I call 'Chris craft' when we are both working  during ice hockey therapy, that people have become independent because they do not believe 'Moses' and that the Jehovah Witnesses might be imprisoned in Russia because they have not taken the MARK that Yehovah's people must take,namely resting and gathering on the 7th day. I know many mught reject my message, but if  the St. Clair people had ears to hear, they have a choice to make.  I explained that I was speaking to them  because they my neighbors, not my enemies.  If they or any other 'Kingdom Hall' groups remain a Sunday congregation, they have taken the mark of the Vatican system, not the mark of Yehovah that they and you need in order to stop taking Yehovah's name in vain.

It does no good to accuse the 'Jews' who were next to Yeshua 2000 years ago of unbelief if you also do not believe the message delivered by Moses. Moses represented the spirit of Yehovah, not the spirit of Catholicism or liberated 'Jews' who strayed from the original texts and created their own  extra rules  or thousands of  pamphlets to hand out to others with their own ideas that are not contained in the teachings of Moses.  Consider an updated illustration of what Yeshua did after he was angered by his Jerusalem neighbors. If you lead your people to Yehovah's way of Life and they are gathered on a regular 7th day sabbath of on the Feast of Shavuot when a guest shows signs of heart failure, it will take works such as CPR to heal that man of his illness, and such works are allowed on the sabbath.  

What I did in the peaceful assembly was take a 'copper platform' approach on the 9th day of the month, which some believe is the second month and others believe is the 1st month of the calendar established for YEHOVAH"S people. If do are not interested in keeping YEHOVAH's calendar and YEHOVAH's 7 appointed times, including a full week of abstaining from unleavened bread and a full week of leaving your dwelling during the feast of Sukkot 9 Leviticus chapter 23) you ARE NOT  going to be Yehovah's true and faithful people and will be properly accused by witnesses against you, even by the Russian or Korean authorities.  No person who trusts in the name of Yehovah would eat abominations such as the flesh of swines nor the flesh of any unclean meat, yet I have seen many who claim to be 'Jehovah's Witnesses' offer pork to others; such acts are blasphemy if you believe the prophets of YEHOVAH but such acts are common if you believe the Catholic Vatican system or other anti-Yehovah rulers.

Obeying YEHOVAH's rules do not test YEHOVAH but tests the faith and the abilities of those who have had eyes to see the Word made flesh or ears to hear the instructions delivered by Moses and transported in  ARK systems for Yehovah's people.  Clean and unclean flesh was determined long before Moshe Ben Amram aligned with Yoshua and Caleb and was made clear during the days of Noah's '1 ship' naval academy.

Hitler's people imprisoned and murdered Israelites labeled 'Jews' and Gentiles in the form of Yehovah's witnesses, but some escaped death only to continue to rebel against the very obvious instructions contained in the Torah scrolls. I escaped death and hatred of a men who hated Yehovah an eventually hated me, but I do not dare to intentionally reject perfect laws such as the instructions to abstain from consumption of unclean meats. I love the instructions Yehovah gave to me and to anyone who trusts in Yehovah's name to set aide the 7th day to rest or do good emergency works and to keep the appointed times of feasts, fasting and omer counting which Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to do out of the stubbornness, not out of ignorance because they have the instructions in their version of the Bible.

I hope my words have not confused you or others like you, Mr. Titus Estep.  If the Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT obeying the rules for the people of 'Yod Hey Vav Hey', do they not deserve to suffer and be imprisoned by those who have viewed their hypocrisy?  When John the Baptist rebuked Herod, the basis for his rebuke was the laws for the people who trust in Yehovah's name, not the current laws of the state of Nevada! John the Baptist did not suffer as long as some other men, such as Joseph brother of Benjamin did and when the justified are slain by the unjustified, eventually the justified person will accuse the demon that murdered them.

It's time to go choose my lamb again, since it is the 10th day and it is not too late to keep the feast of unleavened bread if you did not join with the Michael Rood trinket sellers last month. I encourage anyone who calls says they are "Jehovah's Witness' to become Yehovah;s disciples and discipline you body by refraining from leaven from about May 1st to about May 7th, 2018 and prepare to count the 50 days toward Shavuot as prescribed by Yehovah's perfect laws of liberty if you are blessed enough to legally be obedient to Yehovah's laws on the land which you stand upon, whether it is USA or Canada or Russia you are confined to in the coming months that established by the light of the silvery moon.

Jehovah Witnesses Hymnal Song #77 is beautiful to hear if you have ears to hear, just as the new moon or the full moon of the 1st and 7th month is beautiful to see if you  have eyes to see.

In Yehovah's name,
Marie, the slow but not simple, sometimes angry, hockey daughter of the Swedowski family


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