Friday, April 20, 2018

Notice Details At 190 Hoover Avenue (Plover) or 5100 Hummingbird Lane(Wausau)

If you are as much against organized crime as I am,  disorganized crime sometimes is more complicated to bust up and expose.  Here are typical (bold) word games that churches affiliated with HGTV dingbats start even though they will not complete the feast of unleavened bread or Yom Kippur properly:

HGTV familiar unholy flesh name: 'Shane Grove'
Woodlands Church class subtitle in Plover, WI : 'The Grove'
 French word on teacup  received by ex-wife of Shane David Hendrikson from anti-Yehovah missionaries Rachel and Richard Hendrikson: 'The', not 'Grove'
Yehovah's actual final 4th: the letter SHIN

' Non-Gary ' 190 Hoover Avenue Woodland's version of the 'final fourth':  likely something revolving around the $ sign similar to an anti-bear clan PINK ball in a Las Vegas billiard game which is totally opposed to the 4th seal of the final justified and upright Asher unit.

 Since it is not a secret that I have scored well on IQ, SAT and other non-gymnasium tests, seeing obvious corrupt links like 'Rob Love' tapped into the Highlands church lines, noted for  Shane David Hendrikson's most unholy recent marriage act, is possible to SEE but stopping their money-scheming and extremely hypocritical momentum  is not one of my capabilities. Eventually the output of churches like Immanuel Baptist Church at 5100 Hummingbird Lane or  Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin typically is worse than a beef brisket sandwich from Arvy's and less useful than dross in the sight of an ironworker  who possibly is still in control of the gates of hell or  heaven's glockenspiel section.

Meanwhile, at the First Baptist Church of St. Clair, MIchigan, my classmates are learning about Woody  Herman's 'Leap Frog' sequences, how to spell 'FeTiSOV' without ruining an orange grove and how to remember the plagues, frogs included, when intentionally forgetting the Tennessee Titans and avoiding becoming anything like 'Eric Ganglaff'.

I am not afraid to be specific if I know the names of people I DO stand next to even though we completely disagree on the terms of 'church'.

One of the worst students in my biblical geology class is named Barbara Ashley, not Glen(n?) Beck. Do not mistake Barbara Ashley with  Barbara Simonis or Barbara Ortiz, who have both made meals for me in the past. Barbara Ashley is literate and polite, but also claims that 'the church' did not begin until Pentecost  and denied the existence of the church that existed in the house of Moshe Ben Amram when the pesach was carefully observed in the gardens of Aden, where 2 or more where gathered in _________________'s name and a serpent was in the midst of them. If her definition of 'the church' is really an  tea congregation, I still suspect tea congregations existed non-Buick centuries before Yeshua started table talking and table turnovers in Jerusalem. Barbara Ashley's church actually probably started long after Martin Luther was elerting Catholic authorities he didn't agree with them, but Barbara Ashley's church is not a church that trusts the intructions delivered by Moshe Ben Amram.  Unlike the University of Wisconsin or the Suburban Sports Group, I do not try to eject the worst students or the best opposition from my traveling biblical geology class as long as they keep paying attention or keep paying their $0.25 per class fee , which covers the cost of THE  beverages and tasty anti-starvation rations at a solid building in St. Clair Michigan.

USA Army veteran Mikell Clayton is interesting to listen to, but is Mikell really going to refuse to stand next to Glenn Beck because Glenn Beck is in a different church? Doesn't Mikell Clayton cozy up to many people who can be defined as church of Laodacea members more often than he stands next to the angel of the  Church of Philadelphia ? Does MIkell Clayton who boasts of his ability to possess and use 'firearms'  realize that Yoshua stood or will stand next to Satan according to the book of Zechariah, yet Mikell Clayton won't stand next to Glenn Beck?  Did MIkell Clayton appreciate the jacinth I gifted to his wife, or will he be as unjust as as Loran Livingston and clutch his pistol when surrounded by his opponents rather than being willing to toss a sardius their way to prove that stoning a person gently does not always lead to DEATH but can lead to a tribe affiliation?

I did not pass any stones of Israel to Rico Cortes nor to Bradford Scott , even though I did give them gifts that were not appreciated. Carol Bradford might still be clutching her chemical weapons labeled 'cigarettes' and I have no idea what the 2nd wife of Rico Cortes did with a bracelet made by one of former bosses. What I do know is that Mikell Clayton has only had ONE wife, and that makes his similar to Monte Judah.  What I also know about MIkell Clayton is that he responds better than my son when sent an email and that MIkell Clayton was neither ashamed nor afraid to stand next and spoke kindly to me in a Canadian gathering.

I've completed my 8th year of being ejected from 'wife of Shane David Hendrikson' status, but some non-church documents might make it appear as only 6 years have passed by.  Only strangers know how I was persecuted but not killed at 1003 S. 31st Street in Milwaukee for trusting in electricity and asthma drugs after I had mistreated prisoners by handing them pork bologna instead of Dumba lone knee guards so they could fast and pray during temporary incarceration. Mikell Clayton does NOT know how the state of Israel mistreated me and if you look to the west instead of the east when singing a song, it might be because you believe the earth is round. The mercy seat is to west, not the east once in the outer courts IF that is an unchangeable constant once you get past the gates of Benjamin. I am more concerned with WHO I am facing or who my rear guard is that trying to focus my eyes on the subdivisions of Robert Kraft in a state labeled Israel that is not grafted into of the scattered  Church of Philadelphia, which has a little strength they often transfer to hockey sticks designed like the letter  Nun.  Lacrosse teams don't use tools that look like the last letter of the Hebrew form of Aleph Mem Nun.

Even though it is MUCH easier to get out of Sunday Babylonian congregations than it has been to escape concentration camps in Poland if you are not employed by organized anti-Abaddon and anti-Eldad religion dealers, many unredeemed people  choose to donate to, listen to and be obedient to hirelings who have evolved into professional liars, typically labeled 'doctor', 'reverend' or 'pastor' .  Hearing historic, hockey or chemistry facts from old-age pensioners and often unpaid angels on earth does leave some people with a dumb expression for a few moments until they recover their gift of tongues.

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