Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weak Army 78's Record Error Is Terrible For Villenueva

Humans and dogs where who were trained by or who  trust in  dog tags,  Army guns and Army daggers, sometimes prove they have no spiritual or  holy Steven  Kream city sense.  Here are the problems that were created by insurance industry's own Alejandro Villanueva and some possible solutions to correct, not defend  'Army STUPIDITY in Chicago's Soldier Field':

1. Michael Tomlin should not want any of his team members to go the way of Colin Kaerpernick, just as I would never trust a imbecile like Colin Kaepernick. The Army boy of the Steelers deserted his teammates due to lack of humility. Keeping his team in the locker room wisely prevented them from becoming a 'Colin Kaepernick'.
2. Chicago is 'treason central' when it comes to mayoral decisions. What good does it do to play 'USA flag hover-round' and then not challenge the mayor of Chicago who intentionally tells people in his violent turf to break and ignore existing federal laws?
3. In most NFL stadiums, some of the most whorish females on the face fhe earth stand around in their strumpet outfits during the 'National Anthem' , which is more of an insult to decent citizens than keeping a team inside of a locker room to prevent 'Colin Kaepernick' syndrome.
4. Villenueva is an insurance salesman, as unjustified as Aaron Rodgers, not a saint.  If the Army boy would have remained with his teammates, he would have HELPED the city of Pittsburgh in similar form to Olivia DeHaviland  instead of coming out alone like Scarlett O'Hara at Ashley Wilkes birthday bash.
5. It is probably too late for Villenueva to correct the error of his way before Yom Kippur, so he might want to re-enlist in the Army or sign up to be one of the Minnesota Vikings male cheerleaders who run around their football field with flags.
6. Donald Trump is an employee, but he is not a good employee. Why didn't President Donald Trump study 'Monty Python' methods and call the whorish NFL cheerleaders 'daughters of horrible mothers' and the NFL players 'sons of a window dresser'? It is because Donald Trump  married a woman who is more like a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader than a virtuous holy woman. Mrs. Donald Trump is not even as decent as Barbara Bush, the wife of a mediocre federal employee.

Here are some good anti-'Material Girl'  suggestions to 'shut up' Donald Trump's NFL commentaries and to test the spirit of sports fans:

E) Stand up AND FACE THE CROWD, not the  USA flag, during the playing of the national anthem in all of the following NFL stadiums: Cleveland Brown, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Giants. Salute the fans if they look decent, not the 'Material Girl' types. The USA flag won't attack you from behind, but anyone who is wise at defense rather not stare at a flag in a crowded venue.
G) Coaches should suggest that men who want to pray for their nation to remain in the locker room in all stadiums that have whorish cheerleaders during the singing of the national anthem.  Tell the press that you do not want to show UNITY or support for the owners of the teams that have whorish cheerleaders. This position will clear you from being accused of being anti-USA.
B) Bowing the head is a sign you are not as smart as Gideon in testing, so suggest to your players that if they want to get on bended knee before a football game, they should either dress up like Shane Hendrikson in a Wittenberg helmet or like Slava Koslov in a Redwings helmet to avoid looking like Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson in the Minneapolis Metrodome on May 17, 1998. As soon as your non-Kaepernick move is done, you might regret bending the knee without any 'Messiah' in site.
D) Brigham Young usually has very bad ideas. For instance, clinging to an old rugged cross is a bad plan, even if Lorne Greene liked that plan on 'Bonanza'. Start thinking like Marie Xavier, formerly of MIlwaukee Squad 50 early or 'Samuri Mike' and start practicing  some good acts of the Jim Brown or Jim Baier non-gangster disciples. Remember, the United States is not part of the NFL, so why deploy active or retired military veterans inside of  only certain  business projects when the same military wouldn't defend MY former business, 'The Interiors Department, INC' from the wicked father of a wicked USA Army girl.
F) It is a civilian's duty to obey local, state and federal laws to the best of their ability. It is unwise to think that a former USA Army Ranger has better  instincts or better training than 'Lance Link, Secret Chimp'.   Michael Tomlin did not try to hold the Army boy hostage, and let him go out on his own like an anti-Michael rebel. Jerome Bettis's 'lone Steeler' entrance in Detroit was a completely better '1 man show' for a few moments in Super Bowl history.

I thought I'd use a tenor and bass lower piano staff drift for the above suggestions.

Ronnie Bass, the son of a Navy man, might have appreciated some of the works that Michael Tomlin's mother did, and Michael Tomlin loves his mother and Pittsburgh, so I do not suggest you rely on a '78' in between a 387 and a 3979, which is a dagger, not a Lamed. I love my parents and I love Milwaukee, and I do not like the lyrics to 'The Star Spangled Banner', which in fact has been sung by more liars, thieves, criminals and prostitutes than 'You've Got a Friend' by James Taylor (James and Taylor also are names of 2 different current UW Badger football players).

Biblical Hebrew Word #537 means 'weak and feeble' and is Aleph Mem Lamed Lamed. Indeed, a person is weakened when they had 2 'staffs' behind them rather than one clear Lamed in the beginning, the middle or the end of a word. There is only ONE 30th addition, a 'Lamed',  in Yod Shin Resh Aleph Lamed.  Abaddon isn't in the insurance selling business, and eventually is an OBEDIENT angel of Yehovah.

The Pittsburgh Steelers might be down and troubled by the insurance salesman on their team, but Pittsburgh still needs the Steelers more than they need an old '78' record or an ugly and uncomfortable 'Eisenhower' jacket in their closet or on their shoulders.

The Koslov family knows that NameST78 is Namestnikov, not a Street.  When audibles are 'Name Saint seventy eight', remember the hockey stick (the  final form of a Hebrew letter Nun) is better and safer for a competitive, pro-Moses society than an overload of guns in the hands of immoral people and military veterans with guns in communities where there isn't enough hatred of SINFULNESS yet.

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