Sunday, April 8, 2018

Messages that Might Comfort the Chaplain of the Humboldt Broncos

( You must read to this whole article to understand the battles of the living when facing a challenge.)

When a person appears competing  in an NHL game who is not a goalie and chooses to always wear a full-mask helmet (cage-type) to protect himself and his brilliant brain, nose, mouth and eyes better, you will know  the first truly intelligent person has decided to become a professional  ice hockey player.

A person intelligent enough to wear a full mask in the NHL might be laughed at by stupid fans, criticized by  greedy  dentisits or fellow union members with the mentality of a gorilla . but the non-goalie person wearing a full face mask will actually become come the best, most intelligent  person in the NHL  who understands and PRACTICES 'self defense' and will be a wonderful  role model for every person in youth hockey or adult leagues on the face of the earth!!

It will be a disgrace if the college hockey teams allow their young people to compete or practice without full face masks. If we don't do our best to protect the living warriors in hockey rinks, we will have more sorrows. The chaplain of the Humboldt Broncos was crying like a lost sheep with no shepherd, and his tears were real, not staged.  Has anyone other than suggested that those mourning call upon the name often pronounced 'YeHoVaH' in order that they might be comforted now and protected later?


When it comes to 'accidents' or injuries occurring to faces, I actually believe the words to 'O Sacred Head Now Wounded' would have been a better choice for those who suffered loss  in Humboldt to put suffering into perspective rather than 'Amazing Grace' or 'What a Friend We Have In Jesus'.

 Mark Hagemoen in Humboldt area isn't a sign of a Holy Spirit that comforts  but he typifies the spirit of a man no different than Justin Treadeau who has actually rejected the LORD named Yehovah. Hagemoen has a mark of the  beast-like rituals of torture that the unholy Roman Empire has subjected their opponents to hanging on his neck.  The spirit of Yeshua and the concept of 'Firstfruits'  wasn't mentioned by the 'various faiths' because  they  devised their own version of a god who cannot save and who is actually  anti-'Yod Hey Vav Hey'.  The hockey players remaining alive will figure out how to recover from the trauma and loss of friends named 'Xavier LaBelle' and 'Jaxon Joseph', knowing full well they probably never will have any friend named 'jesus'. The typical hockey player is able to face reality, battles an facts  much sooner than the typical anti-Yehovah preacher will ever admit he or she believed and taught lies to people he claimed to care about.

Michael Babcock's  televised words were actually better, more genuine and more true than Hagermoen's. What would I say to try to comfort those who will be burying their son? I would say the following in front of witnesses:

" If your son could return to you now , he would to show his love  for you,  but he can't now because of circumstances and a collision that you, as his parent, did not cause. Be thankful and praise the Creator of the heavens and this earth if you do not have a son  who COULD return to you, but refuses to because he is too busy showing others how he much he despises you and dishonots you while he tells his neighbors in Europe to believe in a 'Jesus' your son  has never seen....... a 'Jesus' who never fed him, never clothed him, never took him to hockey practice, never read psalms to him, never sang to him and never wiped the tears from his eyes when he was sad. "

The name of Abaddon has more power to protect you than the combination of letters  'JESUS CHRIST'.

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